
ElectroReptilian calls Bible a CURSE
ElectroReptilian calls Bible a CURSE Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣ElectroReptilian calls Bible a CURSE

⁣Well, this is Round 1 of some serious Bible discussion with RedSmoky aka
SmokedZombie aka OrgoneMad. Turns out that he calls the Holy Bible a
curse. View this video to understand why. Like I said these guys don't
have a problem with AmightyWind Ministry, they have a problem with the
Holy Bible.

They try to make you believe that AmightyWind
Ministers throw out the Bible, but what would you expect from those that
only pick and choose from what is in the Holy Bible, or simply do not
know their Bible? If you call our prayers "curse" prayers, you might
want to check out the Psalms and realize that our prayers are rather
mild compared to what the Prophets of Old prayed in the Anointing of the
Holy Spirit.

Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is
Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is

AmightyWind Ministry exposes Alien, Reptilian, Fallen Angel,
Neo-Nazi, Shriner Freemason, False Prophet Sherry Shriner. Please help
us by sharing this video with your friends and contacts to warn the
people against this dangerous false prophet Sherry Shriner who has now
set herself up as “saviour of the world". Shriner now claims that she is
"securing" entire states and nations around the world for the Lord's
people by being an ambassador to the devil, directly negotiating with
the devil himself. She claims "her Lord" has chosen her to
singlehandedly destroy the New World Order. All LIES from the pit of

Watch these and many other totally insane and blasphemous
claims of this "Alien on the Internet" Sherry Shriner being exposed in
this video.

Beware, Sherry Shriner and her orgone cannot save
you! Sherry Shriner is setting people up for the Blue Beam Rapture,
which is a false rapture. Only a loving, obedient, repentant
relationship with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH / JESUS CHRIST and only HIS Name
and Blood can save your soul and deliver and protect you from satan and
his demons!

Sherry Shriner through many blasphemous claims,
heresies and utterly insane teachings that go directly against the Holy
Bible, directly assaults the Precious Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH / JESUS CHRIST and is destroying the faith of those who follow
her and believe her lies. Sherry Shriner is dangerous because she mixes
Biblical truths with lies and does it to target, confuse and deceive
Christians and Messianic Jews. DON'T FALL FOR IT. Sherry Shriner will
lead you straight to the pit of hell if you believe and follow her and
her lies.

YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD uses HIS AmightyWind Ministry to expose Sherry Shriner's
lies and set the captives free in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!

FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning
FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning

⁣Our food has been cloned - and without labeling, we don't know if our
meat is from YAH or man! Our food and water supply is contaminated with
gmo's, pesticides, fluoride and so many other contaminates.

GOD has instructed us to pray HIS blessing over everything we eat and drink
so HE can make what is a curse into a blessing to our body in the Name

"Learn to be grateful in small things now and take nothing I give you for granted.
Even your fruit and vegetables have not the nutrients that I created in them.
The water and air has polluted them and the soil is depleted of minerals needed.
You don't even know what a fruit or vegetable should taste like anymore. It
is rare if you do. As for meats, again I say you do not understand that
which you have eaten the unholy vultures have poisoned in so many ways.
The water you drink you don't even know why your body doesn't crave
water the way I created it to thirst. It is because even the water is
not the way I created it. That is why you must pray blessings on all you
partake in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name. Ask ME to bless the food and
beverages so it will be a blessing to your body and not a curse to it. "

Beware when you eat soulless meat; you are eating meat that I did not create.
Your bodies were not meant to be so defiled. When you see sickness and
diseases that are new and your physicians can't heal, I will say
physician heal yourself for if that physician does not stand up and say,
"No this is against the laws of creation" then I shall turn creation
against itself. You have been warned! "

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not. Remember,
satan wants to counterfeit everything I created.Pray over all your food He does it
through the name of science. But pray over that food, believe ME,
believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that
will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell you, cloned meat is a
counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create just as he can create,
eat my food it's better, I can create a chicken that will not have the
bird flu."

Defending the Hebrew NAME of JESUS YAHUSHUA - Part 2
Defending the Hebrew NAME of JESUS YAHUSHUA - Part 2 Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Defending the Hebrew NAME of JESUS YAHUSHUA - Part 2

Prophezeiung 122 - “Man kann die Tore des Himmels nicht herunterreißen.”
Prophezeiung 122 - “Man kann die Tore des Himmels nicht herunterreißen.” Amightywind Deutschland 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophezeiung 122 - “Man kann die Tore des Himmels nicht herunterreißen.”

Party On 27! Another Year of Victory! In YAHUSHUA!
Party On 27! Another Year of Victory! In YAHUSHUA! Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Party On 27! Another Year of Victory! In YAHUSHUA!

Continue celebrating with us the 27th year of this Ministry online preaching the Gospel!

(The birthday of the ministry website AmightyWind.com April 4th coincides with Prophet Elisheva's birthday too.)

For over 27 years this Messianic Jewish, Pentecostal Ministry has preached
the #Gospel of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and brought multimillions of souls
14:6)! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the ONLY ONE by WHOM we are saved through
repentance and turning away from sin (Acts 4:12). More than 52
languages with “Proof Behind the Prophecies.” Apostle, Prophet Elisheva
Eliyahu have stood tall through the power and strength of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH despite relentless attacks from the reprobate enemies. The
gates of hell could not prevail against YAH’S Ministry Instead Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu has only grown stronger and bolder AmightyWind Ministry
has only prospered and flourished by the Victorious Hands of ABBA
HA KODESH Now and Forever Amen

Les Paroles de Dieu concernant Pourim
Les Paroles de Dieu concernant Pourim Amightywind Français 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Les Paroles de Dieu concernant Pourim

⁣Pourim est également appelée "La Fête des Sorts". VOICI UN SECRET QUI
Vous ne trouverez cela enseigné nulle part ailleurs. J'ai reçu cette
révélation du Ciel. Les instructions pour la Mariée de YAHUSHUA sont de
prendre ce temps de Pourim au sérieux comme l'a fait la Reine Esther,
ainsi que de se réjouir de notre délivrance de la main des ennemis
maintenant et dans le futur. Tout comme Esther l'a fait.

Pourim est célébré le 14e jour d'Adar, qui a lieu généralement en mars. Le 13
d'Adar est le jour que Haman avait choisi pour l'extermination des
Juifs, et le jour où les Hébreux ont combattu leurs ennemis pour leur
vie. Le jour suivant, le 14, ils ont célébré leur survie. Dans les
villes qui étaient murées au temps de Josué, Pourim était célébrée le 15
du mois, car le livre d'Esther dit qu'à Suse (une ville murée), la
délivrance du massacre n'a été complète que le lendemain. Le 15 est
appelé le Pourim de Suse.

C'est une célébration historique de la victoire sur les ennemis étrangers.
N'avons-nous pas besoin de la même victoire pour le nombre d'ennemis
auxquels nous sommes confrontés aujourd'hui dans nos différentes nations ?
N'avons-nous pas besoin de la délivrance même de nos propres
gouvernements à travers le monde qui sont gouvernés non pas par les règles
de YAHUVEH mais par les règles de l'homme et de satan ?

Le judaïsme enseigne quatre façons de célébrer Pourim.
Chacune de ces quatre mitzvah est une façon de faire
l'expérience de l'esprit de la saison et de l'histoire. Elles sont la
lecture de Megillat Esther, la fête et la réjouissance, Shalach Manot
(envoi de cadeaux), et Matanot L'Evyonim (cadeaux aux pauvres).

"Méguilat" ou "Méguila" est le terme hébreu désignant un petit rouleau de
la Torah sur lequel est écrit un livre de la Bible. Les Méguilas sont ouvertes
d'un côté et lues à haute voix.

La lecture de la Méguila ou du livre d'Esther occupe une grande partie
de la journée. C'est considéré comme une grande mitzvah de lire le livre
en entier et d'entendre le livre en entier lu ce jour-là.

Qu'est-ce qu'une fête sans festoyer et sans se réjouir ?
Manger et boire est tout aussi important
en ce jour que n'importe quoi d'autre, mais cette fois nous nous
réjouissons car nous avons un plus grand intercesseur que la Reine
Esther, et Son Nom est YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH ! IL n'est pas seulement
notre Messie, le Fils de YAHUVEH, mais IL est notre futur Marié !

Une autre tradition consiste à s'offrir des cadeaux les uns aux autres en
ce jour. En hébreu, cela s'appelle "Shalach Manot". Comme pour de
nombreuses fêtes, les cadeaux font partie du plaisir. Dans la mesure du
possible, ces cadeaux doivent être envoyés par des messagers, plutôt que
d'être livrés personnellement, car la Meguilah utilise le mot
"mishloach" (envoi) pour ces cadeaux.

En conclusion, ce n'est pas le moment pour Israël de considérer Pourim
comme un Mardi Gras juif. C'est une insulte à l'objectif de la célébration.
Il s'agit d'Amour, de Miséricorde et de Délivrance. Notre gratitude à
YAHUVEH pour nous avoir délivrés de nos ennemis et avoir porté nos
pétitions devant Lui. Ce n'est pas le moment de porter des masques comme
le font les Juifs orthodoxes. C'est le moment d'arracher nos masques et de mettre nos
coeurs et nos âmes à nu devant notre Créateur YAHUVEH et YAHUSHUA notre

Profetia 133 – Profetaalinen "Nälkiintynyt vauva -uni"
Profetia 133 – Profetaalinen "Nälkiintynyt vauva -uni" Amightywind Suomeksi 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Profetia 133 – Profetaalinen "Nälkiintynyt vauva -uni"

只有唯一的圣名可以拯救我们:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!Yom Kippur 赎罪日-敬畏十日(简)
只有唯一的圣名可以拯救我们:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!Yom Kippur 赎罪日-敬畏十日(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣只有唯一的圣名可以拯救我们:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!Yom Kippur 赎罪日-敬畏十日(简)

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Blessed Sukkot 2022!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前


Happy Sukkot Beloved Amightywind Congregation and Asa Mikaiyah! This
is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious
Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing
ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world.

Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated
for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy
day of the year. Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in
tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the
children of Israel were wandering in the desert. Sukkahs were built to
commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE
provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. ABBA YAHUVEH
would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood
covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us
and is with us always.

Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies
and this world to us is our temporary home as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity.
This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this
world will not last forever.

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that
where I am you may be also.”

So, during this time of Sukkot,
KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! For this is the time when our
MASHIACH! We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
that no longer is there a separation between us, but now we can openly
dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD
YAHUVEH and HIS people, but that veil was torn in order for us to be
able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of

We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name.
May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the
throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH
lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous
before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a
Holy temple, YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so
we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way.

and for all tear that veil that once separated us from YOU, thank YOU
that we are welcome into YOUR arms as YOUR children through the name and
blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR SON. We Praise YOU for always
providing for us, protecting us, guiding and leading us in YOUR will,
for that is what our hearts desire is, to please YOU and serve YOU and
to follow the will, path and purpose YOU have for us. Praise YAHUSHUA HA


In Their Own Words!!! Trans Hollywood
In Their Own Words!!! Trans Hollywood Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣In Their Own Words!!! Trans Hollywood

The Evidence of The Red Sea Crossing
The Evidence of The Red Sea Crossing Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The Evidence of The Red Sea Crossing

Ron Wyatt Discoveries
Ron Wyatt Discoveries Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Ron Wyatt Discoveries

Milken Institute 2019 - We need to change the way people look at the Flue!
Milken Institute 2019 - We need to change the way people look at the Flue! Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Milken Institute 2019 - We need to change the way people look at the Flue!

The Great Reset - You ll own nothing and you ll be Happy
The Great Reset - You ll own nothing and you ll be Happy Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The Great Reset - You ll own nothing and you ll be Happy

The Illusion of Freedom
The Illusion of Freedom Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The Illusion of Freedom

How Hollywood Stars Stay Looking Young
How Hollywood Stars Stay Looking Young Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣How Hollywood Stars Stay Looking Young

Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in Vaccines
Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in Vaccines Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in Vaccines

My Beloved - StandUpForYAH03
My Beloved - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣My Beloved - StandUpForYAH03

⁣This a video we did for the very special festival rosh ha shannah!
We hope and pray that you will be blessed by this video/song and may you draw nearer
to HIM during these times. All the Glory Belongs to our precious ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Amen! May you be blessed!

傳遍世界各地的聖靈全能風事工—網站29週年快樂!使徒以莉莎法生日快樂! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 147 意见 • 3 月 前


传遍世界各地的圣灵全能风事工—网站29周年快乐!使徒以莉莎法生日快乐! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 147 意见 • 3 月 前


AmightyWind 28th Year Anniversary Celebration
AmightyWind 28th Year Anniversary Celebration Amightywind Ministries 147 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣AmightyWind 28th Year Anniversary Celebration

⁣We Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for 28 years and counting.
Happy Birthday AmightyWind Ministry and Happy Birthday Beloved Momma Elisheva
as we continue together spreading the Gospels, leading souls to YAHUSHUA

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as
your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray
along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life
to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me
to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

Full YDS Anthem song, "No Sin No Compromise, 'YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers' " -
please watch this video to learn who the YDS prayer intercessors are,
and the story behind the song -

Święty, Święty, Święty
Święty, Święty, Święty Amightywind Polska 147 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Święty, Święty, Święty

Ei pelkoa, ei perääntymistä! Uskoa "Punaisenmeren ihmeeseen"!
Ei pelkoa, ei perääntymistä! Uskoa "Punaisenmeren ihmeeseen"! Amightywind Suomeksi 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Ei pelkoa, ei perääntymistä! Uskoa "Punaisenmeren ihmeeseen"!

Prophétie 132 - Israël JE t'aime, JE te réprimande !
Prophétie 132 - Israël JE t'aime, JE te réprimande ! Amightywind Français 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophétie 132 - Israël JE t'aime, JE te réprimande !

Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!
Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht! Amightywind Deutschland 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!

⁣Gebet um Rettung:

YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen
HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube,
dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha.
DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten.
Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich
rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe
und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden.
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir
das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe
DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst!
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangengibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel,
zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen.

Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben
wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde.
Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen,
ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt
Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer
3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU
unser RETTER genannt. Amen.

Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem
Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen. Glaube es und erinnere dich,
dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT sondern auch dein bester Freund ist!
Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist.
Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt dich, den Sünder. YAHUSHUA hat den Preis
für deine Sünden bezahlt, so dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder
verdammt fühlen musst. Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim
Namen, dann sag IHM, dass es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für
alle deine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das,
was du getan hast oder tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt.
Niemand ist perfekt! Erinnere dich daran!

Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 Geboten
GOTTES zu gehorchen durch die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off
12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft
Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die
Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird
ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den
Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im
Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben
bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht
YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du
YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast!
Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor
brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von
YAHUSHUA! Kontaktiere uns und lasse uns von dem Geschenk des ewigen
Lebens wissen, dass du gerade von unserem kostbaren YAHUSHUA Messias
bekommen hast!

慶祝整年!Amightywind在互聯網上27週年榮耀亞呼贖阿!亞撒 米凱亞來加入我們!
慶祝整年!Amightywind在互聯網上27週年榮耀亞呼贖阿!亞撒 米凱亞來加入我們! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣慶祝整年!Amightywind在互聯網上27週年榮耀亞呼贖阿!亞撒 米凱亞來加入我們!

⁣27年多以來,這個彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工,一直都在傳講亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的#福音 ,並帶領數百萬的靈魂歸向#亞呼贖阿 .哈.瑪西阿克,祂是道路、真理和生命 (約14:6)

祝YAHUSHUA 亞呼贖阿 生日快樂!我們才剛開始慶祝 住棚節 直到#光明節 結束!
祝YAHUSHUA 亞呼贖阿 生日快樂!我們才剛開始慶祝 住棚節 直到#光明節 結束! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣祝YAHUSHUA 亞呼贖阿 生日快樂!我們才剛開始慶祝 住棚節 直到#光明節 結束!

⁣喔呼! 這是一個慶祝的時刻!Hag Sameach! 節日快樂!我們才剛剛開始慶祝直到光明節!還不要把你的住棚拆掉!

我們知道 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克在光明節的那個時候被感孕 [並且在9個月後的住棚節誕生]





慶祝派對進行中!27週年又一年在亞呼贖阿里的勝利!(27週年歡慶第2部分) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前


繼續來和我們一起慶祝這個事工在互聯網上#傳福音 27年!全年歡慶! :) #彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工 #27週年

(這個#聖靈全能風事工 網站 #AmightyWind.com的生日4月4日恰巧也是先知以莉莎法的生日)

27年多以來,這個彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工,一直都在傳講亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的#福音 ,並帶領數百萬的靈魂歸向亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克,祂是道路、真理和生命 (約14:6)
!亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是唯一的聖名我們可以藉著得救,透過悔改以及轉離我們的罪 (徒4:12)。



以色列,我愛妳!我斥責妳!(第132篇預言) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前


這篇預言(第132篇)以現場、實時的方式前來,在2016年7月16日的安息日,在#安息日 上午敬拜服事期間,在閱讀了#Torah妥拉分篇 民數記19:1-22:1和先知書(haftarah)士師記

再一次我對妳說,噢,以色列,因為妳很接近雅各遭難的時候(耶30:7),眾災難中的災難(產難中的產難) (太24:8-9),妳還不知道?—當我曾經為妳流下血淚之時(血汗症,路22:44),我為妳哀哭!

耶30:7 哀哉!那日為大,無日可比;這是雅各遭難的時刻,但他必從患難中得拯救。

太24:7 民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、瘟疫、地震。8這都是災難(生產的陣痛)的起頭。9那時,人要使你們陷在患難裏,也要殺害你們;你們又要為我的名被萬民憎恨。

路22:44 亞呼贖阿非常痛苦焦慮,禱告更加懇切,祂的汗如大血點滴在地上。


-你的#神 要從你弟兄中給你興起一位先知像我,你們要聽祂。16這正如你在何烈山大會的那日向亞哈威-你的神所求的一切,說:『求你不要再叫我聽見亞哈威-我神的聲音,也不要再叫我看見這大火,免得我死亡。』17亞哈威對我說:『他們說得對。18我必在他們弟兄中給他們興起一位先知像你。我要將當說的話放在祂口裏;祂要將我一切所吩咐的都告訴他們。19誰不聽從祂奉我名所說的話,我必親自向他追究。


一陣大能的疾風掃遍全世界, 接觸靈魂超過27年!(27週年歡慶第3部分)
一陣大能的疾風掃遍全世界, 接觸靈魂超過27年!(27週年歡慶第3部分) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣一陣大能的疾風掃遍全世界, 接觸靈魂超過27年!(27週年歡慶第3部分)

Aleph & Tav RUACH HA KODESH AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Prophétie 83 - Les Deux Témoins et L'Enlèvement
Prophétie 83 - Les Deux Témoins et L'Enlèvement Amightywind Français 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophétie 83 - Les Deux Témoins et L'Enlèvement

聖靈全能風! 慶賀! 讓我們慶祝復活的時節!
聖靈全能風! 慶賀! 讓我們慶祝復活的時節! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣聖靈全能風! 慶賀! 讓我們慶祝復活的時節!




* * * * * * *

如果今天你希望接受亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克為你的主和救主,請點擊下面的鏈接和我(以莉莎法)一起讀並禱告這個救贖禱告。如果你選擇把你的生命交給亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克並接受祂進入你的心,請寫信給我讓我知道,這樣我們就能和你一起歡喜快樂!00:04:51 救贖禱告


AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения !
AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения ! Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения !

(Зеркально)Празднование Министерства AmightyWind, родившееся 10
апреля 1988 года, и рождение AmightyWind онлайн 4 апреля в начальное
время существования всемирной паутины интернета — распространение
Евангелия, ведущее души к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ! Здесь весна, давайте
приготовимся отпраздновать сезон Возрождения!

Поздравляем с Днем рождения онлайн-Служение AmightyWind и Апостола,
Пророка Элишеву Элияху! Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в этом
удивительном 30-дневном праздновании, которое начнется 4 апреля 2022 года.
Если вы хотите отправить видео, вы можете перейти на страницу контактов и отправить
ссылку на видео через. Мы также заранее приносим извинения, если по
какой-то причине мы не сможем опубликовать ваше видео. Но если вы хотите
сохранить свое видео в ТАЙНЕ, пожалуйста, упомяните об этом и не
волнуйтесь, оно останется конфиденциальным.

На протяжении десятилетий это Мессианское Еврейское Пятидесятническое Служение
проповедовало Евангелие ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА и привело миллионы душ к
ХА МАШИАХ - ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ, БЛАГОДАРЯ КОМУ мы спасаемся через покаяние и
отворачиваясь от греха (Деяния 4:12).

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной
Молитвой Спасения. Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и
принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста, напишите мне, чтобы я знала,
чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.

祂復活了,#亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克活著!2022#逾越節快樂!復活日快樂! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前


⁣31 篇預言 摘錄




* * * * * * *


Profetia 83 - MINÄ, YAHU'VAH, SANON ”VALMISTAUTUKAA! LOPPU ON LÄHELLÄ!” Amightywind Suomeksi 146 意见 • 4 月 前


秘術的邪惡五欄杆被揭露了 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前



26亞哈威就用一陣大風(a mighty wind)刮那座塔,把它推倒在地,




Project Bluebeam Seatle new Year 2022
Project Bluebeam Seatle new Year 2022 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Project Bluebeam Seatle new Year 2022

Depopulation through Poisoning
Depopulation through Poisoning Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Depopulation through Poisoning

Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking
Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking

Big Pharma Controls Entire Food Supply
Big Pharma Controls Entire Food Supply Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Big Pharma Controls Entire Food Supply

The Vaccine Passport is the End of Freedom
The Vaccine Passport is the End of Freedom Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The Vaccine Passport is the End of Freedom

Lockdowns Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前


2022 蒙福的住棚節!!祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!(繁)
2022 蒙福的住棚節!!祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!(繁) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣2022 蒙福的住棚節!!祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!(繁)


Sukkot(疏割節),也被稱為棚屋節(the Feast of Booths)/住棚節(Feast of






祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!!聖靈全能風(AMIGHTYWIND),願你們有一個蒙福快樂的住棚節(疏割節/SUKKOT)!HAG SAMEACH(哈格-撒麥赫,節日快樂)!


利未記23:39-44 39「你們收藏了地的出產,就從七月十五日起,要守亞哈威的節七日。第一日為聖安息;第八日也為聖安息。40第一日要拿美好樹上的果子和棕樹上的枝子,與茂密樹的枝條並河旁的柳枝,在亞哈威-你們的神面前歡樂七日。41每年七月間,要向亞哈威守這節七日。這為你們世世代代永遠的定例。42你們要住在棚裡七日;凡以色列家的人都要住在棚裡,43好叫你們世世代代知道,我領以色列人出埃及地的時候曾使他們住在棚裡。我是亞哈威-你們的神。」44於是,摩西將亞哈威的節期傳給以色列人。

* * * * * * *


Пророчество 3 - Остерегайтесь сатанинских Растений В Церквяхb
Пророчество 3 - Остерегайтесь сатанинских Растений В Церквяхb Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 3 - Остерегайтесь сатанинских Растений В Церквях

⁣Растения, что сатанисты называют их. Оккультный дух поднялся в церквях
полного Евангелия из-за этих растений. Но когда вы увидите их, вы
узнаете их! Ибо Я, ЯХУВЕХ, даю вам, истинной церкви ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ
(Иисуса Христа), новые глаза, чтобы видеть, новые уши, чтобы слышать и
смелые уста, чтобы говорить, и новые руки, чтобы изгнать их.

Ибо они МОИ руки, Я обнажил МОЮ правую руку, руку Святости и как МОЙ Сын
выгнал зло из дома ЯХУВЕХ, так оно повторится. В этом году некоторые
злые пастыри, растения, умрут во время их проповедей. Ибо они
проповедуют МОЕ слово, насмехаясь надо МНОЙ. Но они не знают МЕНЯ,
Слово, ставшее плотью. сатана знает Слово, не обманывайтесь, и он боится
этого достаточно, чтобы остановить его зло. Нет, и не будет растений,
ибо они продали свои души сатане, и они будут пожинать разрушения,
которые они посеяли. Некоторые из них являются евангелистами, и хотя они
говорят, что они ведут души к Иисусу Христу, это другой Иисус, они
ведут их к ногам антихриста!!! Тогда люди начинают поклоняться лидеру и
это ваш знак.

​Они перестают искать МЕНЯ и МОИ правила и Слово,
ищут слова от простого человека. Их не волнует оскорбление одного и
только ЯХУВЕХ Всемогущего Великого “Я ЕСТЬ!” Но вместо этого беспокоятся
обидеть пастора, который является растением сатаны, чтобы принести
путаницу, безнадежность, бунт, разрушение, нищету, ложь, обманывая
духами и похищая маленькую веру, у МОИХ когда-то овец.

​Когда они попадают под власть, в то время как растение будет молиться за них, они
попадают не в ноги ЯХУШУА, а ноги антихриста, и они даже не понимают,
что они искали МЕНЯ, и тем не менее дух контроля над сознанием найдет им
другого пастуха, злой пастырь мучает своих овец и убивает их, зная, что
они присоединятся к растениям, так как они предлагают жертву сатане.
Это может некоторым показаться чуждым, но это происходит в Ассамблее
Божьей церкви и церквях Пятидесятников, и также во всех линиях церквей.

​Но Я собираюсь доказать, что ЯХУШУА - единственный Добрый Пастырь, и в
этом году Я прихожу, чтобы спасти МОИХ Овец. Для того, чтобы
преследовать волков из МОИХ Церквей, и Я буду использовать вас, чтобы
сделать это. Как Я уже излил МОЮ Живую Воду и Новое Вино. сатана излил
поддельный уксус, что Я отказал духу теплоты, имеющему вид благочестия,
но не благочестие внутри.

​Я скорблю за МОИХ детей и МОИХ Избранных, которых обманывают.
Я Бог милости для тех, кто МОИ, но потому, что они введены в заблуждение
зудящими ушами, чтобы слушать, только то, что они хотят услышать, их ведут на убой.
Я поднимаю могучую армию Гедеона, чтобы забрать МОИХ Овец с новым помазанием,
некоторые из вас уже обратили внимание.

​Как вы читаете эти Пророчества, дары, которые Я дал вам, будут передаваться друг
другу РУАХ ха КОДЕШ (в Святом Духе) дары в высшей степени. Теперь те, кто имеет
интеллектуальных и логических духов это будет, словно Старое Вино и
Новое Вино пытаются смешать. Это Евангелие ЯХУШУА настолько просто, что
даже ребенок может понять, как получить спасение.

Не усложняйте, что Я намеренно сделал простым. Причина в том, что Я никогда не
собирался делать ад для человека, он был создан для сатаны и его падших
ангелов. Я сделал выход для вас, ОН единственный выход, единственная
истина, жизнь и путь на Небеса и в МОИ распростертые объятия, где Я
хотел собрать вас, как наседка собирает своих птенцов.

​Я не хочу, чтобы кто погиб или был проклят, пожалуйста, предупредите их. Звук
трубы, это помазание, которое Я дал вам. Как мать или отец
предупреждает, прежде чем они шлепают своих детей, Я в МОЕЙ бесконечной
милости и любви говорю: “Предупредите”. Ибо когда Я выпущу МОЙ гнев,
будет трудно успокоить МЕНЯ.

Вы предупредите их, хотя они смеялись над Моисеем, он повиновался и предупредил их.
Когда земля сотрясется во всех областях, только МОИ истинные дети, которые слышат
МОЙ голос и знают МОЮ РУАХ ха КОДЕШ, и покрыты Кровью МОЕГО Сына
пролитой на Голгофе, и призывают Имя ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, ЯХУШУА Мессию, на
каком языке вы говорите. ОН знает ЕГО Имя и Дух, с которым ЕГО Имя

Только они будут спасены. Призывайте Имя ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ и ты и семейство твое,
призвавший Имя ЯХУШУА спасется. Слушайте, еще раз; неожиданно Я написал МОИ Слова
через МОЮ Служанку, МОЕГО Пророка, МОЕГО Ребенка, Воина и Невесту ЯХУШУА! ​(...)

Пророчество 44 Поднимитесь Стражи на Стене!
Пророчество 44 Поднимитесь Стражи на Стене! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 44 Поднимитесь Стражи на Стене!

Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth!
Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth! Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth!

⁣Erez Yotam calls himself Prophet Ezra from Israel, but his single
solitary prophecy did not come to pass as no 3 Days & Nights of
Darkness happened last Passover 2019. He refuses to publicly apologize
to the people whose faith was harmed, lost their jobs and locked
themselves within their houses for 7-14 days thinking that all their
loves ones were going to get killed. He has also not repented for
turning his back on his wife Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu and not having
spoken to her for 6+ months during which he has sought to destroy
AmightyWind Ministry. Erez Yotam is an unrepentant, cowardly and
egotistical maniac. Despite all of this, you will find out in this video
that there is another side to this man whom we call the anointed Caleb –
the one who was prophesied of through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
in Prophecy 94.

The anointed Caleb within this man is the one we
fight & pray for to rise up. The fallen angels surrounding him
turned this man into a golden calf; a God to be worshipped. He is under
their MK Ultra Mind Control combined with the deepest forms of the
occult. We are praying & fighting to set this man free we are
appealing to the Caleb within him. These enemies have his sins recorded
on cam & blackmail him if he would want to reunite with his wife
Elisheva Eliyahu. We assure Caleb we don’t care about the dirt they have
on him. Come out from them, repent and turn away from your wickedness,
and YAHUSHUA will forgive you & wash all your sins away with HIS
blood. Your wife Elisheva will receive you back and forgive you, we all
will receive you back and forgive you!

However Erez cannot use the excuse of mind control for everything that he
has intentionally done and allowed. He has been warned in the strongest
Prophetic Word of rebuke through Elisheva that he is one toe away from
total blasphemy and losing his soul.

After his false prophecy Erez has Donovan Todd, one of his cult followers publicly make
the Nineveh excuses for him saying that the world has repented like in
the times of Jonah. In this video we show how ridiculous that is and
what liars they are. They try to hide the countless false predictions
they came up with for Passover week 2019. We have everything documented
what they spoke & how they violently threatened everyone’s lives in
the name of their false goddess “Uriyah” (goddess of urine as urea is a
component of urine, and Ourea comes from Greek mythology) as they
blasphemously add a 4th person to the HOLY TRINITY.

Distinguish Erez Yotam from the anointed Caleb. This man is two in one body and
those surrounding him are seeking to kill the anointed Caleb within him.
Erez and Caleb are not the same man. However Caleb must rise up, take
control and stop the evil side of Erez.

Erez Yotam should call himself the lying narcissist from Israel – it would have prevented
Israeli government to have their eyes on this man. He brings shame to an
entire nation – proclaiming himself to be THE prophet of Israel, and
the actual King of Jerusalem. Israel will not accept this shame &
are looking to harm this man. Elisheva Eliyahu has warned him repeatedly
of this. Erez actually proclaims to be God Almighty in the flesh: equal
unto YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as revealed in the false prophecies of his
minions. They compare his birth to YAHUSHUA’S & proclaim he has the
DNA of YAHUVEH (GOD the FATHER). This man and his satanic sex cult have
openly threatened the world with nukes & that he would come back
with a sword to destroy entire nations after he would be raptured to
heaven during last Passover. They are now known as a terrorist group.

Not a single prediction of theirs came to pass on Passover, they prophesied
that Elisheva & all of us would die. 3 different counties are
investigating Erez & an order of protection was brought against them
for violently threatening AmightyWind members. They try to hide what
they have all really stated, threatened & falsely prophesied. We
have the evidence and DEMAND Erez to publicly weep & wail before the
people for his sins, just as YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & the RUACH HA
KODESH have warned him through his wife Elisheva Eliyahu he MUST do in
order to be forgiven & cleansed once again with the Blood of
YAHUSHUA. Elisheva has reached out to him with warnings & pleads for
his soul. If Caleb does not repent quickly & turn back to YAHUSHUA
he WILL lose his soul and go to hell. Come back Caleb to the truth &
humble yourself before the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA &
the RUACH HA KODESH WHOM you have greatly hurt & offended.

*Because of the spiritual danger do NOT go to Ezra's website or channel, this is
a Thus Saith YAHUSHUA. If you go to these fallen angels' cyber space
your IP address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel & other
nations they've threatened.

Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch
Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch

⁣Who are Rickey & Tatiana Williams really? Why are they on the run
and what are they trying to hide. In this video you'll see what they
really all stated, falsely prophesied and threatened. They are now
filled with fallen angels and we show how they and others in Erez
Yotam's coven are shapeshifting. What does this mean for you and your
personal relationship with YAHUSHUA (JESUS) that this can happen with
people. Please watch this video to find out.

DO NOT open up your 'third eye' - it leads to insanity to the point that a reptilian/alien
fallen angel can enter in! See the proof of this in this video.

15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting! - Apostle Prophet Elisheva
Eliyahu asked a doctor who is part of this ministry if there is anything
that can cause a forehead to move like that – like a parasite or a
tumour? He said “Absolutely not, this is demonic” – Verified by doctor
who has been a partner of this Ministry for 12 years.

WARNING Do NOT go to Ezra's (Erez Yotam's) evil website or channel, this is a Thus
Saith YAH. Also if you go to their cyber space, your IP address will be
on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations they've threatened.

Cannibal Shengya Pu aka Hannah knows all about human sacrifice, in
detail describes how to do it 1:18:29. She knows how to murder a man.
This is what they plan to do to Erez Yotam.

4:53 Rickey Williams Reptilian eyes

5:50 The way Rickey Williams used to be before reprobate
8:21 The way Tatiana Harvey Williams used to be before reprobate
10:35 Tatiana Harvey Williams shapeshifting (snake on face)
11:06 Don’t open your third eye!
11:45 Erez Yotam’s coven worship at least 22 “gods”!
15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting!
15:30 Rickey Williams’ third eye manifesting!
18:56 Rickey Williams and Tatiana Williams kissed Erez Yotam’s wedding ring to be “purified”
27:25 Tatiana blackmails Erez Yotam
31:25 Tatiana Harvey Williams escort service photos still online!
39:05 Rickey Williams threatens Elisheva w/ death
42:10 Rickey calls Elisheva a jezebel & for her removal.
42:27 Rickey calls Erez Yotam a Grand MASTER (mason)
42:49 Rickey Williams makes Erez equal with YAHUSHUA.
43:35 Rickey calls Erez ancient (of days)
43:47 Rickey claims Erez is omnipresent
44:25 Rickey claims Erez is the saviour
44:46 Rickey claims Erez has a testimony like unto YAHUSHUA (GOD)
45:04 Rickey is a New Ager - "holy vibrations"
45:27 Rickey believes he is a God
45:51 Rickey claims to be a God and Elisheva had to be removed
48:26 Rickey worships the false goddess of urine
50:00 Rickey threatens Elisheva with a cold, lonely death - with destruction.

Tatiana Harvey Williams

54:13 Tatiana falsely prophesied 3 Days of Darkness Passover 2019
54:39 Tatiana says it would be better if people hadn't been born if they don't believe her false prophecy
56:15 Tatiana claims God tells them to do calf raises to stay awake
58:43 Tatiana calls Elisheva great whore of babylon Threatens w/ death
1:01:10 Tatiana calls Elisheva voodoo queen
1:01:24 Tatiana puts thigh over Erez Yotam
1:04:04 Tatiana in midst of Passover week guaranteed 3 days darkness
1:04:32 Tatiana claims Elisheva has the blood on her hands for warning people about their false prophecy
1:04:02 Tatiana claims Elisheva has to "repent" before Erez
1:10:02 Tatiana says Elisheva & all of us will die
1:12:29 Tatiana guarantees the 3 days of darkness
1:12:04 Tatiana's voodoo dance
1:12:00 Tatiana claims they "leave their minds on the shelf"
1:12:02 Tatiana predicted we would all die
1:12:03 Tatiana claims YAHUVEH has special whip for Elisheva
1:22:35 Tatiana threatens Elisheva's tongue will be torn out.
1:22:41 Tatiana's false goddess of urine guaranteeing 3 days of darkness

The Ringmaiden Wears the Ring for the Bride of YAHUSHUA
The Ringmaiden Wears the Ring for the Bride of YAHUSHUA Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The Ringmaiden Wears the Ring for the Bride of YAHUSHUA

⁣Symbol Of Love A Wedding Ring Between YAHUSHUA and HIS Bride. This is
the Ring Maiden Ring Prophet Ezra shows to the public as a symbol of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA's Ring.

2019 Elisheva Eliyahu Live Heart Talk to Ezra Caleb - Part 1
2019 Elisheva Eliyahu Live Heart Talk to Ezra Caleb - Part 1 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣2019 Elisheva Eliyahu Live Heart Talk to Ezra Caleb - Part 1

Ezra Caleb must repent for what he has done, leading people to
another god, especially with his false word setting a false date for the
3 days of darkness.

There's been many videos now directed at you Ezra from Elisheva,
YAH speaking through her to you, but this one is coming from
straight from her to you.

Aldric Marshell & Arlington Williamson, both of Florida,
are also trying to reach you to get you to repent.

Why 3 Days of Darkness Will Not Happen on Passover 2019
Why 3 Days of Darkness Will Not Happen on Passover 2019 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Why 3 Days of Darkness Will Not Happen on Passover 2019

⁣Exposition of the false prophecy of 3 days of darkness on Passover 2019 by "[false] prophet Ezra from Israel"

Amightywind Prière du Salut
Amightywind Prière du Salut Amightywind Français 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Amightywind Prière du Salut


Je te reçois comme Seigneur et Sauveur, Tu es le
Dieu que j'aime. Je crois que tu as payé le prix de mes péchés sur la
montagne du Calvaire, que tu es mort et ressuscité d'entre les morts le
troisième jour. Je te demande de venir dans mon coeur, de me pardonner
les péchés que j'ai commis, de me laver de toute mon iniquité.

Je regrette d'avoir pêché et je me détourne de ces péchés. Merci de
m'avoir rempli de l'Esprit Saint et de m'avoir donné le désir de te
servir tous les jours de ma vie. Vis en moi, YAHUSHUA, pour que tu sois
aussi glorifié ! Merci de m'avoir donné le désir de lire ta Bible, et
donnes-moi la sagesse de la comprendre, Merci pour ton amour pour moi et
d'avoir sauvé mon âme en faisant grandir ma foi pour que je sois un
jour avec toi au Ciel. Remplis-moi maintenant de l'Esprit Saint et
délivre-moi du diable, en ton nom, YAHUSHUA, je prie cela ! Aide-moi
YAHUSHUA à me souvenir que tous ont pêché et sont privés de la gloire de
YAHUVEH et que tu es venu NOUS sauver, NOUS les pécheurs, c'est
pourquoi TU es appelé notre SAUVEUR. Amen.

Lisez cette prière et lisez-la encore, cette fois pas avec votre connaissance de tête,
croyez-la avec foi et souvenez-vous que YAHUSHUA n'est pas seulement
Dieu mais aussi votre meilleur ami ! IL se préoccupe tant de vous, IL
vous aime tant comme vous êtes. IL déteste le péché mais IL vous aime,
vous le pêcheur !

Apprenez à vivre en Sainteté et à obéir à tous
les 10 Commandements, inclus le Quatrième qui ordonne de garder Saint
le jour du Sabbat, qui est le septième jour d'après la Bible, vendredi
du coucher du soleil à samedi au coucher du soleil, et non pas dimanche
(le premier jour). Le Sabbat est une Alliance Eternelle, comme le
declare Exode 31:16. Ceci s'applique à la fois aux croyants Juifs en
YAHUSHUA, et aux croyants non-Juifs qui sont greffés avec eux (Romains

Vous devez obéir à ce Commandement, car la Bible dit
que lorsque vous enfreignez un commandement vous les enfreignez tous. La
Bible dit aussi que votre Sauveur YAHUSHUA est et sera toujours le
Seigneur du Sabbat. (Mathieu 12:8, Marc 2:28, Luc 6:5).

La Bible dit: Il y a donc un repos de Sabbat réservé au people de Dieu (...)
Efforçons-nous donc d'entrer dans ce repos... (Hébreux 4:1-11) Cette
admonition doit être prise avec la plus grande sériosité en ces temps de
la fin.

Пророчество 126 - Божий Гнев на Этот Мир Будет Отправлен
Пророчество 126 - Божий Гнев на Этот Мир Будет Отправлен Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 126 - Божий Гнев на Этот Мир Будет Отправлен

⁣Не прикасайтесь к Пророкам МОИМ! Не прикасайтесь к Помазанным МОИМ, и
Пророкам МОИМ не делайте никакого зла (1 Паралипоменон 16:22; ПС
104:15)! Он [Павел Хэллэм] разгорится в Ярости МОЕЙ!


Горе всем, кто прикасается к волосам головы МОЕЙ Невесты! Разве вы не
знаете? Это МОЯ Ярость, МОЙ Гнев, МОЯ Ярость, который держит Ад
воспламененным! В этот день пламя только выросло горячее!
Не вредите МОИМ Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным и Избранным!

Горе этому миру! Для того, чтобы называть злом то, что Я называю Святым!
ГОРЕ ЭТОМУ МИРУ! Горе! Горе! Горе! Это не собирается(5) [быть] долго.
Этот мир собирается почувствовать на себе МОЮ Ярость! И это будет не просто топанье
Ножкой АББА ЯХУВЕХ — но это будет и ЯХУШУА и ИММАЯХ!

Прекратите испытывать. Прекратите испытывать МОЕ терпение — как далеко вы можете
наклониться в Ад и не упасть — ПРЕКРАТИТЕ ИСПЫТЫВАТЬ МЕНЯ!

Я не говорю это предупреждение МОИМ драгоценным Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным
и Избранным —те, кто омыты в Пролитой Крови, те, кто получил МОЙ дар на

Голгофе. Вы! Вы! Вы! Я вас обнимаю! Вам нечего бояться.

Я говорю с врагами — отверженными (2 Тимофея 3:8; Титу 1:16),(6)
порождению сатаны. Я говорю к “теплым” (Откровение 3:16), кто называет
себя “Христианин”, но даже ОСКВЕРНЯЮТ Имя ХРИСТА.

Пророчество 27 - Мессия возвратится на Шаббат Восстаньте женщины апостолипророки
Пророчество 27 - Мессия возвратится на Шаббат Восстаньте женщины апостолипророки Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 27 - Мессия возвратится на Шаббат Восстаньте женщины апостолипророки

Я, ЯХУШУА возвращаюсь в ШАББАТ [ДЕНЬ], вы не знаете в какой. Откликнитесь МОИ
Женщины Апостолы и Женщины Пророки! Восстаньте СЕЙЧАС! Больше не
позволяйте никому говорить вам, что Я не призвал вас быть Пророками и
Апостолами, Учителями, Евангелистами или Пасторами. Я - Гончар, вы - Глина.
Почему вы слушаете человека или тех с духом Фарисеев? Провозгласите это послание,
которое Я даю этому Апостолу говорить. Присоединитесь к ее голосу, женщины и
мужчины, которые признают МОЙ голос, говорящий наперед через то, что Я пишу
через нее. Поощряйте друг друга. Сатана заставил вас молчать слишком долго.
Апостольские Пророческие Воины вы знаете, кто вы. Напишите МОЕЙ Служанке и
поощряйте друг друга, учитесь друг у друга. Я возвращаюсь очень вскоре.
Возьмитесь за руки друг с другом, вы не одиноки. (...)

Вы, МОИ Дети, говорите что хотите МОЕЙ совершенной воли? Действительно хотите?
Неужели вы дадите МНЕ один день в неделю? Шаббат, ОТ ЗАКАТА ПЯТНИЦЫ ДО
ЗАКАТА СУББОТЫ, вы должны отдыхать во МНЕ, радоваться во МНЕ, узнавать обо МНЕ.
Отложите в сторону свою работу и вместо этого делайте только МОЮ работу,
если какая-либо работа должна быть сделана. Молитесь и Я покажу вам, что делать
и что не делать. (...) Это день радости во МНЕ, не проклятие; это день
вам в благословение, день, чтобы не опасаться, но с удовольствием ожидать.
Шаббат не день рабства, а день свободы во МНЕ, ЯХУШУА. МОИ Ученики и Я
являемся примером того, что делать в Шаббат. Изучите это не от Фарисеев, которые
говорят, что этот день, чтобы быть в рабстве, которые говорят, что этот
день, чтобы страдать. Да, Я говорю велики будут ваши благословения за соблюдение
МОЕГО Шаббат Дня и за хранение его Святым.

ЭТО ДЕНЬ, В КОТОРЫЙ Я ПРИДУ СНОВА! Да, Я сказал: "Соблюдайте Шаббат с этого дня
те, кто утверждает, что они есть МОЯ Невеста!" Приготовьтесь ибо ваш
Жених действительно грядет и прибудет в Шаббат. Вы не знаете в какой. Но те, кто
не ждут МЕНЯ в ШАББАТ, НЕ ЗАМЕТЯТ МЕНЯ. Да, Я еще раз говорю, как МОЕ
прибытие на землю приближается, в этот день позвольте МНЕ быть в ваших мыслях,
словах и делах. Наслаждайтесь этим днем со МНОЙ. Разве вы не можете
оставить свои удовольствия мира ради МЕНЯ один день в неделю? Практикуйте это
ныне, время настает, когда злые обратят внимание, кто действительно
является МОИМ и кто на самом деле не является МОИМ. Они узнают по ЗНАКУ, если вы
соблюдаете и храните МОИ Законы. Они запретят вам собираться в Шаббат
или признавать этот день как Шаббат. Помните, от Заката Пятницы до Заката
Субботы, это есть ШАББАТ. Храните его СВЯТЫМ и днем для вас и МЕНЯ, чтобы
нежно обниматься и узнавать друг о друге. Вы - МОИ Возлюбленные. Те, кто делает
это, узнают благословения, о которых вы даже не знали прежде. (...)

Пророчество 26 - Услышьте Меня Бойтесь МЕНЯ Верьте МНЕ
Пророчество 26 - Услышьте Меня Бойтесь МЕНЯ Верьте МНЕ Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 26 - Услышьте Меня Бойтесь МЕНЯ Верьте МНЕ

⁣У МОИХ Истинных Овец и Ягнят никогда не будет никакого другого бога
передо МНОЙ. МОЯ Невеста ни в коем случае не пойдет на компромисс с тем,
что Я постановил как Святое. МОЯ Невеста будет соблюдать МОИ Заповеди,
включая ту, которая была пропущена многими. Эту Заповедь неправильно
поняли, дразнили, или дух мятежа, который вошел и ожесточил сердца.
Однако, МОЯ Невеста теперь будет нести ответственность, как некоторые из
вас опустят ваши головы от стыда, не зная, как вы огорчили МОЮ РУАХ ха
КОДЕШ, не храня МОЙ Шаббат День Святым. О, но Я вижу, что вы качаете
головой и говорите: "Не я, разумеется, ТЫ обращаешься к другому, потому
что я посещаю церковные службы в воскресенье." "Каждое воскресенье,"
некоторые даже хвастаются. О, но МОИ Дорогие Маленькие, ЭТО ВЫ, КТО

Ибо разве вы не читали МОЕ Слово, Исход 31:12-18: «И сказал Господь Моисею,
говоря: скажи сынам Израилевым так: Субботы МОИ соблюдайте, ибо это
--ЗНАМЕНИЕ между МНОЮ и вами в роды ваши, дабы вы знали, что Я Господь,
освящающий вас; и соблюдайте Субботу, ибо она Свята для вас: кто осквернит ее,
тот да будет предан СМЕРТИ; кто станет в оную делать дело, та душа должна быть
истреблена из среды народа своего; шесть дней пусть делают дела, а в седьмой
--Суббота покоя, посвященная Господу: всякий, кто делает дело в день Субботний,
да будет предан СМЕРТИ; и пусть хранят сыны Израилевы Субботу, празднуя
Субботу в роды свои, как завет ВЕЧНЫЙ; это--ЗНАМЕНИЕ между МНОЮ и сынами
израилевыми НАВЕКИ, потому что в шесть дней сотворил Господь небо и
землю, а в день седьмой почил и покоился. И когда [Бог] перестал
говорить с Моисеем на горе Синае, дал ему две скрижали откровения,
скрижали каменные, на которых написано было перстом ЯХУВЕХ."

Ваша работа должна быть сделана в течение шести дней, но на седьмой вы
должны отдохнуть, от Заката Пятницы до Заката Субботы. Молитесь и Я
покажу вам, как обособлять этот день, и научу вас покоиться во МНЕ, и вы
услышите МОЙ голос, будете ободрены, будете освежены по-новому,
благословлены и защищены от врагов ваших. Разве Я не говорил, что Я -
великий БОГ "Я ЕСТЬ"? И Я и МОЕ Слово не изменяемся, ни для мужчины, ни
для женщины, ни для ваших сезонов или времен.

Ваши духовные лидеры, которые не учили этому, должны покаяться. Отвернись от этого

злого образа действий человеческим способом, с придуманными человеком
доктринами. Снова Я говорю, МОИ пути выше ваших путей. Бегите от любых
духовных лидеров, отказывающихся учить МОЁ Святое Слово бескомпромиссно.
Снова Я говорю, бегите. Намного лучше изучить правду от этой Служанки,
чем умереть в той лжи. Практикуйте теперь, чтобы хранить МОЙ Шаббат День
Святым. (...)

Пророчество 22 - Бог любит тебя Пожалуйста не совершай самоубийство
Пророчество 22 - Бог любит тебя Пожалуйста не совершай самоубийство Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 22 - Бог любит тебя Пожалуйста не совершай самоубийство

МОИ Сыновья и Дочери, вы стали своим собственным злейшим врагом.
Судить себя не является вашей работой, но работой вашего НЕБЕСНОГО ОТЦА.
Прекратите говорить МНЕ, что Я простил и чего Я не могу простить,
покайтесь в прошлом, и те грехи были брошены в море забвения. МОЯ Кровь
уже давно смыла те грехи. Они так далеко, как восток от запада.

Что касается ваших недавних мыслей и проступков, самым большим было то, что
вы корите того, кого Я люблю гораздо больше, чем вы смеете мечтать или
понять. Кто-то, за кого Я пролил МОЮ Кровь и отдал МОЮ Жизнь, и сделал
бы, если этот кто-то был бы только ты один. Кто-то, ради кого Я был
избит до неузнаваемости. Этот кто-то - ты. Теперь прекратите пытаться
сказать МНЕ, что Я сделал ошибку, когда Я избрал вас. (...)

Вы можете делать все во ИМЯ ЯХУШУА. Я не сделал ошибку, когда Я избрал вас,
чтобы говорить во ИМЯ МОЕ, Я - БОГ ВСЕМОГУЩИЙ, и Я не делаю ошибки. Как
долго Я должен говорить вам это? Когда вы послушаете МЕНЯ?

Я избрал вас, и Я знал, из какого материала вы были сделаны, и да, какие
проступки искушали бы вас, прежде чем вы даже родились. Я знал, с какими
демонами вы будете бороться еще до того, как сатана послал их. Я также
знаю, что МОЕЙ благодати достаточно во всем. Я также знаю, как Шауль
(Павел) сказал: "Чем больше, МОЙ сын, ты пытаешься угодить МНЕ, тем
больше сатана посылает своих демонов, чтобы атаковать". Но будьте
настороже против этих атак. Не ставьте себя в положение, чтобы поддаться
этим нападениям. Используйте Мудрость РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ, которую Я дал вам.
Вы знаете, о чем Я говорю, если нет, то спросите МЕНЯ, ибо этот Пророк,
говорящий с вами, почувствовал все эти вещи различными способами. Все
МОИ Истинные Пророки, даже в Библейские времена, чувствовали себя
недостойными. Если бы вы не чувствовали себя так, тогда Я посчитал бы
вас непригодными, если вы думаете, что вы достаточны без МЕНЯ.

Услышьте МЕНЯ, МОИ Возлюбленные Сыновья и Дочери. Перестаньте пытаться убить то,
чему Я дал жизнь и жизнь в избытке [Иоанна 10:10]. Прекратите получать
дух безумия. Те, кто судят вас как безумных, не понимают то, что Я
сказал и показал вам. Для МОЕЙ цели Я избрал вас. Это не перетягивание
каната. Я ВЫИГРАЮ, а вы проиграете, если вы будете продолжать
сомневаться относительно того, что вы знаете есть правда. Вы были
предупреждены, потому что Я ЛЮБЛЮ ВАС! (...)

Пророчество 7 - Крепко держитесь за края МОЕЙ одежды
Пророчество 7 - Крепко держитесь за края МОЕЙ одежды Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Пророчество 7 - Крепко держитесь за края МОЕЙ одежды

⁣Подол МОЕЙ одежды, это недостаточно, чтобы просто прикоснуться к нему.
Продолжайте стучать в МОЮ дверь, тогда, когда ответ не приходит
достаточно быстро, стучите. Когда вы устали, продолжайте просить, искать
и найдете, но не останавливайтесь, пока вы не услышите с Небес.

Ибо Я обещал вам, дети МОИ, хлеб, а не крохи этого мира. Ибо вы видите, суд
пришел к дому ЯХУВЕХ и это не так просто, как прикосновение к МОЕМУ
подолу, или тихо стучать за вашими ответами, вы лучше будьте готовыми,
это может понадобиться борьба за ваше благословение, как Иакову. Но это
только доказывает вашу веру и делает это сильнее, которая необходима в
эти последние времена. Так что говорю, нет более крошек. Вам не будет
отказано. Вы куплены Кровью Невеста ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ.

Я отвечу и доставлю вам. Я не лгу. Ибо вам обещаны не крохи этого мира, но хлеб
жизни, хлеб детям исцеление, освобождение, процветание, жизнь с избытком
и полная славы. ЯХУШУА это ваш хлеб жизни, и Я хочу посмотреть, если вы
по-прежнему хвалите МЕНЯ, и поднимите вашу веру, хотя Я не отвечаю
сразу. Я не всегда микроволновый Бог.

Да, Я знаю о микроволновых печах, как вы думаете, кто дал вам это изобретение?
У вас есть Писание, чтобы прочитать Матфея 15: 22-28 о вере Ханаанской женщины.
Она поклонялась ЯХУШУА, но ОН не обращал на нее внимания, позволяя ученикам
бранить ее, называть ее собакой, сказал, что благословение было для
другого, не для нее. Вы скажете, "Почему ЯХУШУА, почему вы сделали все
это?" Потому что в эти последние дни, все это будет происходить с МОИМИ
самыми верными последователями, те, которые поклоняются МНЕ, это будет
сделано остальными в МОЕ ИМЯ.

Вас будут оскорблять, отвергать, преследовать, но если вы будете продолжать
держаться за свою веру, хотя Я не спасу сразу же, то, как эта Хананейская женщина, вы
будете вознаграждены. Я буду видеть, насколько велика ваша вера. В это
последнее время Я готовлю МОЕ Тело таким образом, когда Я возвращусь,
как много удержаться в их вере? Сколько много будет отворачиваться,
когда они взывают в молитве о необходимости, и Я не отвечаю сразу?

Вы должны сказать им, чтобы быть готовыми бороться со МНОЙ за их
благословения, как Иаков. Ибо Я хочу благословить. Я хочу испытать и
увидеть, насколько сильно вы хотите это благословение. Будете ли вы до
сих пор поклоняться МНЕ, когда Я не отвечаю сразу? Это не МОЕ наказание,
что является причиной этого, что женщина упала и поклонилась в ноги. Вы
преклоняетесь к МОИМ ногам. Но суд начался в доме ЯХУВЕХ и одна из
вещей, которую Я тестирую, как сильна твоя вера?

Насколько верные и насколько вы будете полагаться на МЕНЯ?
Как Хананеянке, ваша вера и верность будут вознаграждены, ибо вы увидите,
что вы хотите, и даже больше с избытком и более обильно, Я изолью МОЕ
благословение, как переполненную реку. У вас будет столько радости. И Я
благословлю вас так много. Вы будете вынуждены давать другим. Держитесь
крепче за подол МОЕЙ одежды. Не отпускайте.
Продолжайте стучать, пока дверь откроется, для ваших благословений, что вы
просили. Я отвечу со временем. Не полагайся на разум твой, но во всех путях
твоих познавай МЕНЯ и Я буду направлять твои пути.

Помните, испытания вашей веры драгоценнее золота.
Держите глаза на своем Спасителе и не на потрясениях в море или
волны утопят вас. Но Я здесь, чтобы спасти вас. Ибо Я ваш Спаситель и
искупитель, разве нет? Я не подведу вас и не покину вас. Я знаю, какое
давление положить на глину, прежде чем она сломается, сколько огня,
чтобы позволить вам пройти, прежде чем употребить. Волны отчаяния не
утопят вас. Ибо Я здесь, чтобы спасти и избавить не только вашу душу, но
и разум, тело и дух. Поверьте МНЕ, и вы увидите, это сбудется. Тогда
помните, кто избавил вас, это не мужчина или женщина, но ваш БОГ,
который создал вас.

Тем не менее, Я отвечу на ваш зов, ибо Я знаю, что вы хотите, даже прежде, чем вы спросите.
В духовной сфере это будет закончено, Я жду только МОЕ идеальное время, чтобы проявить в
физическом мире. Ваша вера помогает этому выйти. Не МОЕ ли Слово
говорит, что невозможно угодить ЯХУВЕХ без веры? Вы порадуете МЕНЯ,
показывая свою веру в БОГА, который заботится и слышит и знает все.

Вы показываете вашу веру, когда вы понимаете, что вы не можете обеспечить
сами, но нуждаетесь во МНЕ, вашем Спасителе, чтобы избавить вас, и Я это
сделаю. Разве Я не ваш Господь и Спаситель? (...)

Дано Пророку Шерри Илии (Элишева Элияху)

Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not

⁣Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in
the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's
truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take
YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood
under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved
always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he
understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is
not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a
god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for
granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world
is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away
from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue
to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true
sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last
days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay
holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full
and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride
only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish
virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who
have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running
to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere.
YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment.

Prophecy 5 You Are MY Hidden Treasure MY Hidden Weapon
Prophecy 5 You Are MY Hidden Treasure MY Hidden Weapon Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 5 You Are MY Hidden Treasure MY Hidden Weapon

Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed
Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed

temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal
heat from hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no
gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure
MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure.

about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not
the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is
deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where
the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder
you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway?

Only the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) can help you to walk Holy
and only the life and Blood given by YAHUSHUA at Calvary for your sins,
can wash away your sins. Only by believing YAHUSHUA resurrected
on the 3rd day can you have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA,
is Almighty God and SAVIOUR. MY only begotten Son Conceived from
a virgin named Miryam (Mary). Where is your faith?

the entrances to Hell but the souls in Hell cannot escape nor can
anyone live to see Hell in physical form. I have given others a glimpse
of Hell as stated with the rich man and Lazarus, and no it is not
symbolism nor a parable. Hell was not originally created for Human kind
but instead for satan and his fallen angels, but I have given Human kind
a choice where they want to spend eternity. What will you do with that

THIS! Those who mock those who warn of Hell, the Lake of FIRE awaits
them. For those that can believe that I created a Heaven that is so
beautiful that words cannot describe it and know the only door to Heaven
is through the gift I gave Mankind through Calvary, YAHUSHUA is MY
Beloved Son's Name, YAHUSHUA is the only door, there is no other door to
Heaven. No other way to MY throne of grace, No not Buddha, nor
Mohammed, for these were just men that died and did not arise again.
These were just men that could not be the only perfect unblemished Lamb
of God to make atonement for sins. YAHUSHUA is the only perfect
sacrifice and that is because HE is the Son of YAHUVEH and MY only
begotten son.

TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's
sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had
cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how
angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth
to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great
grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell
that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are
surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the
princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places (...)

Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once
Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once

⁣Oh Barbara (also all lukewarm Christians and all enemies of MY true
apostles and prophets), although you mock MY Apostles and Prophets, I
send you this prophecy; it is your choice what you do with the words.
You will be held accountable for calling this a cult for what calling
what is good evil and calling what is evil good. For this is not the
work of a person's hands, this is a work of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy
. . .
You have a spirit of religion and not a loving,
obedient, relationship, with the one you call your savior, but I don't
even know you as MY child anymore. You have gone so far astray. You are
likened to the Prodigal son and the world is your pigpen although you
attend church. The church you attend is only a formality and you and
others use it as idolatry. That pastor is not the good shepherd. I,
YAHUSHUA, am the only Good Shepherd and Savior.
. . .
I exhort, encourage as well as rebuke and warn to repent only those whose hearts
are not as cold as the evil pharaoh will have ears to hear. When people
look at you do you really think they see YAHUSHUA? You are grieving me,
for attendance in church is not going to get you into Heaven and neither
how much you tithe, I am not impressed with your pew warming, your
fashion shows, or your cliques.
. . .
I raised up MY handmaiden Sherrie, and although the color of her skin is
different than yours, both of them share MY RUACH ha KODESH with a
desire to love and bless others and lead them to Heaven.
This is not about a denomination but about a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA.
What kind of relationship do you really have with ME?
What kind of faith do you really have in ME?
. . .

Don't criticize what you don't understand it is better to cover your mouth
and be humble. I have given Shandra a spiritual mother because you were
not loving, nurturing, teaching, encouraging her in the ways of the
Lord. I Almighty God YAHUVEH warn you that you are lukewarm and I know
your heart and motivations when you attend church and it is for one
reason, and that is because you are puffed up with pride and want
everyone to think you are more holy than what you are.
. . .
Listen where your next home will be IF you continue in your evil lukewarm ways
(See Citizen in Hell). I will vomit you out of MY mouth and hell shall
be your next abode. Repent, enemies of MINE, you know not the apostolic
handmaiden you are touching nor the Holy Liquid Fire Anointing that is
upon her and this ministry. But you shall know as I cut holes in your
pockets, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. Appliances that
should not need replacing, you shall be forced to replace. Your vehicles
will need costly repairs.
. . .
MY apostle is only is doing MY will and loving MY daughter Shandra and others,
with a love I have given her and teaching them MY holy ways in the bible,
she does Shandra or them, no harm. But you call yourself a mother and yet
are no mother at all. It takes more than birthing a child to deserve the word mother.
Because you mocked MY apostolic handmaiden when she went through times
of testing now you shall know the sorrow she suffered and you shall cry
the tears she shed, for I have lifted the burdens off MY Daughter but
now you shall carry the full load. Even the dividing sword shall come
upon your household and your own husband shall look at you with disgust
and disgrace. Repent!

Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss
Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss

⁣To MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, I AM' says, "Blessed I call
you and will prove I reward those that diligently seek after ME and
strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are those who strive to be Holy as "I
AM" is Holy. Blessed are those who store up their treasures in Heaven
and not on Earth. Who run towards the mark of the high calling. To
become MY Bride is the highest calling of all." This is the greatest
treasure of all. There are guests and there is MY Bride. Strive to
become MY Bride. I do not call all, MY Bride, only those set apart for
MY Glory will be called MY Bride. MY Bride knows one another, a stranger
they know not. This is a ministry sent to minister and prepare MY
Bride. Those who scoff beware, for your scoffing and rebuke shall return
unto your own ears. Who are you to say what "I AM" can do and not do? I
send MY Prophets to warn of doom before it comes. Does not MY Word say,
"If MY people which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves and
pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear
from Heaven and forgive them of their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND." (2
Chronicles 7:14)

OH REPENT you wicked generation for I spared
you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY
wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you
scoff and mock MY Son's coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to
come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually
looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time
of tribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for
catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and
the catastrophe doesn't come, you then label that prophet false. There
are many false prophets but if that Prophet or Apostle lead you towards
Salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they
be false?

If a Prophet or Apostle leads you away from Heaven
and toward Hell then they are indeed a false prophet. If they lead you
to another god or false sign, wonder, or miracle then they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle or teacher. If an Apostle or Prophet, or
teacher leads you to discard MY old Laws and Books they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle. (Psalm 1:2) You are to meditate on MY laws
both day and night. Even if an angel comes preaching another way to
Heaven or tells you not to listen to the Old Book and only read the New
Book, BEWARE for "I AM" is the OLD BOOK that was made FLESH in MY Son
YAHSUHUA for not only was the old book read but was SEEN. MY WORD was
seen in WORD and DEED and now MY true Children, so too should the world
see MY WORD both the NEW and OLD Testament should be seen in YOU!

Be concerned for your very souls for discouraging MY true apostles and
prophets that speak forth words of warning and you have hung yourselves
by your own words just as surely as Judas hung himself. What is the
price of your soul? Don't you yet see? MY enemies are seeking to find
where your strength is. Your enemies seek to take your strength your
desire to serve ME, to destroy you and yes even to kill you if possible.
Your enemies seek to confuse you and cause you doubt like Peter did
when I told him to walk upon the water. Did Delilah betray Samson with a
sword? No, but with a KISS in the name of love she betrayed him after
finding his source of strength. Did Judas betray MY Son with a sword?
No, but with a KISS. So to your enemies that live within your own homes
and families will say I just want to help you and then betray you with a
KISS of DEATH to your freedom and your lives if I so allow.

The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM"
is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM"
is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or
woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with
goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats for those that have
stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they
would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times
"I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the
wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I
see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old "I AM" will deliver
those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the
spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where
there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.

Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour
Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour

⁣Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on
following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence,
denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The
darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show
forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is
done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking
down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to
not only MY enemies, but MY Children for they must realize should their
foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful
disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of
safety from the storms to come.

I speak these things now from MY handmaiden who also knows she is
held accountable for what she speaks and doesn't speak.
These words will convict those reading and listening
and where they have been in darkness I will shine MY light of conviction
to once again prove "I AM" is an Almighty God who is a God of Mercy and
Love but "I AM" is also ALMIGHTY in WAR to MY enemies. Indeed for those
that test ME will find "I AM" is a God that will not be mocked for long
so be warned this day!

The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when
I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction,
pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on.
Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their
own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and
Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they
see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they
serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption
seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins.

When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed
start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a
gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied
above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that
I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE
and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not
obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in
ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is
not hearing MY voice.

Seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
the God of Israel while I can yet be found. I am speaking not in a loud
voice to your Spirits but a still small voice for those that care enough
to incline their ears to ME and strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it
worth it to you to care enough to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY
instructions to you? Is it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to
fast, you are to fast to be able to hear ME more clearly?sen against
them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you
to the exit.

Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets

YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still
saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for

From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth
(Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a
long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman
even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of
this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from
the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it
had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the
Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of
revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a
finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I
AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God.

Be a fruit inspector
for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like
you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can
identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I
will confirm what is being written now.

Przyjdź, przyjdź JAHUSZUA
Przyjdź, przyjdź JAHUSZUA Amightywind Polska 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Przyjdź, przyjdź JAHUSZUA

親愛的YDS18週年紀念日快樂!又一年的勝利!(繁) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 3 月 前


Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

亲爱的YDS18周年纪念日快乐!又一年的胜利!(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 3 月 前


Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

圣灵全能风28周年庆祝(2022 )!(简)
圣灵全能风28周年庆祝(2022 )!(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣圣灵全能风28周年庆祝(2022 )!(简)

Prophecy 86 - Away From ME You Disobedient So Called Bride
Prophecy 86 - Away From ME You Disobedient So Called Bride Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 86 - Away From ME You Disobedient So Called Bride

⁣Oh how I LOVE YOU! How I embrace you. When you say, "Tell me the way,
light the path, I will do whatever you say even if it goes against my
flesh, even if it means I have to financially sacrifice, I will do it
your way." These are MY Bride. And you recognize one another for you are
a family like no other family. You think with one mind and you love
with one heart and MY Name is never far apart.

Each and everyone of you embrace ME with a love anew.
These are MY Bride. Your desire to live Holy before ME only grows stronger
each day. You say, "Speak to me my beloved, I want a glimpse of you"
and I say, "I am here and I embrace you and I kiss you and I love you
and I hug you and I hold you". These are MY Bride.
They are not a disobedient so-called Bride.

Those who are in unequally yoked marriages that I never yoked, it's like it is
a rope around their neck and you are being hung, but when I come to cut
the rope you say, "No, no let me hang." Away from ME you disobedient
so-called Bride. You are a Bride no more. In your eyes you call yourself
a Bride, in your prayers you claim to be a Bride, but I test your
obedience for I know your heart. I know who you love the most.

You can try and impress others, you can pray in MY Name, oh but I know your
hearts. You will weep and you will lament one day, when you find out
how many of you I had to call away. And I will say, "Away from ME, you
disobedient ones who call yourself MY Bride."

MY Bride comes together and they say, "What is it that I can share?
What is it that I can do for you?" They love each other with a love that is oh so true.
These are MY Bride." I have warned and I have warned again, I said,
"Give up your sin." I am not saying that you are not saved. But I am
saying you are not worthy to be called MY Bride. Oh but these gathered
here, oh what a love you have for one another. I sent you forth to call
the European Bride and the other Nations beside.

How many care when you have a need and you put the need out?
The Bride will not let you down. The Bride will be generous, they will know
that your need is their need. Just as surely as I sent Elijah of old, and told the widow
of Zarapeth to share with Elijah and he said, "Share with me your last
meal, so it will not be your last meal." So too, I send this Elijah of
New to do the same thing. I send her to the widows of Zarapeth that say,
"I have no need." Oh, but so very quickly you shall see, you will have
desperate needs. It is because you deafened your ears when MY Ringmaiden
called, I shall deafen MY ears when you call.

Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

⁣"Be of Good Cheer MY Little Ones for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the only
Good Shepherd and I am exposing the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps for
the wolves they are! I am beating the wolves away and removing their
fangs from your flesh.

Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her,
by watching her programs or buying her books she
promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's

There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an
author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the
bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name
Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it
is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes
truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns
about when she wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet."

Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to
come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become
infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had
prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do
not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books,
emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you,
into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you, if you depend on her
orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a
woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For
those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you
will see

YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this
Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and
encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva Eliyahu know they
are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them
and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the
Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks
from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle
that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself

Choo Thomas, repent now publicly! The words you have written in a book
describing your so-called trips to heaven, is a trick from satan!
Beloved Children, just because someone says they have been to heaven,
test it with MY Word and see if it lines up with MY description of
Heaven. Every Pastor that has promoted and promotes the lies that Choo
Thomas has written, you also are fit for MY fury if you do not openly
REPENT and rebuke these lies! You have helped lead the Sheep and Lambs
astray! How could you not recognize these lies she has written in her

Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and
to lead by example. These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words
to conform into their own self made comfortable image that strives to
offend no one...."

Prophecy 94 - I YAHUVEH Say Do Not Underestimate MY Anger
Prophecy 94 - I YAHUVEH Say Do Not Underestimate MY Anger Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 94 - I YAHUVEH Say Do Not Underestimate MY Anger

"For know this, no man can silence you, no woman can silence you, no
devil can silence you. I, YAHUVEH, have the power to silence you and
you humbly are always at MY feet. I laugh everytime I hear you say, "I'm
just minding my own business." You never mind your own business
Elisabeth. You're always minding MINE. When you're playing a game, there
you are before MY Throne. Constantly I'm on your mind. For Elisabeth I
have raised you up and now a Word is going to come forth defending those
who are truly MINE in Israel, who feel all alone. You call them
Messianic Jews. They don't have a Prophet.

But I've raised up a Prophet and I've placed you right where you are and you shall
be used to bring them fresh manna from Heaven. You shall be used to pronounce MY
Judgment on the others. You shall be used to bring forth MY new wine.
For I have Holy that are locked in the Gaza strip. I have Holy who are
being tormented along with the enemies. I have the Bride locked in Gaza.
And I am calling you to pray them free. I have the Bride in Lebanon.
Yea, I have Bride in Iraq even. So hidden, so neglected. Needing a Word
from Heaven. I have Bride in China. They are MY Chinese Bride so satan
seeks to muzzle you, to silence you but I tell you you'll only shout

Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth In The Name Of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth In The Name Of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth In The Name Of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

⁣Whoever you are or wherever you all may be this prophecy is for you.Your
translation skills in hebrew is needed.YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA and the RUACH
HA KODESH have called you out you know who you all are.YAHUSHUA loves
you come forth in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.How will the hebrew
people hear and read the truths of YAHUVEH that come straight from
heaven without any hebrew translators? Please obey the voice of YAHUVEH
and the leading of the RUACH HA KODESH in YAHUSHUA's name.Contact the
Ring Maiden today.

Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words
Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

⁣Thus saith I, YAHUVEH, do not wait to repent of your sins, do it
immediately. Do not have a form of godliness, but have godliness within.
Let every thought be held captive to I, YAHUVEH. Do not pre-meditate
sin, turn away from evil, and do not make excuses for sin. Stop blaming
the devil for your thoughts and actions, for he can not do anything you
do not allow him to do through you. I speak these words to those of you
who say they belong to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who say they are washed in
the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who pray in the name of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH and yet I, YAHUVEH, warn you now to those who proclaim
their love for ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA, I know your hearts and your
actions speak louder than your words!

Stop testing the RUACH ha KODESH, stop grieving MY Spirit.
This world now stands at the edge of a cliff, the cliff is the Great Tribulation.
Call upon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH now while there is yet time.
On Yom Kippur during these 10 Days of Awe remember, I only hear the prayer
of the humble at heart. Do not be smug in your own salvation.

In times of old the children of Israel sinned greatly against ME.
They took their gold and silver that I gave them as a blessing and made a
golden calf to worship and bow down to, it is no different now.
This world takes the gold and silver and bows down to the wealthy and
worships them, but I am showing you as I shake this world as if you were
cooking popcorn on a stove and those who are so puffed up in pride the
very wealthy who have said they are god, they need no other god, they scorn
MY Holy Words, they scorn MY Holy Commandments, they defile all that is holy,
and as overcooked popcorn you shall smell the stench as you see them scorched and burn.

Woe be unto the evil, evil men who call themselves pastors. You who have
taken the name church and use the spiritually hungry people to build
your own financial empires. You shall scorch and you shall burn and your
financial empires I, YAHUVEH, shall tear down with MY own hand and you
shall be exposed for the evil that you are. I will not apologize to
Sodom and Gommorah, woe be unto the world who are following in their
footsteps! You are at the edge of a cliff and only those who truly have a
loving and obedient relationship with I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH will be rescued. Repent today for tomorrow may be to late.

The plans that the enemies have, both in the government and in satans
kingdom are for evil, to steal, kill and destroy. To starve, to poison
the very air that you breathe. To experiment with the water you drink,
where all manners of various poisons already pollute your water. The
wealthy want to de-populate the earth, to save all the resources for
them, but I, YAHUVEH, say, I will have the last word. I will not be
mocked. I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons
shall consume them.

Now is the time to stand up and take a stand
for Holiness while you still can. Stop compromising with the devil and
with the servants of satan. Fear offending I, YAHUVEH, more than
offending mere mortal men.

Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life
Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life

YAHUSHUA spoke this Word for a beloved daughter in YAHUSHUA who the
devil was trying to divide from her soul mate. Because of past hurts, in
the Spirit there was barbed wire around her heart that was preventing
her from giving and receiving love, however, she had to be the one to
ask YAHUSHUA to remove this spiritual barbed wire. No one else could do
it for her.

Satan fears when one of you pray, how much more when
all that I have gathered there pray together --for every one is
anointed. But still I must say this: no one with the spirit of rebellion
can remain. For rebellion is like a form of witchcraft and if anyone
says, "I demand to have it my way" then I will have to send them on
their way for it is like a leprosy. So, MY darling daughter you have
fought the spirit of rebellion. All of you fight the spirit of rebellion
and only know through MY NAME, MY BLOOD can you win that battle against
the spirit of rebellion. For satan is the first to have rebelled;
lucifer said he would have it his way. Now he tries to corrupt those who
are MY children with the foul stench of the spirit of rebellion
wherewith that one spirit, a legion can come of demons to torment, to
possess, to oppress.

Test the spirit that speaks means hold every thought captive! Is it I,
YAHUSHUA, that would speak forth these words? Is it I,
YAHUSHUA, that would give you these thoughts? You will
see MY treasures how many times you will have to admit it is either your
flesh or it was satan. But either way if I would not speak this, do not
receive it. Oh how I love you, I have given you so much and I have so
much more to give you if you will but trust ME.

No one is MY bride if they can't get this part right. If they cannot lay their flesh
down then how can they walk in the Spirit? How can they hear the
precious HOLY SPIRIT that lives within you? If you cover your ears and
you cover your eyes and you say, "I don't want to hear what YOU have to
say and I don't want to see what YOU want to show me. I don't want to
speak what YOU want me to speak, I don't want to go where you want me to
go. I don't want to do what YOU are telling me to do" ... THEN DEPART
FROM ME you are NOT MY Bride! So there! I've said it! How many ways must
I say, "Get away from ME you so called disobedient bride!"? The world
doesn't want to hear it! The organized churches don't want to hear it!

The enemies, they say, "You can't sin away grace". The enemies lie. They
test ME again and again, time after time. They say, "Because we can do
anything we want to do now! It's all about the cross. You're not allowed
to judge me. You're not to tell me that my soul is lost" and they don't
even know ME. It is the letter that killeth and the spirit that giveth
life. They don't even have the Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is not within.
They've read the Word. They've memorized them. They try to claim ME as a
SAVIOUR but they say, "Get lost as a LORD"! They say, "I don't want no
master over me, this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want
to! Oh but I love you Jesus. Oh but I praise you! John 3:16! See it says
it right here all I have to do is just believe. I don't have to obey!
AmightyWind ministry go away! I can sin all I want who are you to say?
It's not about what I do - it's what Jesus did. No one can be righteous
see it says it right here 'All have sinned and fell short of the
righteousness of GOD.' (Rom. 3:23)"

I love each of you. Those who make YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers,
you mean so much to ME! You were named after ME!
I've given you your own theme song! ["I'm Going to the Enemy's
Camp"] For you're going to the enemies' camp and you're taking back
everything that the devil has stolen and this night daughter you're
taking back everything that the devil has stolen because satan is UNDER
YOUR FEET! And the enemies are defeated! Do not go by what your eyes
see! You don't have a clue what I've done to the enemies'camp!

Amightywind Richard Kites WARNING
Amightywind Richard Kites WARNING Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Amightywind Richard Kites WARNING

⁣Urgent Warning Video Message From Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu About Scam Paypal Account "Richard Kites"!

Never donate to Richard Kites/ Donovan Todd's PayPal. This is a scammer. We
have no connection to this person who is connected to lawkeeper101.
May YAH judge quickly in YAHUSHUA'S name with HIS vengeance. For they are stealing out of YAHUSHUA'S pockets.

Amightywind Song Medley - StandUpForYAH03
Amightywind Song Medley - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Amightywind Song Medley - StandUpForYAH03

Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

Diamond Cover - StandUpForYAH03
Diamond Cover - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Diamond Cover - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

In Your Hands - StandUpForYAH03
In Your Hands - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣In Your Hands - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

Labour of Love song - StandUpForYAH03
Labour of Love song - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Labour of Love song - StandUpForYAH03

Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

My Child Original Song - StandUpForYAH03
My Child Original Song - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣My Child Original Song - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

Silent Night - StandUpForYAH03
Silent Night - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Silent Night - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

The words I would say - StandUpForYAH03
The words I would say - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣The words I would say - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

Warrior of YAHUSHUA - StandUpForYAH03 Warrior of YAHUSHUA - StandUpForYAH03
Warrior of YAHUSHUA - StandUpForYAH03 Warrior of YAHUSHUA - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Warrior of YAHUSHUA - StandUpForYAH03

⁣Praise YAH everyone!
Here is another original song that YAH composed through us.
We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you.

Foryahsglory Alone222 - Happy Sukkot
Foryahsglory Alone222 - Happy Sukkot Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Foryahsglory Alone222 - Happy Sukkot

This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter
performing in this video and can not be used without permission.

YAHs paul - 我要歌頌祢聖名(I Sing Praises)
YAHs paul - 我要歌頌祢聖名(I Sing Praises) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣YAHs paul - 我要歌頌祢聖名(I Sing Praises)

⁣© All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries

This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.

Thieves and Liars Lily Poo and Lawkeeper101
Thieves and Liars Lily Poo and Lawkeeper101 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Thieves and Liars Lily Poo and Lawkeeper101

Never write beautyofheaven@startmail.com gardenofperfume@tutanota.com .
They are lying and stealing with the above email addresses which is from
“Lawkeeper101” (YouTube Channel) and Lily “Garden of Perfume” (YouTube Channel).
Please pray that the walls of Jericho come crashing down on them in the name
of YAHUSHUA and that Lawkeeper101's channel will be removed.
Pray the wrath of YAH come upon all thieves who have been stealing Amightywind videos.
The battle is YAHUSHUA'S!

Proroctwo 83 - Dwoje Świadków Nadchodzi
Proroctwo 83 - Dwoje Świadków Nadchodzi Amightywind Polska 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Proroctwo 83 - Dwoje Świadków Nadchodzi

Prophétie 26 - Entendez MOI, Craignez MOI, Croyez MOI
Prophétie 26 - Entendez MOI, Craignez MOI, Croyez MOI Amightywind Français 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophétie 26 - Entendez MOI, Craignez MOI, Croyez MOI

⁣Entendez-MOI, Craignez-MOI, Croyez-MOI! Révélé à ce vaisseau
d'argile,'Apôtre Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah MES véritables moutons et
agneaux n'auront jamais un autre dieu avant MOI. MA Mariée ne fera en
aucune façon des compromis dans tout ce que J'ai décrété être Saint. MA
Mariée honorera MES Commandements, dont un qui a été négligé par des
multitudes. Il a été mal compris, traité avec mépris, ou l'esprit de
rébellion est entré dans les cœurs et les a durcis. Cependant MA Mariée
sera maintenant tenue responsable alors que certains d'entre vous
baisseront leurs tête dans leur honte, sans savoir comment vous avez
attristé MA RUACH HA KODESH pour ne pas avoir gardé Saint MON Jour du

O' mais JE peux voir certains d'entre vous secouer la
tête et dire « Non, sûrement pas moi, TU parles certainement de
quelqu'un d'autre, car JE vais à la messe le jour du dimanche ».
Certains se vantent même d'y aller tous les dimanches. Oh MES Bien-Aimés
MES Ecritures Saintes, Exode 31 :12-18 :

«L'Éternel parla à Moïse, et dit: Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et dis-leur: Vous ne
manquerez pas d'observer mes sabbats, car ce sera entre moi et vous, et
parmi vos descendants, un signe auquel on connaîtra que je suis
l'Éternel qui vous sanctifie.

Vous observerez le sabbat, car il sera pour vous une chose sainte.
Celui qui le profanera, sera puni de mort; celui qui fera quelque
ouvrage ce jour-là, sera retranché du milieu de son peuple.
On travaillera six jours; mais le septième jour
est le sabbat, le jour du repos, consacré à l'Éternel. Celui qui fera
quelque ouvrage le jour du sabbat, sera puni de mort. Les enfants
d'Israël observeront le sabbat, en le célébrant, eux et leurs
descendants, comme une alliance perpétuelle. Ce sera entre moi et les
enfants d'Israël un signe qui devra durer à perpétuité; car en six jours
l'Éternel a fait les cieux et la terre, et le septième jour il a cessé
son oeuvre et il s'est reposé. Lorsque l'Éternel eut achevé de parler à
Moïse sur la montagne de Sinaï, il lui donna les deux tables du
témoignage, tables de pierre, écrites du doigt de YAHUVEH. »

Votre travail doit être fait en six jours, mais vous devez vous reposer le
septième jour, de Vendredi à partir du coucher du Soleil jusqu'à Samedi
au coucher du Soleil. Priez et JE vous montrerai comment sanctifier ces
jours et vous apprendrai à vous reposer en MOI et vous entendrez MA
voix, serez encouragés, rafraîchis d'une façon nouvelle, bénis et
protégés contre vos ennemis. N'ai JE pas dit JE suis le grand Dieu, "JE
SUIS?" et JE ne change pas, ni MOI ni MES Ecritures ne changent pas,
pour aucun homme, aucune femme, aucun temps ni aucune saison. (...)

Prophétie 120 - N abandonnez pas! Ne laissez pas tomber!
Prophétie 120 - N abandonnez pas! Ne laissez pas tomber! Amightywind Français 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Prophétie 120 - N abandonnez pas! Ne laissez pas tomber!

⁣Si vous êtes fatigués et abattus, s'il vous plaît, lisez et écoutez
ceci. Cette prophétie contient une onction de restauration. L'onction
est plus grande encore dans la Parole parlée. Vous verrez à la fin qu'il
y a eu un miracle avec le magnétophone. Si la conversation avait été
enregistrée depuis le début, la Parole n'aurait pas été enregistrée dans
son intégrité jusqu'à la fin. Mais loué soit YAHUSHUA, l'enregistrement
a commencé au moment parfait de YAHUVEH et la Parole entière a pu être


MON sang imprègne le sol d'Israël. Une seule goutte seulement suffit
pour laver les péchés. Merci de ne pas avoir honte de MOI. Merci d'être
disposée à être persécutée pour MOI !

Merci de M'avoir accepté, même si cela veut dire que ta propre famille
te tourne le dos ! Ceux de ta famille de sang, mais pas la famille de
MON Sang ! La famille de MON Sang t'enlace comme JE l'ai fait en
demandant à ta sœur prophétesse de t'appeler ce jour ! La famille de MON
Sang, ceux qui font la volonté du PERE Céleste, te reçoit et t'aime,
elle reconnaît qui tu es en MOI ! Souviens toi-en toujours !

JE t'aime ! Et JE te remercie ! Oui, ton SEIGNEUR DIEU, ton SAUVEUR, ton
MESSIE t'aime ! Ne laisse jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais personne te
retirer cela ! JE te parle dans le calme de la nuit. JE te donne des
révélations. Et tu en auras d'encore plus grandes ! Souviens-toi MA
Bien-Aimée, des Judas viendront et des Judas s'en iront. J'ai eu MES
Judas. Tu as les tiens. Elisabeth a les siens. Tous, tous, tous, ceux
qui ME suivent, s'ils ne sont pas persécutés en MON Nom, feraient mieux
de se demander : « Pourquoi ne le suis-je pas ? » car le serviteur n'est
pas plus grand que le MAITRE. C'est tout….Tous ne M'aiment pas. Ne
t'attends pas à ce que tous t'aiment – puisque JE suis toujours
persécuté. Dans ce monde JE suis plus haï qu'aimé ! JE suis plus moqué
qu'accepté ! Mais J'ai payé le prix au Calvaire et Israël, oh Israël,
combien de temps, combien de temps, combien de temps, combien de temps
encore dois-JE attendre pour que tu M'acceptes, pour que tu M'aimes ?

Oh, JE sais combien de temps il faudra ! Et JE connais le prix qu'Israël
devra payer ! Et ce sera un prix tellement lourd – car ils sont plus
tenus responsables – car J'ai marché dans les rues de Jérusalem. MON
Sang, MON Sang, MON Sang imprègne le pays. Oh comme JE suis chagriné,
comme JE ME lamente ! Mais il y a un reste ! J'ai un reste ! J'ai
TOUJOURS un reste ! Ils sont peu nombreux – mais ils sont A MOI ! Et
tout comme JE t'ai toi… il y en a d'autres aussi en Israël. Ils sont
dispersés partout dans le monde et ils vont se lever et ils vont
défendre ! Ils défendent tout ce qui est Saint ! Et ils exposent et
réprimandent tout ce qui n'est pas saint et ils mettent en garde contre
la venue du faux messie – mais cela n'arrivera pas tant que JE n'aurais
pas enlevé MA véritable Mariée. (...)

Oh, ça fait combien de temps, combien de temps, combien de temps,
combien de temps, combien de temps, combien de temps,
que J'attends de pouvoir enlacer MA Mariée !
Ca ne devrait plus tarder ! Vous serez dans MES bras ! Vous entendrez MA
voix ! N'abandonnez pas ! Surtout ne laissez pas tomber ! Car vous êtes
arrivés jusqu'ici ! N'abandonnez pas ! Surtout ne laissez pas tomber !
Ne faites pas de compromis avec les mensonges du monde ! Plus le monde
vous dit que vous n' êtes pas saints, sachez que vous êtes saints ! Plus
ils se moquent de vous et rient parce que vous suivez les Lois de la
Torah, sachez que vous êtes A MOI !

Le plus vous défendez le Sabbat, le Shabbat et dites, "ce n'est pas dimanche", sachez tout
simplement que vous êtes A MOI ! N'abandonnez pas. Ne laissez pas
tomber. (...)

Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!
Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED! Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!

⁣Prove it, or admit you LIED! -- 10 Lies about Elisabeth Elijah, spoken
by childofyahvh Barbara and fed by our enemies EXPOSED and Refuted. In
this video we show you a Textbook case of a mind programmed individual
who allowed herself to be recruited by infiltrators like pastorgeorgec
and his henchmen for youtube popularity and favour from a wolf pack out
to fulfil an evil agenda and steal souls through a false Christianity
(watch video entitled "New Age infiltration EXPOSED" on my channel to

We discuss and reprove 10 lies this mind programmed
lukewarm Christian speaks against Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.
Lies, statements and insinuations spoken by childofyahvh Barbara about
Elisabeth Elijah to which there is absolutely NO proof. This is done for
the purpose of slandering Elisabeth Elijah and assassinating her
character in an attempt to "kill" AmightyWind Ministry. For taking on
Elisabeth Elijah in videos, this Judas lying woman who helps
infiltrators masquerading as Christians to slander and hurt Elisabeth
Elijah received rewards from pastorgeorgec including a dinner with him
and a webcam. She was programmed by infiltrators to turn against
Elisabeth and assigned to continuously make slanderous lying videos
against her. Today this will NO LONGER continue without this Judas being
exposed, rebuked and reproved and all will be able to see what a
pretender and a liar she is. This woman calls herself a prophet yet is
full of gobbledygook and deceit, and is nothing more than a New Ager
just like our enemies who have infiltrated the Christian community with
New Age philosophy which they call "Christianity". BE NOT DECEIVED.

This video is also filled with Biblical teachings concerning true Biblical
Love, the Ten Commandments, Sin, Righteousness and Judgment, when to
rebuke in the Name of YAHUSHUA, why to reprove and expose evil etc

GOD is testing you - Are you passing
GOD is testing you - Are you passing Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣GOD is testing you - Are you passing

⁣"I, YAHUVEH, Judge You By Your Fruit!" given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah
Nikomia YAHUVEH GOD says HE grades HIS Children and HE explains the
different ways HE does this. Some of us are in elementary school, some,
YAHUSHUA'S Bride, are in graduate school.

ABBA YAH tells us to ask HIM our grades and HE will tell us.

To quote, YAH says,

"I grade you MY Children. And on that day in Heaven when you stand before
MY Throne and the Book of Life is opened, there shall also be your grade."

So strive to live Holy and obey YAH now so you can get your best grade possible!

He Wants It All - StandUpForYAH03
He Wants It All - StandUpForYAH03 Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣He Wants It All - StandUpForYAH03

⁣© All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries

This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.

YAHS Paul - The Warrior is a Child
YAHS Paul - The Warrior is a Child 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣YAHS Paul - The Warrior is a Child

⁣© All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries

This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.

YAHS Paul - 德佛札克: 幽默曲 . A Dvorak : Humoresque
YAHS Paul - 德佛札克: 幽默曲 . A Dvorak : Humoresque 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣YAHS Paul - 德佛札克: 幽默曲 . A Dvorak : Humoresque

⁣© All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries

This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.

慶祝普珥節 以斯帖記
慶祝普珥節 以斯帖記 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣慶祝普珥節 以斯帖記

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb
Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - תפילת הישועה
Israeli Prophet and beloved husband of Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
Ezra Caleb, leads Israel into true repentance and into the loving arms of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through this awesomely anointed Salvation
Prayer that is now translated into Hebrew! This Salvation Prayer was
originally given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 24 years ago and has literally led
millions of souls to the Cross of Calvary for salvation, where YAHUSHUA laid HIS life down
and died for the sins of the world – for all (both Jew and Gentile) who
would receive HIM as their LORD GOD and SAVIOUR. YAHUSHUA did not stay
in the grave but rose again on the Third Day! HE is alive and is now
calling Israel to repentance. Israel must learn to cry out “blessed is
HE WHO comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!”

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) is Israel and the rest of the World's ONE and

Israel please receive the Gift of eternal life today
through YAHUSHUA. HIS shed Blood for the forgiveness of your sins still
drenches the soil in Jerusalem, and covers Israel.

Israel come to know the ONLY ONE WHO can save your souls from hell/sheol and the
lake of fire! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is your ONLY SIN SACRIFICE perfect
and spotless, only through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA and
turning away from your sins can you come to ABBA YAHUVEH, ADONAI, your

Read Isaiah 53 oh Israel, YAHUSHUA was prophesied of in every sentence:

The Sin-Bearing Messiah – Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a
root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see
Him, There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not
esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one,
to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He
was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers
is silent, So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was
9 And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at
His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to
grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge
My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide
the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH perfectly fulfills the Prophecies contained within this chapter.

光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告
光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告

以莉莎法:光明節快樂!喔呼!這是一個慶祝節日快樂(Hag Sameach哈格-撒麥赫,節日快樂的希伯來文)的時刻!噢,噢,親愛的會眾們!我非常興奮!這是光明節!如果你不知道那是什麼節日,這是慶祝的時刻 ——不只是慶祝〔如何〕在公元前2世紀的時候,當時耶路撒冷的聖殿被玷污了;那時只有一支由五個兄弟組成的隊伍去抵抗邪惡的安提阿古,安提阿古宣稱自己是

實際上,他不但監禁了而且還折磨並殺害了那些拒絕停止信仰唯一神聖創造主的猶太人,〔在那時候,他們知道那是阿爸亞哈威〕,所以,當我們點 燃這些蠟燭的時候,我們也承認馬加比的神蹟。你們可以在《馬加比書》裡面讀到有關馬加比的奇蹟,那是你們在英王欽定版聖經(中文和合本聖經)裡找不到的內 容,所以,你們必須到網絡上去查找這本書,在我們的光明節網頁上〔AmightyWind.com〕有這本書。我告訴你們,在那本書裡確切地記載了住棚節 和光明節合在一起慶祝,他們在那個時候不能慶祝住棚節,因為聖殿被褻瀆了,於是他們不得不一直等到光明節/修殿節。他們一直等到了光明節/修殿節。

要想了解更多關於那事〔譯註:關於如阿克.哈.古德西〕的,請閱讀被賜給我的第89和90篇預言,而猶太人知道〔如阿克.哈.古德西/聖靈 是女性本質〕確實是真的。我想告訴每一個人:這是一個充滿奇蹟的時刻!你所需要做的全部就是悔改(太4:17;3:8;徒3:19,20:21[2])!請求亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克赦免你的罪!承認那些罪並告訴祂:你很抱歉(約一3:19[3])。祂在各各他山為你付出了代價!祂為了〔你犯的〕那些罪而被釘了十字架!祂說:「這血是為你而流的!」那就是為什麼〔在影片〕的結尾我要加上那個被賜給我的救贖禱告以及那個《差一分鐘就到午夜》的故事,那是一幅無價的油畫——你們將會看到我所得到的有關天國和亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的開放異象。


亞呼贖阿說:“我親愛的以莉莎法.以利亞呼,作為聖靈全能風事工的頭/總領導,我正賜給妳新的指示,我想要妳去告訴會眾:看吶,我亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克命令妳,我親愛 的以莉莎法.以利亞呼去和神聖的三位一體真神的事工——聖靈全能風事工一起做一件新事;在光明節,我想要這個住棚節的慶祝繼續下去。我想要光明節成為一個慶典,就像你們在棚屋節(住棚節)期間搭建了住棚來慶祝那樣,在光明節期間,也要搭建住棚去〔這樣慶祝〕。因為這是你們的彌賽亞被如阿克.哈.古德西美麗的手——那隱形的手——放進我的生母米利暗(馬利亞)的子宮裡的時候。難道你們不應該慶祝那事嗎?你們要慶祝我的誕生。現在我要求你們以同樣的方式〔搭建住棚〕慶祝光明節的時刻,慶祝這八天。因為我是永恆的指引明燈(約3:19, 8:12[13]);我就是光明節被取名為燈台節的原因!搭建住棚是被給出的指示(利23[14]),預示了我在伯利恆一個「馬棚(stable)」裡的誕生(路2:1-20)。

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes
Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes

Dr. Antony Levatino testifies at a House Judiciary Committee hearing
about Planned Parenthood's medical procedures. Planned Parenthood has
been under fire after videos were released showing how the mega abortion
provider sold fetal tissue to researchers. Dr. Levatino gave this
expert testimony in 2015.

26 Anniversary AmightyWind
26 Anniversary AmightyWind Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣26 Anniversary AmightyWind

2020年4月4日聖靈全能風事工26週年紀念 慶祝30天 讚美亞
2020年4月4日聖靈全能風事工26週年紀念 慶祝30天 讚美亞 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 4 月 前

⁣2020年4月4日聖靈全能風事工26週年紀念 慶祝30天 讚美亞


我們歡迎你們來加入我們這個為期30天 (從2020年4月4日到2020年5月4日)的奇妙慶祝。如果你想給這個事工發送視頻,你可以去事工網站並點擊聯絡按鈕,這樣你就可以把視頻發送給我們了。如果你不想公開你的視頻,不要擔心,你的視頻不會被公開,因為我們現在也在把所有的生日視頻和信息都放進一個總的影片裡。安息日平安!

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Showing 9 out of 10