
Can you Handle the Truth Part 2 - Corrupting the Human DNA (As it was in the Days of Noah)
All you need to know about the corrupting of the Human DNA, Vaccines and what is in it, Blue Beam & 7D Holograms, Deep Fake, CGI, Transhumanism, the use of colors and all what they show you in the movies and Tell-a-vision.

The First Book of Esdras
A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts.
Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows.
Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.

Amightywind is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH
I testify that Amightywind Ministry is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH,
KODESH. I testify that Prophet Elisabeth Elijah is a true Prophet of
GOD and a holy woman of GOD, our brave, sincere, faithful and truthful
servant of GOD - called by GOD HIMSELF an 'Apostle, the Elijah of New',
the 'Ringmaiden'. I testify that the Prophecies are very important End
Times Prophecies from GOD to all humanity, to the Bride of YAHUSHUA.
Praise, glory and honor be to our GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

這異像和這首歌是賜給 猶太使徒和先知 以莉莎法.以利亞呼
這首歌不是一首美麗的歌, 這首歌的歌詞,是你想要忘記的。
警告他們, 唯一能脫逃地獄的方法是
那裡...... 地獄那裡沒有演奏得好的音樂家。
在地獄裡, 現在他們只能演奏走調的音樂。
由一個真實的人, 一個地獄裡的公民唱著。
從來沒有返回到耶穌基督/ 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的救贖恩典。
錄音的結尾處有更多詳述 關於這首歌是怎麼來的。
如果有一天你指責我 把你嚇進了天國,
那麼我不得不說, 主亞哈威的聖名是應當稱頌的。
Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

The Second Book of Esdras
A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts.
Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows.
Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.

Book Of Enoch - The Watchers
A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts.
Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows.
Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.

Ezra and Elisheva Love and Appreciation Video
To all who count AmightyWind Prophetic Ministry worthy of support in
finances and prayers. We look forward to meeting you in Heaven, where
our true rewards await us all!

Book Of Enoch - The Parables
A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts.
Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows.
Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.