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Пророчество 21 - вы Готовы К Шоку? Гавриил Затрубил В Свою Трубу!
Пророчество 44 Поднимитесь Стражи на Стене!
Пророчество 122 - Не будь побочный ребёнок так говорит ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ ЯХУШУА, тоже называемы ИИСУС ХРИСТОС, Единственный Спаситель для человечества. На Иврите, язык Библии, ЕГО Имя: ЯХУШУА ( יהושוע ) . Ето Имя значит: ЯХВЕХ (ЯХ) Спасает. Вы будете спасеные, если вы сегодня принимаете во вашем серце, как Мессия, Единственный Спаситель и Единственный Сын ЯХВЕХ, Бог Всевышный. Кроме ЯХУШУА, нет Спасителя. ЯХУШУА сказал: : "Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня" (От Иоанна 14:6). Ибо нет другого имени под небом, данного человекам, которым надлежало бы нам спастись. (Деяния 4:12) Кровь ЯХУШУА Мессия, Сына Его, очищает нас от всякого греха. (1-e Иоанна 1:7)
Только одно ИМЯ может спасти нас: ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ! Йом Кипур / День Умилостивления; AmightyWind В течение этих 10 дней благоговения, это время, когда мы размышляем о наших отношениях с ЯХУВЭХ и ЯХУШУА и о том, есть ли у нас с НИМИ отношения любви и послушания. Мы все согрешили и лишились Славы Яха, потому что нет совершенного человека, который ходил бы по лицу этой земли, кроме ЯХУШУА, нашего МАШИАХА. Даже неправильная мысль - это грех. Ортодоксальные евреи еще не верят, что Мессия пришел, поэтому у них нет кровавой жертвы во искупление своих грехов. Они отвергают ЯХУШУА, нашего МАШИАХА, как МЕССИЮ и единородного СЫНА АВВЫ ЯХУВЭХ. Это Святое время - не только время празднования, но и время великого страха для тех, кто не знает, вписано ли их имя в Книгу Жизни Агнца. Мы, кто служит и поклоняемся нашему ВОСКРЕСШЕМУ МЕССИИ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, знаем, что есть только ОДИН Ходатай перед нашим СОЗДАТЕЛЕМ ЯХУВЭХ и только ОДИН путь на Небеса через ЯХУШУА, имя нашего МАШИАХА и пролитую Кровь на Голгофе. ЯХУШУА, наш МАШИАХ, - это наша жертва крови. Нам, Мессианским Евреям, не нужно плакать и скорбеть в Йом Кипур, потому что у нас есть покрытие наших грехов, в отличие от тех, кто отверг ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА. Мы призываем вас в это Святое время стать ближе к ЯХУШУА, нашему МАШИАХУ, чем когда-либо прежде. Для вас не обязательно поститься во время Йом Кипура, как это делают ортодоксальные евреи во время траура. Если вы хотите поститься и чувствуете побуждение к посту, тогда вы можете поститься, но вы не будете поститься в трауре, как это делают ортодоксальные евреи, вы поститесь для спасения тех, кто потерян, чтобы они познали ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА, если у вас есть нужда, которую вы хотите донести до ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, вы можете вознести это в молитве к НЕМУ через свой пост. Помните, что вы также можете причащаться во время этого поста, я знаю, что традиционно ортодоксальные евреи не едят и не пьют, чтобы наказать тело, мы не наказываем наши тела, если ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ побуждает вас поститься, и ваше здоровье может справиться с этим, вы поститесь, чтобы приблизиться к ЯХУШУА, ходатайствовать за тех, кто нуждается в спасении. Пожалуйста, используйте это время, чтобы исследовать свои сердца и приблизиться к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ. Если вы отступили и хотите вернуться к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, сейчас ваше время, сегодня день спасения, потому что завтра может быть слишком поздно. Исаия 53:4-12 4 Но Он взял наши немощи и понес наши скорби. Мы же думали: разит Его Бог бьет Его — вот Он и мучается. 5 А Он был изранен за наши грехи, сокрушаем за наши беззакония; Он понес наказание, чтобы мы получили мир, и ранами Его мы исцелились. 6 Все мы, как овцы, сбились с пути, каждый из нас пошел своей дорогой, но на Него Господь возложил все грехи наши. 7 Он был угнетаем и мучим, но уст Своих не открывал. Как ягненок, Он был веден на заклание, и как овца перед стригущими безмолвна, так и Он не открывал уст Своих. 8 Он был схвачен и несправедливо судим. Кто может рассказать о Его потомках? Ведь Он был отторгнут от земли живых; за преступления Моего народа был поражен. 9 Могилу Ему отвели с нечестивыми, но в Своей смерти Он был с богатым, хотя Он не совершал преступлений, и в устах Его не было никакой лжи. 10 Но Господу было угодно сокрушить Его и предать мучению. Когда Его жизнь станет приношением за грех, Он увидит Свое потомство и продлит Свои дни; и преуспеет через Него воля Господня. 11 После страданий Своих Он увидит свет и порадуется. Через познание Его Мой праведный Слуга многих оправдает и понесет их грехи. 12 Поэтому Я дам Ему удел с великими, и добычу разделит Он с сильными, потому что жизнь Свою предал на смерть и был причислен к преступникам, тогда как Он понес грех многих и за преступников ходатайствовал. Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать Молитву Спасения и помолитесь вместе со мной. Если вы все-таки решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста, напишите мне, чтобы я знала, чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.
Prophecy 77 - Behold I YAHUVEH Send You Forth With a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churchs! "Teach them MY Daughter, teach them. You have a burden for the Pentecostals for I saved you in a Pentecostal Church. I anointed you in a Pentecostal Church. I filled you with MY precious RUACH ha KODESH where you received the Holy Tongues that is where I gave you the desire to serve ME all the days of your life. Now I ask you to repay. You say you are angry because the Pentecostal Churches did not teach you the Jewishness of your Messiah, the keeping of the Holy Sabbaths, the keeping of the Holy Feasts. Then you teach them. This is why I sent you forth to this land, to this State, to where you said you did not want to go. But I tell you that an anointing is coming greater than any of the other Azusa's for I sent you forth to the Pentecostal Churches, for how can they obey what they do not know. Thus far you have only said you are Messianic Jewish, so the Pentecostals barely come except those that I send one by one. Now I send you forth, this is the New Birth. I send you forth to teach them, I send you forth to anoint them, I send you forth into the Pentecostal Churches where you said. "I am not going into a Sunday Church anymore." Oh, but now is the time and now is the season I send you forth with an anointing like you have never known before so they will not have any excuse when they stand before ME and say, "No one told me." For I know their hearts, I know the hearts of those that truly worship and praise ME, they are as your heart and they say, "No one told us." So I send you forth to tell them."
Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth! Erez Yotam calls himself Prophet Ezra from Israel, but his single solitary prophecy did not come to pass as no 3 Days & Nights of Darkness happened last Passover 2019. He refuses to publicly apologize to the people whose faith was harmed, lost their jobs and locked themselves within their houses for 7-14 days thinking that all their loves ones were going to get killed. He has also not repented for turning his back on his wife Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu and not having spoken to her for 6+ months during which he has sought to destroy AmightyWind Ministry. Erez Yotam is an unrepentant, cowardly and egotistical maniac. Despite all of this, you will find out in this video that there is another side to this man whom we call the anointed Caleb – the one who was prophesied of through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu in Prophecy 94. The anointed Caleb within this man is the one we fight & pray for to rise up. The fallen angels surrounding him turned this man into a golden calf; a God to be worshipped. He is under their MK Ultra Mind Control combined with the deepest forms of the occult. We are praying & fighting to set this man free we are appealing to the Caleb within him. These enemies have his sins recorded on cam & blackmail him if he would want to reunite with his wife Elisheva Eliyahu. We assure Caleb we don’t care about the dirt they have on him. Come out from them, repent and turn away from your wickedness, and YAHUSHUA will forgive you & wash all your sins away with HIS blood. Your wife Elisheva will receive you back and forgive you, we all will receive you back and forgive you! However Erez cannot use the excuse of mind control for everything that he has intentionally done and allowed. He has been warned in the strongest Prophetic Word of rebuke through Elisheva that he is one toe away from total blasphemy and losing his soul. After his false prophecy Erez has Donovan Todd, one of his cult followers publicly make the Nineveh excuses for him saying that the world has repented like in the times of Jonah. In this video we show how ridiculous that is and what liars they are. They try to hide the countless false predictions they came up with for Passover week 2019. We have everything documented what they spoke & how they violently threatened everyone’s lives in the name of their false goddess “Uriyah” (goddess of urine as urea is a component of urine, and Ourea comes from Greek mythology) as they blasphemously add a 4th person to the HOLY TRINITY. Distinguish Erez Yotam from the anointed Caleb. This man is two in one body and those surrounding him are seeking to kill the anointed Caleb within him. Erez and Caleb are not the same man. However Caleb must rise up, take control and stop the evil side of Erez. Erez Yotam should call himself the lying narcissist from Israel – it would have prevented Israeli government to have their eyes on this man. He brings shame to an entire nation – proclaiming himself to be THE prophet of Israel, and the actual King of Jerusalem. Israel will not accept this shame & are looking to harm this man. Elisheva Eliyahu has warned him repeatedly of this. Erez actually proclaims to be God Almighty in the flesh: equal unto YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as revealed in the false prophecies of his minions. They compare his birth to YAHUSHUA’S & proclaim he has the DNA of YAHUVEH (GOD the FATHER). This man and his satanic sex cult have openly threatened the world with nukes & that he would come back with a sword to destroy entire nations after he would be raptured to heaven during last Passover. They are now known as a terrorist group. Not a single prediction of theirs came to pass on Passover, they prophesied that Elisheva & all of us would die. 3 different counties are investigating Erez & an order of protection was brought against them for violently threatening AmightyWind members. They try to hide what they have all really stated, threatened & falsely prophesied. We have the evidence and DEMAND Erez to publicly weep & wail before the people for his sins, just as YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & the RUACH HA KODESH have warned him through his wife Elisheva Eliyahu he MUST do in order to be forgiven & cleansed once again with the Blood of YAHUSHUA. Elisheva has reached out to him with warnings & pleads for his soul. If Caleb does not repent quickly & turn back to YAHUSHUA he WILL lose his soul and go to hell. Come back Caleb to the truth & humble yourself before the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & the RUACH HA KODESH WHOM you have greatly hurt & offended. *Because of the spiritual danger do NOT go to Ezra's website or channel, this is a Thus Saith YAHUSHUA. If you go to these fallen angels' cyber space your IP address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel & other nations they've threatened.
Prophetic Dream - The UFOs are coming What will you do I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the Blue Beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
The False BlueBeam Rapture Some Christians have been deceived to believe that they will never see the antichrist, as they would be raptured to Heaven before he appears. The Bible states that he will appear before the Day of the LORD, also known as, the Great Tribulation (2 Thess 2). The purpose of this video is to expose the enemy's plan to counterfeit the event, which is commonly known as the rapture. This False Blue Beam Rapture (among other things) will be used to set the stage for the man of lawlessness, and it will happen before the real rapture of YAHUSHUA's Bride. This video is for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ABBA YAHUVEH, HIS SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT).
StandUpForYAH03 - Sing Over Me Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Prophecy 143 - An Ending Becomes a New Beginning! | Purim Prophecy Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu is also the leader of the Asian branch / congregation of AmightyWind Ministry - appointed by YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. During a 15 hour long meeting with many precious Asian people (as shown in this video) who are blessed by this Ministry and the Prophetic Words and Revelations that led them to YAHUSHUA of Calvary for salvation, Apostle Elisheva celebrated the Holy Feast of Purim with them, ministered and prayed with them and received a Prophetic Word from ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH! This video contains the Purim Prophecy in which THE HOLY TRINITY speak to THEIR beloved Asian Congregation, and reveals more about Ezra Caleb's rebellion and his need for repentance. The question at this time is, will he repent and turn away from his sins - allowing the good and holy anointed man (Caleb) in him to come forth and stand right by Elisheva's side feeling honored to be a Co-Leader? Or will he continue on in rebellion and idolatry and YAH will bring forth Elisheva Eliyahu's anointed Caleb in another man? Time will tell, and YAHUVEH already knows. Be blessed all beloveds who are a blessing to YAH'S AmightyWind Ministry that has reached millions of souls for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) for 25 years online.
Prophecy 93 - 2008 Will be a War Like None Other Against the False Prophets You shall shout it from the housetops. You shall shout it from the internet. First I show you and I expose the one called Sherry Shriner as a false prophet, as an alien and now I show you Linda Newkirk who has crossed the line and can no longer even use the excuse of insanity. She dares call herself the Queen of Heaven? Even the spirit of insanity has no excuse before ME! Linda Newkirk, you have committed BLASPHEMY! No excuse for your mental health! This Ministry. This Minister. This Prophet. This Ringmaiden of MINE has not lied! She warned you ahead of time, do not listen to the lies of Kenneth Copeland! Do not listen to the lies of Choo Thomas! Do not listen to the lies of Shelby Corbitt! Do not listen to the lies of Sherry Shriner! And now she adds, do not listen to the lies of Linda Newkirk! The false prophets are lining up and they are doing battle with MY true Holy Prophets! And it shall be like a war like no other! Kim Clement, you are a liar! Rick Joyner, you are the spawn of satan! This is only the beginning! 2008 shall be a war like none other! As I call forth this Ringmaiden, as I called forth Elijah of Old. Fire! Fire! Fire! Shall fall on the prophets of Baal! You False Prophets prophesy out of satan's mouth! For YAHUVEH is not a YAHUVEH that will lie. Away from ME you date setters! Is it any wonder when YAHUSHUA comes how few will have faith left? Virginia Arnke, you do not speak forth MY Words! Away from ME! For you have grieved ME! Beware, beware, beware oh Holy Little Ones. Test, test, test the spirit that speaks for satan is out after your souls. Orgone cannot protect you. I have spoken forth from this Ringmaiden's mouth. I have exposed this lie. It draws the evil! It does not repel the evil. Now they're getting tricky. Because they want to confuse the innocent so they take this ministry of Amightywind and they twist the Words within. I prophecied, I warned in advance, do not set your hearts on the words that Shelby Corbitt says. What started out as innocent deception became an outright lie now motivated by the word pride. Christmas came and went. YAHUSHUA was not sent. Where are the Holy holding these prophets who prophesied (accountable). Where are the Holy and calling it what it is and it is a lie. Oh, but the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Your fastings combined with your support and your love, your Jericho Marches , the sacrifice of your hour time. All of you, all of you , all of you who have done this, great, great, great blessings have been reserved for you. You are as a shield, a Holy golden shield and I use you and the shield drips with the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Name is inscribed in the shield of YAHUSHUA and I have ordained you to be Demon Stompers for ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I, the Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your MOMMA SHKHINYAH, your MOMMA WISDOM, the ONE you call the HOLY SPIRIT, WE love you so much. Great, great, great are your blessings not only in Heaven but right here on earth. You shall have a protection, an orb is literally put over you and you are protected as long as you don't allow sin to enter in for is it not written, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy?" Greater am I that is in you than any temptation that is in the world! It is your choice
Pentecost = Jewish Shavuot, birth of Judaism + Church This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 - basic overview on the origins and an explanation on this Biblical, Jewish holiday, holy day. Biblical Names of Pentecost/Shavuot: o Chag Shavuot (The Festival of Weeks); Exodus 34:22; Deut. 16:10 o Chag Hakatzir (The festival of the Harvest) Exodus 23:16 o Yom Habikkurim (The Day of First Fruits) Num. 28:26 (not the festival of First Fruits as given in Lev. 23:9-12. Bikkurei Ketzir Chittim (The first fruits of the wheat harvest) Exodus 34:22 o Yom HaKahal (The Day of Assembly) Deut. 18:16 Z'man Mattan Torateinu - The season of the giving of the Torah Giving of the HOLY SPIRIT • Mount Sinai Judaism was born- Mount Zion the church was born when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the followers of the Mashiach Messiah.
Prophecy 133 - Prophetic Starving Baby Dream Please help me sound the shofar horn of warning! If your pastors won't listen, then you are held accountable to speak out anyway! I have such a urgency in my spirit! I had a vivid dream and the only reason I share it with you is not to cause fear, but rather to ask your prayers that this dream will NOT come to pass! GOD YAHUVEH speaks to us in visions dreams and revelations as well as prophetically. Only the fervent prayers of the righteous will stop this dream from becoming a nightmare. Please share with others, and ask your church to get on their faces and repent and ask for mercy on America once again! If the churches or pastors refuse, then YOU start prayer groups and intercede. This is URGENT! How can I not care? Is this America I am seeing? The country will be hit twice when least expected. We have powerful military protection but only GOD YAHUVEH will be able to stop or hinder what the devil wants to do and only the fervent prayers of the righteous ones will hinder or stop this! We must care. How many unsaved do you know?
Ablewaterwalker - Gospel Songs 2 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Prophetic Dream - Population control So this is a new way they're going to be doing population control and I woke up and I called YAHSLittleOne and I told her as I'm so sleep and I said this is what my dream was and I was shocked and she said, "This sounds like a movie I just saw about Ellis Island and it's a true story, when the immigrants were brought over and they were tested. One of their tests was to see if they could go up and down stairs, to see how healthy they are to see their age. I said, "What happens to the immigrants that didn't pass?" And she said she didn't know. I said, "No, I never even heard of such a thing." Well, that a new way governments going to be ... don't have to worry about the health care bill, they're pretty much going to do away with anybody who isn't agile, isn't fit and they were all the same size in this huge city surrounded, I don't know if it was like New York or what it was. Man, there were so many people though when I was walking through crowds so it's a huge city that I was in and they were all the same size -- I don't want to say they were all the same size. The women just looked alike and they all wore very short skirts. Even though in the dream I wore a very short skirt I wasn't going to do that other side of the stairs and I really knew I couldn't do the other side of the stairs anymore. I could have but I would have been pushing it and I wasn't about to. Is that what the G.T. (Great Tribulation) is going to be like? I don't know. I don't know what this dream was but it's not anything to look forward to in the future.
YAHs paul - 如鹿渴慕溪水(As The Deer) © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Prophecy 20 - Beware Of Horror Of New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come
Пророчество 102 - Это Просто Вопрос Времени Отрывки Пророчества: Ободрись, МОЯ драгоценная Невеста. Вы увидите как эти враги падают. Я предупреждаю вас, МОЯ драгоценная Невеста, ваши злейшие враги будут найдены среди ваших домашних. [Мф 10:36] Те, кто не отдали свою жизнь и свою любовь МНЕ, те, кто не поставил МЕНЯ на первое место в своей жизни и в своей любви, те, кто отказывается верить Истинам в Священных Писаниях, те, кто отказывается признать, что есть только один путь на Небеса через МОЕ Имя и пролитую Кровь, те, кто отказывается верить, что есть ад, чтобы платить за последствия нераскаявшегося греха. Ваш злейший враг будет найден среди ваших домашних ибо они являются теми, кто может причинить наибольшую боль. Вот почему Я приношу МОЙ разделяющий меч! В этом нет ничего нового. Прочитайте Слово. [Мф 10:34-39] Я защищаю вас ибо наступает день, и это просто вопрос времени, что те, кого вы считаете вашими близкими, предадут вас, отдадут вас под суд законам страны, отзовутся на вознаграждение назначенное за вашу поимку, когда они спросят: “Где они?” (...) О, как сильно Я люблю вас. Как вы с нетерпением ждете, чтобы Я пришел, насколько больше Я с нетерпением жду, чтобы прийти к вам! Я ловлю каждую из ваших слезинок. Когда вы взываете ко МНЕ, потому что вас преследуют, флаконы сохраняются здесь на Небесах, и Я ловлю каждую из ваших слезинок! Золотые флаконы, украшенные драгоценными камнями, и каждый из вас имеет различный флакон. У каждого есть разнообразная красота. Это зависит от страданий, которое вы потерпели ради МЕНЯ, насколько вы были готовы подвергаться преследованиям, называться всякого рода злыми именами, насколько вы пострадали и были готовы сделать это ради МОЕЙ Славы. Вот насколько красив ваш флакон. Как много вы пожертвовали ради МЕНЯ. Как те из вас, кто отдал вашу последнюю лепту вдовы этому Служительству, разве вы не понимаете? Ничто не было потрачено впустую.
2023 圣灵全能风事工29周年庆祝 第 2 部分 !又一年的祝福奇迹和胜利!!! (繁)
Wont You Come Home Caleb - Amightywind Original Song Caleb, we are waiting for you to come forth and come home in YAHUSHUA's name. You were called for a purpose.