
Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed
Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed Amightywind Ministries 58 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed

⁣For the cause of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the Truth we are battling a network of satanists disguised as Christians on YouTube. In the Anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit we expose, rebuke and reprove the enemies of GOD who have targeted AmightyWind Ministry and our Pastor Elisabeth Elijah for harassment, character assassination and defamation. In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name we battle the bride of satan who are planted in the midst of the Christian community to sow lies, confuse and deceive the people. They are mainly targeting lukewarm Christians and new converts for recruitment, teaching them by example to twist the Word of GOD and use it as a weapon against AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah who is "yahsladynred on YouTube and to provoke GOD Almighty through blaspheming what they don't even understand. Please visit our main channels; yahsladynred, YAHSLittleOne, ablewaterwalker, YAHSservant777, yahsservant007, jarofclay9, YAHSsheep777, TrustYAH777, YAHsHolyMinistry, Lawkeeper101, WeepingLambofYAH, YAHUSHUASFIRE, DaughterofYAH27, EFESIOSSEISDIEZ, Reuven0725, YTforYAHUSHUA, native0083, he4rtofflesh, atyahushuasfeet7, Abbasbeeloved, superprayer777, chos3n23, VictoryinYAHUSHUA777, 4theTruth100, Daughterofdestiny100, yahschild144,vinnyhb2, seekYAHUSHUA and more to be blessed with the Truth, Testimonies for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Glory and the Prophecies that were spoken by ABBA YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (yahsladynred).
The following YouTube usernames are enemies of all that is good and Holy, and consist of satanists, occultists, witches and character assassins posing as Christians that have targeted AmightyWind Ministry with senseless assaults, horrendous propaganda, hate campaigns, slanderous lies and harassment: Pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq, Bruce Brickner, tjbrook88 aka Karen aka Connie, DRusseII aka Darlene Russell, savedbyjesusblood aka jesuslovesroger, Nephtali1981 aka taliforgod, MLove4Christ aka Molly Love, violetkitty411, pothead ThickShades, marijuana addict ThickShadesResponse, satanist ThickShadesRaw, stalker ThickShades0, troll ThickShadescom, harasser ThickShades1 aka dohmightywind aka lomightywind aka lolmightywind aka duhmightywind, shockofchrist, lostandfoundher, KECOG, lacybunny, TheKathleenBean aka wisdomhunter93, donny71954, crosswayokc, troll mimicaxresurrected, stalker mimicabastardos, harasser ytguiltyconscience, gluteusilluminatus aka theglutesofwrath aka theglutesoflove, inventorgorilla, Ashley Dakota... these are all enemies of YAH. Please do not visit their channels or watch their videos for your own spiritual wellbeing as these people are demonized and driven by satan to attack AmightyWind/AlmightyWind Ministry.

Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures
Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures Amightywind Ministries 148 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures

⁣Thus saith YAHUVEH; MY beloved whom I treasure like no other
treasure you have on earth. I see your pain. It is deep wracking pain
for you are so misunderstood. How can people not of MY Spirit feel your
pain or see what I have shown you or told you? Would they not have also
called John the Baptist insane? Would they not have also sought to
tranquilize him for his behavior and Elijah, Jeremiah and all MY
Prophets? Think what would this modern day world that shuts out the
voice of Almighty YAHUVEH do with these prophets of old?

You are
like a Jonah being sent to Ninevah and how few have listened or heard
MY warnings. But they shall see as what I have spoken through you will
come to pass. Think not it strange for those you think are saved, are
they truly? Do you really know their hearts, those that inflict great
gaping wounds in your soul? I have not sent them to torment you for you
are MY beloved treasure.

Lean not unto thy own understanding but
acknowledge ME and I will direct thy paths. Trust not anyone except
those you know you can hear MY voice from. Do nothing unless I give you
perfect peace that passes all understanding. I have not forsaken you nor
will I ever. I am your first love; all others are second to the
Almighty God YAHUVEH you serve. Keep telling of MY mercies and love but
warn of MY wrath and vengeance and coming doom if they don't turn from
their wicked ways and apply the Blood shed for them at Calvary, washing
away every stench of sin and turning away from them.

These vices
you have used as a crutch but I am going to deliver you from anything
you feel you need to bring you peace and comfort for I am all you need.
I, YAHUVEH, am sufficient in all things. But everything has a time and a
season and I will not put on you more than you can bear. Yes MY beloved
you have suffered for MY Namesake. Yes you have been called mentally
ill but those that call you these names are spiritually ill! You weep
but they are MY tears. You sigh but it is MY sighing. You grieve but it
is MY grief. Those that say they love you know not the true meaning of
love or they would understand this. Do not judge them harshly for they
are doing the best they can do with the spirits inside of them.

too shall pass though it seems the rivers of despair are overflowing MY
Beloved. This too shall pass. You shall rejoice once again. Your life
is not over. It has just begun. Miracles are just around the corner. Why
do you think satan tells you to give up now. You have fought this long
don't give up now.

THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!!
THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!! Amightywind Ministries 178 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!!

The world has long recognized the positive applications of social
media, from its role in empowering protesters to speak out against
oppression during the Arab Spring uprisings almost a decade ago, to
serving an instrumental role in fighting for equity and justice today.
And in 2020, during an astonishing global pandemic, social media has
become our lifeline to stay in touch with loved ones, as well as proving
to be an asset for mobilizing civil rights protests. However, the
system that connects us also invisibly controls us. The collective lack
of understanding about how these platforms actually operate has led to
hidden and often harmful consequences to society—consequences that are
becoming more and more evident over time, and consequences that, the
subjects in The Social Dilemma suggest, are an existential threat to

The Social Dilemma is a powerful exploration of the
disproportionate impact that a relatively small number of engineers in
Silicon Valley have over the way we think, act, and live our lives. The
film deftly tackles an underlying cause of our viral conspiracy
theories, teenage mental health issues, rampant misinformation and
political polarization, and makes these issues visceral, understandable,
and urgent. Through a unique combination of documentary investigation
and entertaining narrative drama, award-winning filmmakers Jeff Orlowski
(Chasing Ice, Chasing Coral) and Larissa Rhodes (Chasing Coral) have
once again exposed the invisible in a manner that is both enlightening
and harrowing as they disrupt the disrupters by unveiling the hidden
machinations behind everyone’s favorite social media and search

The film features compelling interviews with
high-profile tech whistleblowers and innovation leaders including
Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology; the co-inventor of
the Facebook “Like” button, Justin Rosenstein; Tim Kendall, former
President of Pinterest and former Director of Monetization at Facebook;
Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction; Rashida Richardson,
Director of Policy at the AI Now Institute, and many others.
Demonstrating how social media affects consumers on a personal level,
these fascinating insider insights are seamlessly woven into a
captivating narrative, including Vincent Kartheiser (Mad Men), that
illuminates the very real consequences these seemingly innocent
technologies can have on our everyday lives.

Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH
Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH Amightywind Ministries 159 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH

Proverbs 6:27
Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? (NLT)
Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? (HSCB)

Deuteronomy 23:10 (WYC)
10 If a man is among you, that is defouled in his night sleep, he shall go
out of your tents; and he shall not turn again (If there is a man among
you, who is defiled during his night’s sleep, he shall go away from
your tents; and he shall not return)

Genesis 38:8-10 (also see Dt 25:5-6)
8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy [deceased] brother's wife, and
marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the
seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his
brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should
give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased YAHUVEH:
wherefore HE slew him also.

"...Now remember MY sons before you [could] say you didn’t know but now you’ll
have no excuse. When this happens and you are at home, have that Bible
nearby when your body tries to overrule your mind and ask ME for a
Scripture. Rebuke satan!

Remember, and this is I YAHUSHUA, if you
are still on this earth at this time I have a very special woman
waiting for you. So do not succumb to the lust of the flesh now. Learn
what Dad Ezra and Elisheva is learning: I still gave them the
instructions that the body is always last. Two meetings and joining of a
body does not mean a marriage will last. So focus on that which is
spiritual for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Mt 26:14; Mk

MY sons I promise you it will get easier if you just take
the first step of obedience. And you have a Dad Ezra who will
understand and pray for you...."

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