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The Fake Alien Invasion
2022 Joyeux Hanoukka ! Attendez-vous à des Miracles ! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH est la Lumière du Monde !
Died Suddenly (after vaccination) Billions vaccinated worldwide, and many are dying suddenly. Is this the greatest orchestrated die-off in the history of the world? Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water”, and “These Little Ones” travels around the world to find answers, and tell the stories, of those who Died Suddenly.
The Great I Am(Phillips, Craig and Dean) - StandUpForYAH03 This was a song that was requested by one of our beloved brothers YAHisgreat777. We pray that this song will bless you all in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's name :D Much Love in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH :D Shabbat Shalom.
Savior of the World - StandUpForYAH03 This is a song that the precious RUACH ha KODESH had us StandUpForYAH03 write all for the praise, honor and glory of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the precious RUACH HA KODESH!! We pray that this song will bless you in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's name!
The Banking Collapse Has Begun and the Plan on Stealing Your Money
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan - The New World Order of Enslavement On March 20, 1969, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan listened as a member of "The Order" delivered a hair-raising speech to a room full of doctors. He and the others were told not to record what they were hearing but, instead to take notes. The speaker insisted that he was doing the doctors a favor by explaining how the world was going to change. He said he believed if they knew, they would be better prepared to accept the coming changes. Once you understand the plan, you cannot help but to see it advancing all around you. The video is made from tapes which are the reminiscences from Dr. Lawrence Dunegan of a speech given in 1969 by an insider of "The Order," Dr. Richard Day, whose credentials are listed as Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics for the University of Pittsburgh; Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and member of The Order.
Song "YAHUSHUA Is Coming Soon" Polish congregation choir sings a song for the glory of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
2023 圣灵全能风事工29周年庆祝 第 2 部分 !又一年的祝福奇迹和胜利!!! (繁)
29e Anniversaire du Ministère Amightywind! Une Nouvelle Année de Bénédictions, Miracles et Victoires
Rosh Ha Shanah/Fest der Posaunen! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH wird an einem Rosh HaShana wiederkommen!
Prophezeiung 153 - Hör, O Israel, die Zeit der Drangsal für Jakob hat begonnen! Was prophezeit worden ist, ist alles mit Gehorsam verbunden. Gehorchen sie den Bedingungen? Ist Israel ein heiliges Land? Wo sie die größte der Homosexuellenparaden veranstalten und sie vor MEINEM Angesicht zur Schau stellen? (Elisheva: Oh je.) Oh Israel, oh Israel, oh Israel, ihr ärgert MICH! Ihr erfüllt MICH mit Zorn! Ihr lest die Thora-Teile, ihr habt eine 'zu Hause bleiben'-Ordnung, auch unter Todesdrohung (war noch nie so, wird nie wieder so sein), aber ihr erfüllt MICH mit Zorn! Für eure geheime Sünde, die ihr in den Häusern tut, in denen ihr eingesperrt seid! Oh, ihr erinnert euch an den Schabbat! Ihr erinnert Euch an Chanukka, Ihr erinnert Euch an Sukkot. Ihr erinnert euch, einige von euch, an Purim, aber ihr habt euch betrunken! Ihr habt gefeiert, als wäre es ein Mardi Gras! Wo war die Anbetung?! Wo war die Lobpreisung?! OH ISRAEL, OH ISRAEL, OH ISRAEL, IHR ERFÜLLT MICH MIT ZORN! WUT UND ZORN UND GRIMM! Was? Glaubt ihr, ICH habe kein Recht dazu? Habt ihr Kora schon vergessen? Diese Segnungen, die ICH für Israel reserviert habe, war ein Israel, das ein heiliges Land sein würde, das MICH verehrt und lobt, das sich abhebt und ein Beispiel für die ganze Erde sein würde und sich nicht dafür schämen müsste.
Pentecost = Jewish Shavuot, birth of Judaism + Church This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 - basic overview on the origins and an explanation on this Biblical, Jewish holiday, holy day. Biblical Names of Pentecost/Shavuot: o Chag Shavuot (The Festival of Weeks); Exodus 34:22; Deut. 16:10 o Chag Hakatzir (The festival of the Harvest) Exodus 23:16 o Yom Habikkurim (The Day of First Fruits) Num. 28:26 (not the festival of First Fruits as given in Lev. 23:9-12. Bikkurei Ketzir Chittim (The first fruits of the wheat harvest) Exodus 34:22 o Yom HaKahal (The Day of Assembly) Deut. 18:16 Z'man Mattan Torateinu - The season of the giving of the Torah Giving of the HOLY SPIRIT • Mount Sinai Judaism was born- Mount Zion the church was born when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the followers of the Mashiach Messiah.
Amightywind Ministry - A true Blessing from Heaven
My testimony of Amightywind Ministry My testimony about Amightywind Ministry, The Holy Prophecies and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah. How I returned back into ABBA YAHUVEH's and our beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH arms and how the Holy Prophecies helped me to get the truth about SABBATH and most important of all is how the Holy Prophecies called me to live more HOLY for our ABBA YAHUVEH is HOLY! I give all the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE to ABBA YAH and our beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.
Doen Dit Vinnig Voor Jy Sterf, Dit Is Jou Laaste Kans - Apostel Elisheva Eliyahu Dit is 'n emosionele Gebed en 'n gebed wat nie weer oorgedoen was nie in 25 jaar. Ek het 'n ope visioen gehad en ek het drie mans gesien, en ek het hulle persoonlik geken en daar was 'n skare mense agter hulle. Een van hulle is die ex-mede werker (Ezra/Caleb) wie in hierdie video is, en dit is die manier hoe hy moet bid. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het my hierdie woorde gegee om te wys wat dit is om waarlik te berou. Dit wor gedoen met trane en sorge. Dit is jou laaste kans en dit is 'n laaste kans Bediening. Die Groot Verdrukking is amper hier, en wat gaan jy doen? Vandag is jou dag van redding, more kan dalk te laat wees. (2 Kor 6:2)
Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood. ABBA YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRISTUS) waarsku Israel en die hele wêreld oor die Groot Verdrukking en dat ons op die brink is van die Groot Verdrukking. Die video sluit 'n spesiale stuk in oor Hollywood en YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ryk uit na die wat in Hollywood is wat nog nie punt bereik het om teen die RUACH HA KODESH (HEILIGE GEES) te laster nie, maar 'n kans het om na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te kom en weg te draai van hulle sonde. En dan die res van hulle lewe te gebruik te ontbloot wat in Hollywood aangaan en om mense na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te lei. Dit was 26 jaar gelede dat Apostel en Profeet Elisheva Eliyahu vanuit die Hemel gehoor het dat hierdie Bediening van AmightyWind gebruik sal word om die verlore siele te bereik insluitende akteurs, aktrises, regisseurs, musikante ens. vir die Koninkryk van die Hemel. Wat geprofeteer was is alles gekoppel met gehoorsaamheid. Gehoorsaam hulle die voorwaardes? Is Israel ‘n Heilige land? Waar hulle die grootste van die gay optogte hou! En dit pronk in MY Gesig?! (Elisheva: O goeiste!) O Israel, O Israel, O Israel! Julle maak MY kwaad! Julle vul MY met grimmigheid! Julle lees die Torah gedeelte… Julle het ‘n bly-tuis bevel, selfs onder die bedreiging van dood (was dit nog nooit voorheen so gewees nie, sal nooit weer wees nie), maar julle vul MY met GRIMMIGHEID! Vir julle geheime sonde — wat julle doen in die huise waarin julle ingegrendel is! O julle onthou die shabbatte! Julle onthou die [Toewyding] Hanukkah. Julle onthou Sukkot. Julle het onthou —sommige van julle —selfs Purim MAAR JULLE HET DRONK GEWORD! Julle het partytjie gehou asof dit ‘n Mardi Gras was! Waar was die Aanbidding?! Waar was die Lofprysing ?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL JULLE VUL MY YAHUVEH MET GRIMMIGHEID! RASERNY, TOORN EN GRIMMIGHEID! Wat? Julle dink EK het geen reg nie? Het julle Kora reeds vergeet? D aardie seëninge wat EK gereserveer het vir Israel, was ‘n Israel wat ‘n Heilige land sou wees —wat MY sou Aanbid en Loof en apart gestel sou wees en ‘n voorbeeld sou wees vir die ganse aarde— en nie skaam kry daaroor nie. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle die Torah kan aanhaal, so trots op die feit dat julle selfs die Tanak kan aanhaal. Baie van julle kan. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle julself apart stel… en ‘n kippa opsit, op julle kop wat EK nooit beveel het nie. Dit stel julle apart. Soos swart en wit! O julle kabaal, WEET JULLE HOEVEEL HAAT EK JULLE! Dink julle nie dat EK sien wie agter dit alles is nie? Dink julle nie EK weet nie? EK YAHUVEH, EK, DIE VADER VAN DIE SKEPPING! Dink julle MY Oë het blind geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? Dink julle EK YAHUVEH het doof geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? DINK JULLE MY ARM IS TE KORT— dat EK julle nie kan dissiplineer op ‘n manier wat nooit voorheen gedissiplineer was nie? (Wat die tyd sal wees van ‘Jakob se Benoudheid’.) [Dit is] net soos MY Arm nie te kort is om julle nou te omhels nie, net soos MY Oë nie te dof is dat EK nie nou so bewonderend na julle sal kyk nie. MY Arms SMAG om julle weer vas te hou soos EK Abraham, Isak & Jacob vasgehou het— soos EK MY ABSOLUTE EIE GE [LIEFDE] ENIGSTE VERWEKTE SEUN YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH vasgehou het. EK hou HOM nou vas —terwyl EK hierdie Woord voortspreek uit Elisheva Eliyahu (weereens op ‘n tyd wanneer sy oor ‘n heel ander onderwerp gebid het en nie hierdie Woord verwag het nie .) O Israel hou op om MY te vul met GRIMMIGHEID. Hou op om MY te vra hoekom het die dood gekom— in die huise in —terwyl julle aanspraak maak op Psalm 91. Is julle GEHOORSAAM aan Psalm 91?! Of is julle skaam vir die NAAM VAN YAHUVEH?! Antwoord hierdie vraag! Hoekom kan hulle nie wat beweer om gelowiges van MY te wees en is, en hulself Messiaans Joods noem— ingeënt was op die WYNSTOK YAHUSHUA, WIE die MASHIACH is—hoekom vrees hulle om die NAAM, “YAHUSHUA” (יהושוע) te noem? En waag dit om die Naam “Yes-hua” (ישוע) te sê? EK spel nie SY NAAM, “Y-E–S–H–U-A”(ישוע)nie. EK het dit keer-op-keer gesê deur hierdie Apostel & Profeet. Ek het keer-op-keer gewaarsku en tog sal hulle nie luister nie! Selfs diegene wat beweer “ek ken Hebreeus!” — en hulle sal selfs erken die NAAM beteken “YAH RED” ! Waar is MY NAAM in die naam Y-E-S-H-U-A(ישוע)?! MY SEUN se naam is volgens MY NAAM, YAH! (יה)! Het YAHUSHUA (יהושוע) nie gesê dat HY net die wonderwerke kon doen wat HY SY VADER sien doen het nie? HY het net SY VADER se voorbeeld nagevolg! SEKERLIK dink julle nie dit was Josef nie?! HY het gesê die HEMELSE VADER, EK IS WIE EK IS! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het gesê, “EK IS WIE EK IS!
Proroctwo 153 - Słuchaj Izraelu I Świecie, Ja, JAHWEH EL-SZADAJ MÓWIĘ: Covid–19 W Laboratorium Zrobiony
Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by witchdoctors, and shaman spirit mediums alike. Hypnosis has always been a powerful tool of the occult. Four ways to get in touch with the spiritual realm quickly is by hypnosis, drugs, meditation, and visualization. Anytime we interfere and change the normal brain pattern we bring ourselves into an altered state of consciousness, and if radical enough in touch with the spiritual realm. A hypnotist may encourage the participant to enter a light or medium trance, but he cannot guarantee the hypnotized subject from spontaneously entering the danger zone. This is where real and permanent damage can occur. One can experience a sense of being separated from their body, hallucinate, or go into a mystical state similar to those of mystics and meditators. Current trends are people being hypnotized who are brought back into memories of a few days or from the womb and prior to birth, experiencing past lives. However this is scientifically impossible because of the scientific fact that the myelin sheathing is too underdeveloped in the prenatal, natal, and early postnatal brain to reserve such memories. Some 25,000 cases have been documented by a doctor. It certainly appears as if familiar spirits were there during these people’s lifetimes to give a somewhat accurate reading, convincing those involved. Past life regression is done to help subjects overcome some type of phobia or fear such as swimming (which usually means they drowned in their past life). Most everyone is a somebody in the past, even though they may not be now. The fact is no one knows exactly how hypnosis actually “works,” and though they may have intentions of using it for good it is still an unexplored area that affects the mind. Some use it for self-healing. The Occultist Edgar Cayce also used self-hypnosis to enter a trance state and diagnose disease and prescribe treatment to patients he never saw, some from far away places. Self-hypnosis can be occultic and just as dangerous as a trance induced by a hypnotist. This is the same state mediums go into to contact the “dead,” or when clairvoyants receive information of events they could not know by natural means. Just because hypnotists use scientific terminology does not mean their abilities are mental or from natural phenomena. Most hypnotists do not believe in the occult and are neither open to considering this phenomena being from a spiritual (demonic) source. They feel it is either latent human power or something undiscovered as yet. As one surrenders himself to a doorway into the occult, under the disguise of “science” or “medicine,” he has open himself to the powers outside himself, and probable deception. We are warned by God not to practice sorcery, divination, or enchantment. we are not to follow after mediums, wizards, enchanters, charmers, and those who have a familiar spirit (Deut. 18:9-14).
Demonic Spirit Channeling By Pop "Musicians" Exposed The satanic spirit behind pop music exposed. Satan is using pop stars like a puppet on a string to carry out his evil agenda. Don't be deceived. The prince of the power of the air is trying to bring down as many souls with him to the Lake of Fire and one area of his attack is via pop music.