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Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming This is a Prophetic End Time Warning Dream given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah: October 3, 2011. I've been having many prophetic dreams lately. (...) I firmly believe, from everything I've heard of people who've had to be martyred because they love YAHUSHUA, the one called JESUS CHRIST and I believe with all my heart that they don't suffer, from the testimonies I have heard, that the devil will not have the satisfaction. I believe with all my heart and I want to encourage people. This dream... and they were back to back and they were similar and yet you'll hear, it was about martyrdom. It's so close now people. If you're afraid to stand up now and defend YAHUSHUA and defend Holiness and defend others who are preaching Holiness and you're afraid of just having a bad word spoken about you or on YouTube to have a sub or a friend, that you'll never see, drop you, what are going to do? I'm talking about those calling themselves "born again" Christians. What are you going to do when they're going to come to you, the governments of this world, and they're going to say, "This is your new god. I demand and the law demands that you worship this new god, this leader of the world, or we're going to chop your head off or we're going to chop your body parts off or we're going to make you suffer untold agony; you're not going to have any food anymore; you're going to do when you see your family starve, your children starve if you don't worship the one that we call god and give up the one you worship, the one you call 'YAHUSHUA', the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have a new god now and if you don't accept him and you don't carry the mark and if you don't gather together and worship on a mandatory Sunday, this is what's going to happen to you." What are you going to do people? You're cowards now, ok? And the Bible says in the book of Revelations thatcowards are not going to go to Heaven. [Rev. 21:8] Do you know why? Because they're going to sell YAHUSHUA out!
Prophecy 28 - Are You One of MY Hidden Ones "I am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of sacrifice. What I return to you is meant for a blessing, what I remove you were not meant to have, for it will only harm you. I am a good God. I am your Heavenly Father and I watch carefully over those that cry out to ME to speak to them, show them what to do, when to do it, where to go. Don't think for one moment your prayers have not been heard. It merely is not yet the time to speak forth the answers. I am waiting, as you wait, patiently I wait as each day more souls are turning toward YAHUSHUA as their deliverer and redeemer. I cannot wait too much longer for the enemy is planning on launching an attack worldwide at the same time. I will not allow MY Children who listen to MY voice to be deceived. Listen closely to the enemies' voice and you will see when you hear it on all airwaves this is not the voice of your Creator and Savior! Listen close and watch the eyes as they speak, listen not with your physical ears only, but use your spiritual ears, and see not with your physical eyes, but ask the RUACH ha KODESH to show you with your spiritual eyes."
Profetie 125 - De Elite van satan en de Bloedmaan van 27 September Wanneer de bloedmaan vannacht gebeurt – ik hoor – “grote geestelijke aanval.” Maar ABBA YAH in de Naam van YAHUSHUA, wij zijn bedekt in het Vergoten Bloed van YAHUSHUA. Wij staan op Psalm 91. Wij zijn verborgen onder de beschutting van UW Vleugels. Ik had een droom dat mijn man de ramen moest bedekken, en toen we dit in gebed namen hoorde ik: “Maar er zekerheid van dat de ramen bedekt met een bedekking. Maak er zekerheid van dat ze dicht zijn.” En ik spreek dit alleen tot de Heiligen, omdat de onheiligen – diegenen die YAHUSHUA niet navolgen, dit zal jullie niet helpen – maar voor diegenen die YAHUSHUA echt navolgen, YAHUSHUA DIE sommigen JEZUS CHRISTUS noemen, en jullie zijn in gehoorzaamheid aan HEM, wees er zeker van dat jullie die ramen zalven, omdat ik “grote geestelijke aanval” hoorde. Wanneer dit gebeurt met de maan en de verduistering, en het ziet eruit alsof het rood is, dan moeten we bidden. Ik hoor dat hierna, “de onmenselijkheid van de mens op zal staan” op nieuwe manieren...
Project Bluebeam Seatle new Year 2022
Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH Proverbs 6:27 Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? (NLT) Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? (HSCB) Deuteronomy 23:10 (WYC) 10 If a man is among you, that is defouled in his night sleep, he shall go out of your tents; and he shall not turn again (If there is a man among you, who is defiled during his night’s sleep, he shall go away from your tents; and he shall not return) Genesis 38:8-10 (also see Dt 25:5-6) 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy [deceased] brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased YAHUVEH: wherefore HE slew him also. "...Now remember MY sons before you [could] say you didn’t know but now you’ll have no excuse. When this happens and you are at home, have that Bible nearby when your body tries to overrule your mind and ask ME for a Scripture. Rebuke satan! Remember, and this is I YAHUSHUA, if you are still on this earth at this time I have a very special woman waiting for you. So do not succumb to the lust of the flesh now. Learn what Dad Ezra and Elisheva is learning: I still gave them the instructions that the body is always last. Two meetings and joining of a body does not mean a marriage will last. So focus on that which is spiritual for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Mt 26:14; Mk 14:38). MY sons I promise you it will get easier if you just take the first step of obedience. And you have a Dad Ezra who will understand and pray for you...."
Prophetic Dream - Are you one of YAHUSHUA S pearls A Power Prophetic Dream given to holy Prophet from father GOD. YAHUSHUA has set HIS people apart as beautiful pearls unto HIM. The odds for being one of these pearls is very small as we come closer to the Great Tribulation with each day. Are you one of YAHUSHUA'S pearls? A pearl of YAHUSHUA would be willing to lay down everything they have and love, incuding their life, for their savior YAHUSHUA. Elizabeth Elijah has been tested with the responsibility of speaking forth Holy Prophecies and Dreams as she recieves them from Abba YAHUVEH himself. These dreams are not meant to be taken lightly and are meant for us to examine ourselves and also to open the eyes of the blind. YAH says in dream through Elizabeth Elijah that only 1 person out of 10 people will go to heaven in these endtimes. The message is an urgency to open the eyes of those who are not living holy and still are bound in sin. YAH says "are you willing to pay the price to be YAHUSHUA'S?" So many are decieved in these endtimes and will hopefully awaken by prophecies and prophetic dreams ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and RUACH ha KODESH speak though Apostle Elisabeth Elijah.Are you living holy (keeping 10 commandments, true shabbot holy, not compromising with sin?) This will detemine if you are one of HIS pearls who will go to heaven?
2019 Elisheva Eliyahu Live Heart Talk to Ezra Caleb - Part 1 Ezra Caleb must repent for what he has done, leading people to another god, especially with his false word setting a false date for the 3 days of darkness. There's been many videos now directed at you Ezra from Elisheva, YAH speaking through her to you, but this one is coming from straight from her to you. Aldric Marshell & Arlington Williamson, both of Florida, are also trying to reach you to get you to repent.
Amightywind Richard Kites WARNING Urgent Warning Video Message From Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu About Scam Paypal Account "Richard Kites"! Never donate to Richard Kites/ Donovan Todd's PayPal. This is a scammer. We have no connection to this person who is connected to lawkeeper101. May YAH judge quickly in YAHUSHUA'S name with HIS vengeance. For they are stealing out of YAHUSHUA'S pockets.
The Mystery of Israel - SOLVED! (shocking) The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel.
Asian baby girl speak words of encouragement to the world! Please listen and be blessed as you watch this anointed Asian baby girl speak words of encouragement to the world. Surely ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH speaks out of the mouths of babes to speak forth and encourage this end time generation.
Demonic Spirit Channeling By Pop "Musicians" Exposed The satanic spirit behind pop music exposed. Satan is using pop stars like a puppet on a string to carry out his evil agenda. Don't be deceived. The prince of the power of the air is trying to bring down as many souls with him to the Lake of Fire and one area of his attack is via pop music.
AmightyWind YAHUSHUA S demon Stompers Original Short Version
You Carry Me - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Prophetic Dream - Spirit of Insanity has been loosed So basically, my dream is a warning about mental hospitals. Be careful, be very careful of hospitals. Be very careful of that which they call mental hospitals. Careful of surgeries—where they put tracking devices in you and chips—this world is insane. Only if you are truly born again, HOLY SPIRIT filled, walking in obedience to YAHUSHUA, washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH are you going to be spared from that Spirit of Insanity. Pray against it. Pray that your family will be protected from the spirit of insanity. I don't know what they are doing. I don't know if they are putting it in the food, in the water, in the air, like they do [with] diseases. I'm just telling you if you're not washed in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA and if you are not truly born again and HOLY SPIRIT filled—and I don't mean with head knowledge—you better make sure you have it in your heart. You better be totally sold out one-thousand percent 1000% mind, body, spirit and soul and have no doubt that you belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also called JESUS CHRIST in the King James Bible or else the spirit of insanity will come upon you."
THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!! The world has long recognized the positive applications of social media, from its role in empowering protesters to speak out against oppression during the Arab Spring uprisings almost a decade ago, to serving an instrumental role in fighting for equity and justice today. And in 2020, during an astonishing global pandemic, social media has become our lifeline to stay in touch with loved ones, as well as proving to be an asset for mobilizing civil rights protests. However, the system that connects us also invisibly controls us. The collective lack of understanding about how these platforms actually operate has led to hidden and often harmful consequences to society—consequences that are becoming more and more evident over time, and consequences that, the subjects in The Social Dilemma suggest, are an existential threat to humanity. The Social Dilemma is a powerful exploration of the disproportionate impact that a relatively small number of engineers in Silicon Valley have over the way we think, act, and live our lives. The film deftly tackles an underlying cause of our viral conspiracy theories, teenage mental health issues, rampant misinformation and political polarization, and makes these issues visceral, understandable, and urgent. Through a unique combination of documentary investigation and entertaining narrative drama, award-winning filmmakers Jeff Orlowski (Chasing Ice, Chasing Coral) and Larissa Rhodes (Chasing Coral) have once again exposed the invisible in a manner that is both enlightening and harrowing as they disrupt the disrupters by unveiling the hidden machinations behind everyone’s favorite social media and search platforms. The film features compelling interviews with high-profile tech whistleblowers and innovation leaders including Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology; the co-inventor of the Facebook “Like” button, Justin Rosenstein; Tim Kendall, former President of Pinterest and former Director of Monetization at Facebook; Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction; Rashida Richardson, Director of Policy at the AI Now Institute, and many others. Demonstrating how social media affects consumers on a personal level, these fascinating insider insights are seamlessly woven into a captivating narrative, including Vincent Kartheiser (Mad Men), that illuminates the very real consequences these seemingly innocent technologies can have on our everyday lives.
Alex Jones - How God can Free You from Satan's Control Alex Jones calls out to God for freedom from Satan's control.
After Purim Prayers - Be as Queen Esther against Hamans & Adonijahs (1kings 1:1-52, Esther Ch 5-7)
(繁)2020 異夢 黑環瘟疫 使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼 在為時已晚之前今天就來到亞呼贖阿. 哈. 瑪西阿克(耶穌基督)的面前。 Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站:amightywind.com 亞洲分支網站:amightywind.asia 電子郵箱:amightywindasianbranch@tutanota.com
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan - The New World Order of Enslavement On March 20, 1969, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan listened as a member of "The Order" delivered a hair-raising speech to a room full of doctors. He and the others were told not to record what they were hearing but, instead to take notes. The speaker insisted that he was doing the doctors a favor by explaining how the world was going to change. He said he believed if they knew, they would be better prepared to accept the coming changes. Once you understand the plan, you cannot help but to see it advancing all around you. The video is made from tapes which are the reminiscences from Dr. Lawrence Dunegan of a speech given in 1969 by an insider of "The Order," Dr. Richard Day, whose credentials are listed as Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics for the University of Pittsburgh; Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and member of The Order.
Book of Ecclesiasticus A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.