
Why do mRNA vaccines alter your DNA? To make you their Legal Property!
In this video you can see Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg admit that the
covid vaccines modify the human DNA. You will also hear form Dr. Carrie
Madej how this is part of the transhumanist agenda to create a new breed
of people, Human 2.0 When you scroll down, you will learn how
genetically edited people become property of the patent holder of the
technology used to edit their genome...

Prophecy 83 - The Two Witnesses are Here! Get Ready! The Rapture & End is Nigh!
Pray for the Two Witnesses! The Prophetic Words heard here were first
received in 2006 - March 15, 2006 on a Holy Purim Day at Noon under the
Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu.
I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Prepare The End Is Nigh!” Excerpt
Pray for the Two Witnesses! For the time is coming that I AM sending the
angels!—oh so shortly!—to CONFIRM to the Two Witnesses who they are in
[...] Before they leave this earth, before the Two Witnesses are
ransomed [and raptured] as the first fruits, they will KNOW who they are
in ME. I command ALL the members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!
Start praying NOW! For those I call the “Two Witnesses”! Behold I,
YAHUVEH, tell a secret to the world! Behold I do a new thing! It is one
woman and one man! Because you men scoff and mock! Just as I raised up
Deborah as a judge of all of Israel (Jgs 4:4), so TOO I raise up—so TOO
it was preordained (Mal 4:4-6)—the ones coming shall have a spirit unto a
Moses [Moshe] (Nm 12:3, 8), the ones coming shall have a spirit like
unto Elijah [Eliyahu] (2 Ki 2:11; Jms 5:17-18; 1 Ki 17-2 Ki 2) but as
these two are still in the mortal flesh, the attacks have come at them.
I, YAHUVEH, command all the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Let every
prayer you say from now on cover them: That they will be in divine
health while they’re in these mortal bodies of flesh! That they will
speak FORTH more boldly! That their enemies will be destroyed before
their very eyes!—just as Elijah of Old prayed, (2 Ki 1:10, also 1 Ki
18:36-40), so TOO will the same Anointing be upon these two (Rv 11:5).
The enemies shall cower in fear! For they are gonna RECOGNIZE the Bride
So it is at this Holy time of Purim, I show you how close the End is near.
End of Excerpt

Happy Birthday Amightywind - StandUpForYAH03
First of all we give all Praise, Honor and Glory to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the precious RUACH HA KODESH!! We pray that this video will bless the lives of those who are seeking GOD and that people will understand the depth of YAHUVEH GOD's love for us. Have a blessed shabbat in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's name Amen!

Pentecost = Jewish Shavuot, birth of Judaism + Church
This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 - basic overview on the origins
and an explanation on this Biblical, Jewish holiday, holy day.
Biblical Names of Pentecost/Shavuot:
o Chag Shavuot (The Festival of Weeks); Exodus 34:22; Deut. 16:10
o Chag Hakatzir (The festival of the Harvest) Exodus 23:16
o Yom Habikkurim (The Day of First Fruits) Num. 28:26 (not the festival of First Fruits as given in Lev. 23:9-12.
Bikkurei Ketzir Chittim (The first fruits of the wheat harvest) Exodus 34:22
o Yom HaKahal (The Day of Assembly) Deut. 18:16
Z'man Mattan Torateinu - The season of the giving of the Torah
Giving of the HOLY SPIRIT
Mount Sinai Judaism was born- Mount Zion the church was born when the
Holy Spirit was poured out upon the followers of the Mashiach Messiah.

Testimony of how my life changed
This is my testimony of how my life changed after I watched a Prophecy
given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. How Amightywind Ministries
have helped me get back to my first love and that is YAHUSHUA my
Thank you ABBA YAHUVEH of giving me another chance!
Thank you Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for your boldness and obedience in releasing these
Holy Prophecies.

Testimony to ABBA YAH and Amightywind
I dedicate this testimony to ABBA YAH first and foremost.
This is my testimony of how I turned from my sin and accepted YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as my Lord and savior.
I testify of how the Holy Prophecies given to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia changed
my life and rescued me from hell.

Profetia 138 – Miesten itsetyydytys – Tehkää parannus YAH'N edessä!
Otteita Profetiasta:
...Nyt muistakaa MINUN poikani, ennen te
[pystyitte] sanomaan, että te ette tienneet, mutta nyt teillä ei ole
tekosyytä. Kun näin tapahtuu ja te olette kotona, pitäkää se Raamattu
lähistöllä, kun teidän kehonne yrittää hallita teidän mieltänne, ja
pyytäkää MINULTA Kirjoitusta. Nuhdelkaa saatanaa!
Muista, ja tämä olen MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, jos sinä olet yhä tämän maailman päällä tänä
aikana, MINULLA on hyvin erityinen nainen odottamassa sinua. Joten älä
nyt anna periksi lihan himolle. Opi mitä Isä Ezra ja Elisheva ovat
oppimassa: MINÄ yhä annoin heille ohjeet, että keho on aina viimeisenä.
Kahden kohtaaminen ja kehon yhtyminen eivät tarkoita, että avioliitto
tulee kestämään. Joten keskity siihen, mikä on hengellistä, sillä henki
on altis, mutta liha on heikko. (Matteus 26:41; Markus 14:38).
MINUN poikani, MINÄ lupaan teille, että siitä tulee helpompaa, jos te vain
otatte ensimmäisen tottelevaisuuden askeleen. Ja teillä on Isä Ezra,
joka ymmärtää ja rukoilee teidän puolestanne...

YAHS Paul - Beethoven "Für Elise" 貝多芬“給愛麗絲”
© All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries
This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.