
Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!
Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht! Amightywind Deutschland 146 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!

⁣Gebet um Rettung:

YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen
HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube,
dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha.
DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten.
Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich
rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe
und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden.
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir
das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe
DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst!
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangengibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel,
zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen.

Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben
wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde.
Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen,
ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt
Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer
3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU
unser RETTER genannt. Amen.

Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem
Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen. Glaube es und erinnere dich,
dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT sondern auch dein bester Freund ist!
Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist.
Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt dich, den Sünder. YAHUSHUA hat den Preis
für deine Sünden bezahlt, so dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder
verdammt fühlen musst. Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim
Namen, dann sag IHM, dass es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für
alle deine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das,
was du getan hast oder tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt.
Niemand ist perfekt! Erinnere dich daran!

Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 Geboten
GOTTES zu gehorchen durch die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off
12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft
Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die
Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird
ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den
Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im
Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben
bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht
YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du
YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast!
Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor
brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von
YAHUSHUA! Kontaktiere uns und lasse uns von dem Geschenk des ewigen
Lebens wissen, dass du gerade von unserem kostbaren YAHUSHUA Messias
bekommen hast!

Пророчестве 132 - "Израиль, Я люблю тебя! Я обличаю тебя!"Говорит БОГ ЯХУВЭХ
Пророчестве 132 - "Израиль, Я люблю тебя! Я обличаю тебя!"Говорит БОГ ЯХУВЭХ Всемогущий Ветер Россия 146 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Пророчестве 132 - "Израиль, Я люблю тебя! Я обличаю тебя!"Говорит БОГ ЯХУВЭХ

Это Слово прозвучало в прямом эфире и в режиме реального времени во
время утренней службы #Шаббат 16 июля 2016 года после прочтения #Торы
парша/часть (Чис. 19:1-22:1) и хафтара (Судей 11:1-33) вместе с "О
Израиль, где Твоя кровавая жертва?", первоначально данная Элишеве Элияху
16 сентября 2002 года.

Отрывок: Снова я говорю вам, о Израиль,
когда вы приближаетесь ко Времени Скорби Иакова (Иер 30:7), Скорби из
Скорбей (Мф 24:8-9), разве вы не знаете?— когда Я плакал Кровавыми
Слезами (гематидроз, Лк 22:44), Я плакал о тебе!

Иеремия 30:7 Увы! ибо велик тот день, так что нет подобного ему; это даже время скорби Иакова, но он будет спасен от нее.

Матфея 24:7 И восстанет народ на народ, и царство на царство; и будут голод, и
язвы, и землетрясения по разным местам. 8 Все это - начало скорбей. 9
Тогда они предадут вас на мучения и убьют вас; и вы будете ненавидимы
всеми народами за ИМЯ МОЕ.

Луки 22:44 И, находясь в агонии, ОН молился более усердно; и пот ЕГО был как бы большими каплями крови, падающими на землю.

Ты соблюдаешь все традиции. Вы верны Шаббату. Вы верны Еврейским
Праздникам. Вы читаете Тору, и все же в вашей собственной Торе Я Есть!
Моше говорил обо МНЕ (Вт 18:15 и т.д.); Я там!

Второзаконие 18:15-19 15 ЯХУВЭХ, БОГ твой, воздвигнет тебе ПРОРОКА из среды тебя, из
братьев твоих, подобного мне; ЕГО вы должны слушать. 16 Согласно всему,
чего ты желал от ЯХУВЭХ, БОГА твоего, в Хориве в день собрания, говоря:
да не услышу я больше голоса ЯХУВЭХ, БОГА МОЕГО, и да не увижу больше
этого великого огня, чтобы я не умер. 17 И ЯХУВЭХ сказал мне: они хорошо
сказали то, что они сказали. 18 Я воздвигну им ПРОРОКА из среды их
братьев, подобного тебе, и вложу Слова МОИ в Уста ЕГО; и он будет
говорить им все, что Я прикажу ЕМУ. 19 И будет так, что всякий, кто не
послушает МОИХ Слов, которые ОН будет говорить от МОЕГО ИМЕНИ, Я
потребую этого от него.

Я плакал КРОВАВЫМИ слезами за тебя, о Израиль, и этого было недостаточно.
Я доказал СВОЮ любовь, когда был распят — не только за грехи всего мира
(за тех, кто получит эту КРОВЬ на Голгофе), но, о Израиль, Я выбрал вашу землю!
МОЯ КРОВЬ была пролита за тебя! Потому что Я люблю тебя!

AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения !
AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения ! Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения !

(Зеркально)Празднование Министерства AmightyWind, родившееся 10
апреля 1988 года, и рождение AmightyWind онлайн 4 апреля в начальное
время существования всемирной паутины интернета — распространение
Евангелия, ведущее души к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ! Здесь весна, давайте
приготовимся отпраздновать сезон Возрождения!

Поздравляем с Днем рождения онлайн-Служение AmightyWind и Апостола,
Пророка Элишеву Элияху! Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в этом
удивительном 30-дневном праздновании, которое начнется 4 апреля 2022 года.
Если вы хотите отправить видео, вы можете перейти на страницу контактов и отправить
ссылку на видео через. Мы также заранее приносим извинения, если по
какой-то причине мы не сможем опубликовать ваше видео. Но если вы хотите
сохранить свое видео в ТАЙНЕ, пожалуйста, упомяните об этом и не
волнуйтесь, оно останется конфиденциальным.

На протяжении десятилетий это Мессианское Еврейское Пятидесятническое Служение
проповедовало Евангелие ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА и привело миллионы душ к
ХА МАШИАХ - ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ, БЛАГОДАРЯ КОМУ мы спасаемся через покаяние и
отворачиваясь от греха (Деяния 4:12).

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной
Молитвой Спасения. Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и
принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста, напишите мне, чтобы я знала,
чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.

Blessed Sukkot 2022!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 2 月 前


Happy Sukkot Beloved Amightywind Congregation and Asa Mikaiyah! This
is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious
Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing
ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world.

Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated
for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy
day of the year. Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in
tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the
children of Israel were wandering in the desert. Sukkahs were built to
commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE
provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. ABBA YAHUVEH
would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood
covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us
and is with us always.

Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies
and this world to us is our temporary home as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity.
This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this
world will not last forever.

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that
where I am you may be also.”

So, during this time of Sukkot,
KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! For this is the time when our
MASHIACH! We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
that no longer is there a separation between us, but now we can openly
dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD
YAHUVEH and HIS people, but that veil was torn in order for us to be
able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of

We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name.
May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the
throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH
lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous
before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a
Holy temple, YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so
we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way.

and for all tear that veil that once separated us from YOU, thank YOU
that we are welcome into YOUR arms as YOUR children through the name and
blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR SON. We Praise YOU for always
providing for us, protecting us, guiding and leading us in YOUR will,
for that is what our hearts desire is, to please YOU and serve YOU and
to follow the will, path and purpose YOU have for us. Praise YAHUSHUA HA


2023蒙福的逾越节!亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克是我们的神圣逾越羔羊!祂已复活!-(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 146 意见 • 2 月 前


⁣来自使徒先知牧师以莉莎法.以利亚呼、YDS和事工团队全体的问候:2023 蒙福的逾越节和除酵节快乐!






* * * * * * *


如果今天你希望接受亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克为你的主和救主,请点击下面的链接和我(以莉莎法)一起读并祷告这个救赎祷告。如果你选择把你的生命交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克并接受祂进入你的心,请写信给我让我知道,这样我们就能和你一起欢喜快乐!00:53:12 救赎祷告


Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets

YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still
saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for

From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth
(Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a
long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman
even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of
this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from
the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it
had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the
Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of
revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a
finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I
AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God.

Be a fruit inspector
for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like
you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can
identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I
will confirm what is being written now.

Prophecy 67 - Meteor Destruction Coming Pray For Delay Of Judgment
Prophecy 67 - Meteor Destruction Coming Pray For Delay Of Judgment Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 67 - Meteor Destruction Coming Pray For Delay Of Judgment

⁣"I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass
destruction. I, YAHUVEH, will release these Meteors in showers like you
have never seen. As stated in the book of Revelation. No weapon of
warfare will be able to stop it! I, YAHUVEH, declare war on earth for
its sinfulness, vast Meteor destruction will come; only Holy prayers
will delay it. Judgment cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. As you
fire your missiles from earth I shall fire MY missiles from Heaven. Who
can fight against YAHUVEH and win? (...)

Meteor Destruction is coming forth just as I, YAHUVEH, told MY Daughter
Elisabeth's son who is called Prophet Boy Elijah. He wouldn't give the warning, so I am
speaking it forth from MY Daughter again. Warn the people that only
mighty prayer intercession will delay Judgment to America and this
world. War from Heaven, giant Meteors, will be released and no weapon of
warfare will be able to stop it! Only prayer warriors will delay MY
Judgment as they cry out for mercy on this land that deserves no mercy. I
prophesied the storms and earthquakes would come and they did. What do I
have to do before people will realize I am warning the Apostles and
Prophets to tell the people to repent before I send Judgment?

MY troops anointed by Heaven will not be concerned with one another's name,
for they will recognize the RUACH ha KODESH within MY Children. They
will not recognize the name, nor even know their past, but they will
recognize one another by the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. You shall
gather together in MY Name and walk in Holiness and Truth to MY statures
and walk side by side, traveling together for one purpose and that is
to warn people MY Judgment is soon to fall. The year 2003, MY anointed
hidden ones will come out of hiding and join together with MY Daughter
speaking this and together they shall pray for delay of MY Judgment and
if enough people repent, I shall stay MY hand of Judgment another time.

You nations that develop weapons, fine tuning them, so you can shoot down
one another's missiles, ask yourself this, "How can you defend yourself
against a war from Heaven as I throw upon earth, including America ,
Meteors that will crush your homes, businesses, capitals and tell you
enough of your foolishness." I, YAHUVEH, will show you a war of
unmagnitude proportions if you don't repent, turn away from your wicked
ways, live Holy and Be Holy and call upon MY Name in the Name of MY Son
YAHUSHUA. You can pass all the ungodly laws you want but I, YAHUVEH, am
the only lawgiver and there are stiff consequences for those who call
themselves lawmakers and are really Lawbreakers. I, YAHUVEH, am not
amused; neither shall you be when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are
through with you.

For those that dare to mock the messages I,
YAHUVEH, send forth such as this one, put up your hands and defend
yourself against the everlasting Creator, the one called the Ancient of
Days, for I have no beginning and no end, I am the ALEPH and TAV. (...)"

Prophecy 69 - There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards
Prophecy 69 - There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 69 - There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards

⁣This is what in 2003 you will see. The changing of the guards in your
police, in your government, politically and spiritually it is coming,
the changing of the guards. They are the evil guards that come; they
take the jobs away from the guards that I originally placed there. They
are satan's henchmen that will take your freedoms away and cause MY
Children to cry out to ME and wail and be in fear, so many will say, "Oh
YAHUVEH where can we find you? Oh anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH why
do you not speak?" Where will you find ME MY Children? For how few
churches have MY Spirit within them.

I will tell you where you will find ME; it will be a personal one on one with ME. You better hang
on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment, for many of you are going to
go through the mud, many of you will go through the frozen snow, many of
you will go through the heat of the sun. What has been easy for many of
you in 2003 you will find hard. Many are MY Children who listen and
recognize MY voice through MY Handmaiden but they want to take a word
out here and there to conform it to their way of thinking, as if this
could cancel out MY Words and make them void.

For those who dare to mock and say hell is not real, it is just a thing a figment of your
imagination, they shall not only taste of hell but they shall swim in
the Lake of Fire. For those that dare to mock the 2nd coming of
YAHUSHUA, I tell you once and I will tell you again, HE'S not coming for
the Church. He is not coming for any organized Church. He is coming the
next time for HIS Bride. And not just anyone is called YAHUSHUA's
Bride, are they loyal, are they truthful, are they faithful? Will they
choose to obey HIM? Do they walk Holy before ME? Is MY Name on their
lips daily? Are they crying out in the Name of YAHUSHUA? Or are they
throwing MY ten commandments down, trampling them underneath their feet
till they crumble to pieces on the ground? Are they telling the people
listen not to the ways of old for we do things a new way, we do things
our way?

This is MY sign MY Children, as I now have set you
apart, for those who already are marked they have MY seal of protection.
The angels have marked you for the year 2003. Evil shall befall many
who call themselves by MY Sons Name and they will wonder why. It is
because of this reason, because you dare to mock, because you dare to
throw out that which I have spoken forth, because you look at the
messenger and not the message. You just see a lone woman, and because
you cannot behold MY face of wrath you can hurl your words at her, but I
want you to know, not one word that you have spoken has not come before
MY ears as you have attacked her so you too have shoved a needle in MY
eyes, so when you cry out in pain, your very voice I will despise.

You turn to science for your god? You turn to politics to provide your
needs? Foolish, Foolish, Foolish generation! You turn to the knowledge
of this world and you dismiss MY Book as old, the book that is filled
with all truth and knowledge, the Book that the Prophets foretold. Away,
Away, Away from ME, away from ME with your blasphemous worship as you
fill these pews on Sunday and you chase the true Shabbat worshippers
away. I will once again show you, judgment truly starts at the house of
YAHUVEH. As once again YAHUSHUA will flog the money changers and chase
them right out of the door.

I hear the prayers of those who come to ME with a grateful heart.
These are the prayers that please ME. Just as in the days of Moses these
are the Children I shall provide for and feed. So this message is not for
those who mock and scoff. This message is not for everyone, only those
with spiritual ears to hear; only those with spiritual eyes to see will even
hear MY voice speak.

Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed
Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed

temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal
heat from hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no
gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure
MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure.

about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not
the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is
deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where
the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder
you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway?

Only the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) can help you to walk Holy
and only the life and Blood given by YAHUSHUA at Calvary for your sins,
can wash away your sins. Only by believing YAHUSHUA resurrected
on the 3rd day can you have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA,
is Almighty God and SAVIOUR. MY only begotten Son Conceived from
a virgin named Miryam (Mary). Where is your faith?

the entrances to Hell but the souls in Hell cannot escape nor can
anyone live to see Hell in physical form. I have given others a glimpse
of Hell as stated with the rich man and Lazarus, and no it is not
symbolism nor a parable. Hell was not originally created for Human kind
but instead for satan and his fallen angels, but I have given Human kind
a choice where they want to spend eternity. What will you do with that

THIS! Those who mock those who warn of Hell, the Lake of FIRE awaits
them. For those that can believe that I created a Heaven that is so
beautiful that words cannot describe it and know the only door to Heaven
is through the gift I gave Mankind through Calvary, YAHUSHUA is MY
Beloved Son's Name, YAHUSHUA is the only door, there is no other door to
Heaven. No other way to MY throne of grace, No not Buddha, nor
Mohammed, for these were just men that died and did not arise again.
These were just men that could not be the only perfect unblemished Lamb
of God to make atonement for sins. YAHUSHUA is the only perfect
sacrifice and that is because HE is the Son of YAHUVEH and MY only
begotten son.

TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's
sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had
cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how
angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth
to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great
grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell
that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are
surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the
princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places (...)

Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing
Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing

⁣This Prophetic Word applies not only to a certain woman mentioned in this Prophecy, but to all wolves in sheep's clothing.

Explanation by Elisabeth (Elisheva): Woe be unto the wolves in sheep's clothing!
Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Although this
prophecy was given to another who deceived me as a site manager, she
named her ministry after this one. Yet that ministry leads others astray
to materialism, and some false doctrine. The Engle's named their
ministry Holy Ghost Fire, copying what God gave me and is Holy. I am to
share this prophecy for it is meant to encourage other ministers and
ministries where the wolves are devouring or biting you with their
fangs. As God protects me he is no respecter of persons and will cause
your enemies to run in seven different directions!

This woman who calls herself a pastor was my web manager for one night and led
people to Amway not to YAHUSHUA! I have no choice but to leave her name
on it as she has not changed the name of her ministry. She made a profit
off this PROPHET for one night! What is the price of a soul I ask her
and all those that do these things? Ministers beware all who take the
tax exempt status and are bribed by Government to not warn the people
against what is being done in this country. The RUACH ha KODESH told me
truly that tax exempt status will be your only reward! Shortly there
will be no reward from Government, what will you do then? This minister
who is mentioned in the prophecy below I would rather remove her name
but I am NOT allowed to for this is a word of God and warning to all
others who do the same. Remember YAHUSHUA and how he tore up the money
changers' temples! This prophecy is just a small example of how he felt.
I forgive her and only pray she ceases serving the God of Materialism.

I removed this prophecy for the longest of time until I kept getting
requests for it. I don't like having to speak curses of God YAHUVEH and
not blessings. God is a God of Balance in all things. Read Deut. 28 the
curses of God to those that disobey and Blessings of God to those that

Some famous Wolves in sheep's clothing: Oprah Winfrey,
Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce
Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick
Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard and Lindsey Roberts,
Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike
Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Kim Clement.

Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror
Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror

⁣Great devastation is coming to the earth sooner than you'll ever
believe. YAHUVEH's wrath will be poured out for those who mock, oppress
and refuse to repent and turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ)

HORROR such as this world has never seen. But listen, I give these words
not for MY Bride, Babies, Chosen Ones and Elect to fear. They are not
for those who hear MY voice and fear ME. It is wisdom to fear the Lord.
It is wisdom to try to be pure. It is wisdom to keep living Holy and
shun unholiness. You take the Word of God and you hold it in the
heathen's face. Say, "Thus Sayeth the Lord," Watch and see, your
neighbor's house will be flattened; plagues, sickness, death,
destruction and poverty will come and watch how I cover those who are
MINE. I cover those who entered MY Passover. Those who are MINE, who
entered into MY Passover, you will Passover the horror of MY judgment to

There is coming great devastation. The earth will shake
and quake in fear. Can the Sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer
to the earth? The lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH
anymore. Oh but you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME,
you need not fear. Those of you who hear MY voice need not fear when it
is time to go you will know. Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then,
so I will do it again. Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY
children of Israel who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship
ME. MY children are the ones I protected. Their enemies were destroyed. I
did it then and I will do it again. The Israelites disobeyed and were
delayed from entering the Promised Land by MY chastisement. See the
destruction come upon the whore of Babylon. Remember Hitler, as I have
told MY Prophets, learn from Hitler and you shall see what has been in
the past shall be in the future.

Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again
Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again

"As in the times of old I will once again destroy like I did the
walls of Jericho. Nations and economies shall tumble. It has already
begun. Nations and people that say I will not do what I say will feel MY
wrath in ways they have never experienced before. For I am mocked on
even the faces of the ones who call themselves set apart for ME and yet
they turn to golden idols and declare I am speaking forth from and
manifesting from these golden idols. Man made and demon made idols. The
houses of worship once worshipped ME and now although they call upon MY
Name and sing songs of worship to ME and pray in MY Name, where the
manifestation of gold is appearing in mouths and on bodies I am not
found there. The souls they think they are leading to ME are really led
to another. They shall see what happens as they offer up this incense of
prayers that is an offense to MY nostrils as they offer up to me this
strange fire. I have warned through this prophetic handmaiden as I told
Elijah of Old to speak forth and confront the prophets of Baal so I now
use MY 'Elijah of New' to do the same.

Reader take note if this
has not come to your churches yet to tempt you it shall for satan wants
to set apart and MARK those who belong to him and without them knowing
they have already begun to be MARKED! Not the MARK that leads to any
redemption, but it is the beginning of the deceit that will lead to the
MARK of the Beast! The Mark of the Beast will be just as readily
accepted as this golden MARK is now. (Gold teeth fillings or gold teeth
or gold dust) When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a
blessing when they in truth have damned their very souls to eternal
fire and brimstone. Because MY Elijah of New speaks forth MY Words she
is shunned and slandered by others who only want to hear MY blessings
that edify and not hear what MY curses are for those who refuse to
listen to the words I speak."

Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again
Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again

⁣Dearest Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with
wails and tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your
friends, yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You
come to us with tear stained faces in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA
saying, "What do we do now? Where do we go?" Darlings of MINE, oh I am
not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid
with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just like
in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, seeking to
beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win without worldly
knowledge. Your Father I, YAHUVEH, is all knowledge and when you seek I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you are seeking truth and

Be assured as long as you are seeking you will find
the answers when the time comes. If you do not know what to do, then be
assured, it is not yet the time for you to know where to go, nor what to
do. I, YAHUVEH, will not give you the ticket to ride until it is the
time to leave. I, YAHUVEH, am never too early or too late, but I am
always there right on time. Not a second to spare at times. But I,
YAHUVEH, will never leave you nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH, am the
Creator of all mankind. You need not fear what the evil ones will do for
I, YAHUVEH, am using the simple things like your prayers to confound
the so-called wise of this world.

I, YAHUVEH, am even able to change your DNA. Did you know that?
Yes, if I so choose. I, YAHUVEH, can even change the color of your skin and
your eyes. Marvel not. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator remember?
I, YAHUVEH, am able to make you invisible if I, YAHUVEH, so choose.
You have no idea what standard I shall raise up against the evil ones.
The very bondages, diseases, and plagues that the evil ones,
who are called satan's children, seek to loose upon you, shall confound them.
Multitudes of MY children will not be harmed. Instead, the evil one's own
families shall come down with the diseases and the plagues,
and they will have no answer as to the reason why.
All they will have to admit is that I, YAHUVEH, did it.

The evil ones strive to protect themselves, and they think themselves wise
to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and
yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection. To the degree that the
evil ones, the pretenders, seek to harm MY children, that is the degree
that the harm will come back upon themselves. Start praying for this
now. There is great power in prayers said to I, YAHUVEH, in the Name of
your MESSIAH, MY only begotten son YAHUSHUA. Pray that I, YAHUVEH, will
give you greater spiritual weapons to use against the carnal ones who
raise up against MY beloved ones who seek MY face and will daily.

Pray that as Elisha saw the mantle fall from Elijah of Old, so you shall
behold it again, and you shall be endued with even more of the RUACH ha
KODESH's anointing power. When this happens, you will not need to be
concerned how you will get to a certain nation. When I, YAHUVEH, send
you, you will just appear. Do you think this is strange?

Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss
Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss Amightywind Ministries 146 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss

⁣To MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, I AM' says, "Blessed I call
you and will prove I reward those that diligently seek after ME and
strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are those who strive to be Holy as "I
AM" is Holy. Blessed are those who store up their treasures in Heaven
and not on Earth. Who run towards the mark of the high calling. To
become MY Bride is the highest calling of all." This is the greatest
treasure of all. There are guests and there is MY Bride. Strive to
become MY Bride. I do not call all, MY Bride, only those set apart for
MY Glory will be called MY Bride. MY Bride knows one another, a stranger
they know not. This is a ministry sent to minister and prepare MY
Bride. Those who scoff beware, for your scoffing and rebuke shall return
unto your own ears. Who are you to say what "I AM" can do and not do? I
send MY Prophets to warn of doom before it comes. Does not MY Word say,
"If MY people which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves and
pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear
from Heaven and forgive them of their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND." (2
Chronicles 7:14)

OH REPENT you wicked generation for I spared
you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY
wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you
scoff and mock MY Son's coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to
come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually
looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time
of tribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for
catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and
the catastrophe doesn't come, you then label that prophet false. There
are many false prophets but if that Prophet or Apostle lead you towards
Salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they
be false?

If a Prophet or Apostle leads you away from Heaven
and toward Hell then they are indeed a false prophet. If they lead you
to another god or false sign, wonder, or miracle then they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle or teacher. If an Apostle or Prophet, or
teacher leads you to discard MY old Laws and Books they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle. (Psalm 1:2) You are to meditate on MY laws
both day and night. Even if an angel comes preaching another way to
Heaven or tells you not to listen to the Old Book and only read the New
Book, BEWARE for "I AM" is the OLD BOOK that was made FLESH in MY Son
YAHSUHUA for not only was the old book read but was SEEN. MY WORD was
seen in WORD and DEED and now MY true Children, so too should the world
see MY WORD both the NEW and OLD Testament should be seen in YOU!

Be concerned for your very souls for discouraging MY true apostles and
prophets that speak forth words of warning and you have hung yourselves
by your own words just as surely as Judas hung himself. What is the
price of your soul? Don't you yet see? MY enemies are seeking to find
where your strength is. Your enemies seek to take your strength your
desire to serve ME, to destroy you and yes even to kill you if possible.
Your enemies seek to confuse you and cause you doubt like Peter did
when I told him to walk upon the water. Did Delilah betray Samson with a
sword? No, but with a KISS in the name of love she betrayed him after
finding his source of strength. Did Judas betray MY Son with a sword?
No, but with a KISS. So to your enemies that live within your own homes
and families will say I just want to help you and then betray you with a
KISS of DEATH to your freedom and your lives if I so allow.

The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM"
is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM"
is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or
woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with
goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats for those that have
stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they
would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times
"I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the
wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I
see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old "I AM" will deliver
those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the
spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where
there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.

Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour
Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour

⁣Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on
following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence,
denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The
darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show
forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is
done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking
down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to
not only MY enemies, but MY Children for they must realize should their
foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful
disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of
safety from the storms to come.

I speak these things now from MY handmaiden who also knows she is
held accountable for what she speaks and doesn't speak.
These words will convict those reading and listening
and where they have been in darkness I will shine MY light of conviction
to once again prove "I AM" is an Almighty God who is a God of Mercy and
Love but "I AM" is also ALMIGHTY in WAR to MY enemies. Indeed for those
that test ME will find "I AM" is a God that will not be mocked for long
so be warned this day!

The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when
I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction,
pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on.
Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their
own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and
Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they
see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they
serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption
seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins.

When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed
start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a
gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied
above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that
I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE
and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not
obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in
ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is
not hearing MY voice.

Seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
the God of Israel while I can yet be found. I am speaking not in a loud
voice to your Spirits but a still small voice for those that care enough
to incline their ears to ME and strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it
worth it to you to care enough to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY
instructions to you? Is it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to
fast, you are to fast to be able to hear ME more clearly?sen against
them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you
to the exit.

Prophecy 21 - Are you ready for a SHOCK
Prophecy 21 - Are you ready for a SHOCK Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 21

Are You Ready For A Shock?
Gabriel Has Blown His Horn!

eating demons that will enter and take over the corpses of the heathen.
This coming horror which will take place on this earth during the Great
Tribulation will result in these Zombies seeking to bite and eat the
flesh of human beings. Those that are not saved and covered with the
Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at that time, and have received the Mark
of the Beast and worship the Beast and his image, when they will be
bitten these demons will enter them and take them over also, thus they
will become Zombies themselves. YAHUSHUA speaks to HIS own in this
Prophecy, that those that are HIS and covered with HIS Blood CANNOT be
affected by this. HE speaks to HIS Children and speaks of the Only
Weapon we have against these Zombies, and that is the Power of the
Cross. The Cross of Calvary where YAHUSHUA shed HIS Innocent Precious
Blood for our sins. YAHUSHUA tells us in this Prophecy, that the ones
who will be on this earth to see this and to fight the kingdom of
darkness, must take a wooden stick which stands symbolic for the Cross
of Calvary, and anoint that wooden stick which represents the Anointing
of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) and the Blood of YAHUSHUA, and to
hit the Zombies with that anointed stick in their necks in the Name and
Authority of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. This is the only way to stand against
and destroy the flesh eating demons from the bottomless pit, through
the Power in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at Calvary's

Satan knows what is going to happen, and what he plans on
doing. What this earth deems mere science fiction and horror movies is
what satan really plans on doing. And all the while he mocks this
generation, for that which we were used to laughing at and being
entertained by is what satan will do for real.

If you love the
truth, please watch this video and the upcoming parts and feed yourself
on the Truth, Revelations and Knowledge that you NEED TO KNOW.

Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You
Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You

⁣Destruction and weeping is coming. Yet MY Bride that is waiting for ME,
YAHUSHUA will not allow satan to touch. Hang on to your faith, depending
on your faith is how much I your God, will protect you. Hear the
screams. Look over the land and you will see destruction as far as you
can see but not for MY Children, not MY babies, not MY Bride. I shall
hide you under MY wings. You must walk by faith and not by sight. If you
think its hard now to walk by faith and not by sight, how much harder
will it be for those who must taste MY wrath?

Oh MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side.
You shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are ready,
waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home. The ones who are not ready, waiting,
and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day. I send
forth this handmaiden with fresh manna from heaven this day. There will
be others who will digest this manna, for they are already waiting,
living for ME. They have their peace within ME.

Beware those of you who mock and say I will not come.
There are those who think America will always win.
This country America is not pleasing to ME. Victory for
you will not be seen. Your country and your leadership, I hold MY nose.
The stench rises to Heaven. The stench of your immorality. The stench
of your politics. The stench of your greed. The stench of hypocrisy. The
stench of your religious system. America, you say "IN GOD WE TRUST,"
but you don't serve a God. At least, the Heathens serve a god, though it
be FALSE, they know they must have a god!

Though the primitives carve a tree and call it a god, at least they know
they need to honor a Creator, though it be false.
They only know they must have a god to answer to for what is right and wrong.
To acknowledge creation you must have a Creator.
Whether it be Mohammed, Buddha, Allah, the list goes on,
at least the heathen countries acknowledge and serve a god, even though
it be FALSE! I will have more mercy on them, than America.

America, you curse MY Name! You ban it from your schools and government.
Your Political leaders use it for sympathy, but not for Power. Your Political
leaders use it for manipulation, but not to worship and they do not
teach to obey the God of all Creation! You only call upon ME when it
serves your purposes. You disrespect the Holy Days and do abominations
on these Holy Days.Your stench America, reaches Heaven and I hold MY
nose and you make ME ashamed, for once you were MINE, now you belong to
satan and play his hellish games.

You have sold your birthright that which was holy and your forefathers
did acknowledge ME and even they sinned against ME. Yet, I had mercy
on this country that was set apart for MY glory, and yet how long ago
did the Star Spangled Banner bring ME Glory?
America, you are a STENCH in MY nostrils. You have betrayed your Creator
I, YAHUVEH, look upon you and sneer for you think you are a god.

You think you need no other god! You have set
yourself up to worship yourself. Your top political leaders, and yeah I
say, even the top spiritual leaders, say they need not obey MY
commandments. Your President rewrites MY commandments. Your political
leaders are like Sodom and Gomorrah in the White House a place that is
supposed to stand for leadership in this land.

America, you think you are god! But not MY babies, not MY Bride, you are MY babies,
you are MY betrothed. These words warm your heart, where the enemy's
heart is cold. America, I will take you like a wad of paper and I'm
setting you aflame for all to see. The merchants shall weep around the
world for all your evil deeds.

You have dared to shake your fist at Almighty God YAHUVEH and I shall wad you,
and those that are not ready for MY coming, up. You shall walk a path that
I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in
faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the
horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall
encompass thee.

Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me
Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me

⁣MY Bride will honor MY Commandments, including one that has been
overlooked by multitudes. It has been misunderstood, mocked, or the
spirit of rebellion that has entered and hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride
now will be held accountable as some of you will hang your heads in
shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not keeping MY
Sabbath Day Holy.

Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying
"Not I, surely you speak to another, for I attend church services
on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast. "Oh but MY darling little
read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,
Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths
ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your
generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.

Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone
that defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any
work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days
may work be done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to
the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely
be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the
Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a
perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children of Israel
forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the
seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he
had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of
testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH."

Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest,
Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to
set these days apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY
voice, be encouraged, refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected
against your enemies. Did I not say I am the great God, "I AM?" and I
and MY Word change not, for no man nor woman, or time nor season.

Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from
this evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I
say, MY ways are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders
refusing to teach MY Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee.
It is far better to learn the truth from this handmaiden than die in
that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath day holy. The hard times are
approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You
no longer have any excuses.

Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any
other gods before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's Holy.
Say not which Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday.
My elect have known it all along.
Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the
Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of
ME, for I jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I
call MY Sabbath.

The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work;
instead MY People will refuse to work and party.
Proving that the days of men are foolishness and telling MY
People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and
satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that day.

I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY
TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath
keeper alone will not save you. It must be combined with accepting
YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you live in continues to teach
rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of
Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.

Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not

⁣Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in
the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's
truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take
YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood
under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved
always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he
understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is
not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a
god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for
granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world
is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away
from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue
to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true
sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last
days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay
holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full
and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride
only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish
virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who
have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running
to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere.
YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment.

Prophecy 42 - Surrender Enemies of MINE Drop Your Weapons
Prophecy 42 - Surrender Enemies of MINE Drop Your Weapons Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 42 - Surrender Enemies of MINE Drop Your Weapons

⁣Oh surrender! Thus saith, YAHUVEH. Oh surrender, surrender, surrender.
Again I say to the enemies of MINE, the enemies that circle and surround
this anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry, this handmaiden of MINE
Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu), the enemies that have surrounded
other anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministries I speak it again, all
those that surround Israel, all those that surround Jerusalem, drop your
weapons both spiritual and carnal before I the Great Elohim "I AM" will
cause fire to fall from Heaven and I will totally annihilate and
obliterate all of you (Ezekiel 38:23-24).

Horror, horror, horror, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials
that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries.
The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a
fist and I will smash you. I the Great Elohim "I AM," in MY mercy,
warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue,
leave MY beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of
the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the
fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound
lamentations of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY Name called
out by those that are slain.

What country, what nation have the loyalty, what state, what province,
what island, have the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle
to keep the land, the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH gave to their forefathers long ago?
I speak to the spiritual leaders, remember David and Goliath? David did not run from
Goliath, but ran toward Goliath, knowing the battle is MINE. The enemy
now brings strange gods into your land Oh Israel, and yet they are no
god at all. The women and men of the enemies bring their strange
doctrines and would try to entangle the people of Israel in a form of
bondage that I have not decreed. Israel, I speak forth out of this
handmaiden, remember you are the land of milk and honey, you are the
land Abraham blessed, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

Precede every battle as it was done in the past with musicians, songs of
praise, worship, and prayers. Do you not believe the words in the Torah?
Israel, you are the nation the world does not understand, so envied and
abused, so hated without cause. For you desire peace and yet you have
never known peace. You give away land and homes that I have not told you
to give away, merely to keep peace. Do you not know the more you give,
the more they will demand? Do you not know, you cannot satisfy the
spirit of greed? Look to ME Oh Israel, once again for the Great Elohim
"I AM" YAHUVEH is your deliverer.

The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the celebration,
expect miracles once again for I am the Light that will light your path in darkness.
Cover your leaders in prayer for they are being sifted by satan like grains of
sand. You had been betrayed by leaders you've trusted from the smallest
to the greatest for filthy lucre which will not buy their soul. Fast
and pray, for MY perfect Will to be done for I am pent up in anger at
the murder, lying, deceitfulness that is being done.

I command all to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. If you think it is bad now, the
killing only just begun, but do not fear for your Father Elohim YAHUVEH
sees and hears. My last command is bless those that bless you O' Israel,
do not turn away anyone who loves Israel, Jerusalem, or MY chosen
people. I will bless all those that bless you O' Israel! I the Great
Elohim "I AM" will curse all those who curse you O' Israel.

A warning to MY enemies, remember Balaam's Ass. Don't be a Balaam (Num
22-24) I am doing one better, I am speaking from this Apostle and
warning you the destruction you mete out will be turned seven-fold. The
blessings you give out to Israel and MY Jewish people will return back
to you seven-fold. Blessings or curses, you decide, Deut. 28 does not
lie. So it is spoken, so it is written December 18, 2000 at 2:53 pm. and
surely in MY timing it shall come to pass.

Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay
Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay

⁣Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call
MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME
and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY
scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even
hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and
demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear.
Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films,
books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery,
demonism, satanism and shamanism.

Repent today! Turn away from this evil.
Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We
alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to
be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a
purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional
character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child
in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up
to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will
pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make
you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes
of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of
evil spirit.

Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in
this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the
parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that
children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a
sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children
through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the
advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word
say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they
shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this
is the penalty you shall pay.

Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David
Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David

⁣"Rise up, you with a Spirit 'Likened' to a King David." What a blessing
you are to ME, oh MY Son with the Spirit like unto a King David and yet
without the sin he committed. You have a heart after YAHUVEH and I am
well pleased with you. You wrestle the roaring lion defeating it and
wrestle with the bear defeating it putting the enemy on the run. You are
greatly feared in hell. For you do this not in David's name but in the
Name of YAHUSHUA and applying MY Blood and Word causing the enemies to
Flee in 7 different directions. This word is directed to you who loves,
sings, dances, prophecies and serves ME like the heart of King David of
old. Like David MY anointed shepherd boy, I will use you to slay the
Goliaths that come against you and the prophets, people and ministries I
have called you to protect in MY Name YAHUSHUA. You are a true guardian
of MY anointing.

My Beloved Son, do you know you never have anything to fear, for I have
given you the strength of a Samson. In the Spiritual realm you are MY anointed Samson.
There is no good thing will I withhold from you MY beloved son.
Trust ME and keep your eyes upon ME. As you sow seeds into this ministry
that shall be used to not reach thousands as she thought,
but as I have brought confirmation upon confirmation and even showed
you MY son this truth what the enemy does not want her to know.
You have heaped blessings also upon yourself.
As you realize it is tens of millions this ministry shall reach. As you
obey ME and defend that which is MINE under MY Full Anointing.

You are to help this handmaiden that will speak forth MY words that
demonstrate manifesting MY full anointing saving, healing, delivering,
and resurrection power in MY Name alone will she accomplish that course I
have set before her. But this same seed shall also water your ground
and the ministry I have ordained and set before you MY Son. Together you
shall plow the harvest field. I send MY minstrels before I send MY
warriors out to do battle. Lift up your voice and get ready for I shall
send you out together in MY full anointing and in MY Spirit to war as
David did against Goliath and in the Name of YAHUSHUA you shall both be
more than Conquerors....

Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once
Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once

⁣Oh Barbara (also all lukewarm Christians and all enemies of MY true
apostles and prophets), although you mock MY Apostles and Prophets, I
send you this prophecy; it is your choice what you do with the words.
You will be held accountable for calling this a cult for what calling
what is good evil and calling what is evil good. For this is not the
work of a person's hands, this is a work of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy
. . .
You have a spirit of religion and not a loving,
obedient, relationship, with the one you call your savior, but I don't
even know you as MY child anymore. You have gone so far astray. You are
likened to the Prodigal son and the world is your pigpen although you
attend church. The church you attend is only a formality and you and
others use it as idolatry. That pastor is not the good shepherd. I,
YAHUSHUA, am the only Good Shepherd and Savior.
. . .
I exhort, encourage as well as rebuke and warn to repent only those whose hearts
are not as cold as the evil pharaoh will have ears to hear. When people
look at you do you really think they see YAHUSHUA? You are grieving me,
for attendance in church is not going to get you into Heaven and neither
how much you tithe, I am not impressed with your pew warming, your
fashion shows, or your cliques.
. . .
I raised up MY handmaiden Sherrie, and although the color of her skin is
different than yours, both of them share MY RUACH ha KODESH with a
desire to love and bless others and lead them to Heaven.
This is not about a denomination but about a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA.
What kind of relationship do you really have with ME?
What kind of faith do you really have in ME?
. . .

Don't criticize what you don't understand it is better to cover your mouth
and be humble. I have given Shandra a spiritual mother because you were
not loving, nurturing, teaching, encouraging her in the ways of the
Lord. I Almighty God YAHUVEH warn you that you are lukewarm and I know
your heart and motivations when you attend church and it is for one
reason, and that is because you are puffed up with pride and want
everyone to think you are more holy than what you are.
. . .
Listen where your next home will be IF you continue in your evil lukewarm ways
(See Citizen in Hell). I will vomit you out of MY mouth and hell shall
be your next abode. Repent, enemies of MINE, you know not the apostolic
handmaiden you are touching nor the Holy Liquid Fire Anointing that is
upon her and this ministry. But you shall know as I cut holes in your
pockets, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. Appliances that
should not need replacing, you shall be forced to replace. Your vehicles
will need costly repairs.
. . .
MY apostle is only is doing MY will and loving MY daughter Shandra and others,
with a love I have given her and teaching them MY holy ways in the bible,
she does Shandra or them, no harm. But you call yourself a mother and yet
are no mother at all. It takes more than birthing a child to deserve the word mother.
Because you mocked MY apostolic handmaiden when she went through times
of testing now you shall know the sorrow she suffered and you shall cry
the tears she shed, for I have lifted the burdens off MY Daughter but
now you shall carry the full load. Even the dividing sword shall come
upon your household and your own husband shall look at you with disgust
and disgrace. Repent!

Prophecy 61- Where Are All My Holy Men That Lift Up Their Holy Hands To ME
Prophecy 61- Where Are All My Holy Men That Lift Up Their Holy Hands To ME Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 61- Where Are All My Holy Men That Lift Up Their Holy Hands To ME

"Even MY own preachers who preach MY Word speak as though I have no
right to bring judgment to this earth. I am the Creator. You forget you
are the created ones, and so this day I grieve as I hear this again and
again. Do you forget who is the judge of all creation? Since when are
the created ones to judge the Creator? I look at the word 'marriage'. I
see what it represents to you. I created Adam and Eve. Then why are the
same sex marrying? Everything that I said is an abomination, why does
this earth now lift up? As if in pride they take the sins of this earth
and fling it in MY face and now dare say, "We are the creators, we will
create a new human race."

Where are all MY Holy men that lift up their holy hands to ME?
Why are they not the spiritual head of the households?
Why are the wives ruling the marriages? Why are the men
cowering in the corners? Again I have to raise up the Deborah's around
this world to do the jobs the men are supposed to be doing. It is the
women who know MY Word, not all, but in so many cases it is the women
that say, "This is the true Sabbath day, we will honor it." It is the
women who take the children and raise them up spiritually and then you
wonder why a home divided fall. You wonder why juvenile delinquency
rises, you wonder why your schools are a place even the most hardened
criminal would fear. You wonder why the children rule the parents. It is
because MY voices you will not hear. MY voice you will not hear."

Prophecy 51 - Clarion Call Of The 144 000
Prophecy 51 - Clarion Call Of The 144 000 Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 51 - Clarion Call Of The 144 000

⁣The Encarta World Dictionary defines a clarion call as a call to action:
an urgent or inspiring appeal to people to do something. [From the use
of the clarion as a signal in war]

The meaning of the Shofar
In the Psalms (98:6) it is stated "With trumpets and the sound of the
shofar make a call out before the King, God". With the sound of the
shofar we show that we accept God as our king. It is also meant to make
our souls repent.

In biblical times the shofar was used to call for war, to announce peace
as well as the New Moon. When we received the Torah from Mount Sinai,
the strong sound of the shofar could be heard: "And it came to pass on
the third day in the morning, that there was thunder and lightning, and
a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the Shofar extremely loud;
so that all the people that were in the camp trembled." (Exodus 19:16).
The shofar today reminds us of that extraordinary event to make us
strengthen our commitment to the Torah.

A further interpretation for the meaning of the shofar is to remember the
binding of Isaac by Abraham as the ultimate sacrifice and that in the
end a ram was sacrifices instead.

YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS.
We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name
Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then.

If you believe you are the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH/Jesus Christ contact
yahsladynred, we need more to stand with us against the evil here on YT
and this world.

DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!
DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet! Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!

BEWARE of Sherry Shriner and her ORGONE! This alien on the internet
promotes her garbage for the destruction of people's minds, bodies,
spirits and souls. This insightful video will give you a clearer
understanding of who or what Sherry Shriner is, her spiritual roots and
where her blasphemous/demonic device known as orgone originated from.

Sherry Shriner's blasphemous doctrines like the Apostle Paul "being false" and
of "serpent seedline" and "the war between the sons of light and the
sons of darkness" are based on old masonic and gnostic/occult teachings.
Be not deceived, Sherry Shriner IS the alien on the internet. satan's
elite troops of demonic aliens need that orgone of which she claims it
fends the aliens off. This is a LIE. Orgone also strengthens the strange
fire of false prophets and televangelists such as Benny Hinn. This is
why Sherry Shriner first exposes wolves like Benny Hinn, to first gain
your trust and then have you plant that orgone of which she says it's a
protection against Benny Hinn's strange fire. This in fact strengthens
his strange fire be not deceived!

Don't let Sherry Shriner take you to Hell! Sherry Shriner is mainly targeting the
Christians and the (Messianic) Jews for her deception because she knows
satan wants to destroy them the most. DO NOT go to Sherry Shriner's websites
neither buy her orgone! You will not get away unharmed spiritually if you do so.
Her websites are full of the occult, strong mind control and

If you have been deceived and bought her orgone,
BURN that garbage and demand your money back from Sherry Shriner. Repent
for believing the destructive lies of Sherry Shriner and turn away from
these sins. Rebuke her in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus
Christ. ONLY through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH do
we have the authority over satan and his aliens/demons. Only
YAHUVEH/YAHWEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can protect you in the coming
days of horror and the Great Tribulation, if you are a walking in a
loving, obedient relationship with THEM. DO NOT turn to Sherry Shriner
or orgone for your protection or you will reap the Wrath of GOD. Repent
of this today if you have done this and allow YAHUSHUA to deliver you
and set you free from Sherry Shriner's demonic bondage.

Please watch the below testimony of sister treesfourme about her experience
with Sherry Shriner and orgone, and see the pictures of demonic
manifestation and paranormal phenomena that occurred due to demonic
orgone. See the manifestation of demons as this orgone was destroyed and

FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning
FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning

⁣Our food has been cloned - and without labeling, we don't know if our
meat is from YAH or man! Our food and water supply is contaminated with
gmo's, pesticides, fluoride and so many other contaminates.

GOD has instructed us to pray HIS blessing over everything we eat and drink
so HE can make what is a curse into a blessing to our body in the Name

"Learn to be grateful in small things now and take nothing I give you for granted.
Even your fruit and vegetables have not the nutrients that I created in them.
The water and air has polluted them and the soil is depleted of minerals needed.
You don't even know what a fruit or vegetable should taste like anymore. It
is rare if you do. As for meats, again I say you do not understand that
which you have eaten the unholy vultures have poisoned in so many ways.
The water you drink you don't even know why your body doesn't crave
water the way I created it to thirst. It is because even the water is
not the way I created it. That is why you must pray blessings on all you
partake in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name. Ask ME to bless the food and
beverages so it will be a blessing to your body and not a curse to it. "

Beware when you eat soulless meat; you are eating meat that I did not create.
Your bodies were not meant to be so defiled. When you see sickness and
diseases that are new and your physicians can't heal, I will say
physician heal yourself for if that physician does not stand up and say,
"No this is against the laws of creation" then I shall turn creation
against itself. You have been warned! "

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not. Remember,
satan wants to counterfeit everything I created.Pray over all your food He does it
through the name of science. But pray over that food, believe ME,
believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that
will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell you, cloned meat is a
counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create just as he can create,
eat my food it's better, I can create a chicken that will not have the
bird flu."

Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!
Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out! Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!

Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu – on the Internet for 25 years –
exposed, rebuked and warned lying prophet Ezra from Israel (Erez Yotam)
to repent. Instead his love turned into hatred. He now casts witchcraft
curses & darkest forms of Kabbalah magic, saying she would die on
Passover April 19, 2019 during his 3 days of darkness prediction. He
lied to the world and said hell would open up & demons would
physically kill people all over the world. As you will see in this video
Elisheva is not the only one whose life he threatens, but Erez Yotam
and his group have made violent predictions that many others including
us, the YDS at AmightyWind would die.

Erez and his cult worship (as they call it) the “QUAD Family”.
They blasphemously added a 4th person to the GODHEAD whom they
claim to be the ‘twin sister’ of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ).
This false goddess comes straight from Greek mythology (Ourea)
– see 5:00 – but they spell it “Uriyah” and dare to put the Holy Name
YAH at the end. Urea is also the major organic component of human
urine (yuck) hence we call it “the queen of urine”.

WARNING because of the spiritual danger to your soul, do
NOT go to Ezra's evil website or channel, this is a Thus Saith
YAHUSHUA. Also if you go to these fallen angels' cyber space, your IP
address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations
they've threatened e.g. threatening everyone who didn't believe their
false prediction so called prophecy of 3 days of darkness on April 19,
2019, they said would be breathing nuke dust! The authorities of the 3
surrounding counties where they live together, their USA ranch compound,
are also watching them because of the personal death threats they've
made and their suspicious activities. There are orders of protection
waiting to be served to this group. Erez Yotam wanted and fought to be
the head of AmightyWind Ministry and shove Elisheva out of the
leadership, so he started his own ministry & gathered with the most
wicked who are now his worshipers – he is now the head of a satanic
sexual cult. Women half his age all over him seen at 04:19, 30:03,
08:47. At 30:37 you can see Rickey Williams and his intimate kiss on Erez' cheek.

Ezra (Erez) wasn't always this way but is like this due to mind control. A
man who was so holy and full of truth is now the most unholy who now
believes he is the king of Jerusalem 39:48 and that is the antichrist.
Erez Yotam who likes to be called "the prophet from Israel" is one toe
away from complete blasphemy.

Amightywind has been in open warfare with them battling for the sanity of Erez back again.

Erez Yotam & his cult also predicted other things for Passover such as
the Yellowstone volcano blowing (19:55), 40 days & 40 nights of
earth flooding, UFO’S and mothership landing in NY, the antichrist
appearing etc. Legions of demons now fill Erez – the fallen angels that
surround him fed him lying Prophecies with visions. Fallen angels are
also called Aliens. Danger came when he opened up his 3rd eye – not
giving heed to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu’s warnings and rebukes.

Amightywind Prière du Salut
Amightywind Prière du Salut Amightywind Français 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Amightywind Prière du Salut


Je te reçois comme Seigneur et Sauveur, Tu es le
Dieu que j'aime. Je crois que tu as payé le prix de mes péchés sur la
montagne du Calvaire, que tu es mort et ressuscité d'entre les morts le
troisième jour. Je te demande de venir dans mon coeur, de me pardonner
les péchés que j'ai commis, de me laver de toute mon iniquité.

Je regrette d'avoir pêché et je me détourne de ces péchés. Merci de
m'avoir rempli de l'Esprit Saint et de m'avoir donné le désir de te
servir tous les jours de ma vie. Vis en moi, YAHUSHUA, pour que tu sois
aussi glorifié ! Merci de m'avoir donné le désir de lire ta Bible, et
donnes-moi la sagesse de la comprendre, Merci pour ton amour pour moi et
d'avoir sauvé mon âme en faisant grandir ma foi pour que je sois un
jour avec toi au Ciel. Remplis-moi maintenant de l'Esprit Saint et
délivre-moi du diable, en ton nom, YAHUSHUA, je prie cela ! Aide-moi
YAHUSHUA à me souvenir que tous ont pêché et sont privés de la gloire de
YAHUVEH et que tu es venu NOUS sauver, NOUS les pécheurs, c'est
pourquoi TU es appelé notre SAUVEUR. Amen.

Lisez cette prière et lisez-la encore, cette fois pas avec votre connaissance de tête,
croyez-la avec foi et souvenez-vous que YAHUSHUA n'est pas seulement
Dieu mais aussi votre meilleur ami ! IL se préoccupe tant de vous, IL
vous aime tant comme vous êtes. IL déteste le péché mais IL vous aime,
vous le pêcheur !

Apprenez à vivre en Sainteté et à obéir à tous
les 10 Commandements, inclus le Quatrième qui ordonne de garder Saint
le jour du Sabbat, qui est le septième jour d'après la Bible, vendredi
du coucher du soleil à samedi au coucher du soleil, et non pas dimanche
(le premier jour). Le Sabbat est une Alliance Eternelle, comme le
declare Exode 31:16. Ceci s'applique à la fois aux croyants Juifs en
YAHUSHUA, et aux croyants non-Juifs qui sont greffés avec eux (Romains

Vous devez obéir à ce Commandement, car la Bible dit
que lorsque vous enfreignez un commandement vous les enfreignez tous. La
Bible dit aussi que votre Sauveur YAHUSHUA est et sera toujours le
Seigneur du Sabbat. (Mathieu 12:8, Marc 2:28, Luc 6:5).

La Bible dit: Il y a donc un repos de Sabbat réservé au people de Dieu (...)
Efforçons-nous donc d'entrer dans ce repos... (Hébreux 4:1-11) Cette
admonition doit être prise avec la plus grande sériosité en ces temps de
la fin.

Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch
Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch

⁣Who are Rickey & Tatiana Williams really? Why are they on the run
and what are they trying to hide. In this video you'll see what they
really all stated, falsely prophesied and threatened. They are now
filled with fallen angels and we show how they and others in Erez
Yotam's coven are shapeshifting. What does this mean for you and your
personal relationship with YAHUSHUA (JESUS) that this can happen with
people. Please watch this video to find out.

DO NOT open up your 'third eye' - it leads to insanity to the point that a reptilian/alien
fallen angel can enter in! See the proof of this in this video.

15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting! - Apostle Prophet Elisheva
Eliyahu asked a doctor who is part of this ministry if there is anything
that can cause a forehead to move like that – like a parasite or a
tumour? He said “Absolutely not, this is demonic” – Verified by doctor
who has been a partner of this Ministry for 12 years.

WARNING Do NOT go to Ezra's (Erez Yotam's) evil website or channel, this is a Thus
Saith YAH. Also if you go to their cyber space, your IP address will be
on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations they've threatened.

Cannibal Shengya Pu aka Hannah knows all about human sacrifice, in
detail describes how to do it 1:18:29. She knows how to murder a man.
This is what they plan to do to Erez Yotam.

4:53 Rickey Williams Reptilian eyes

5:50 The way Rickey Williams used to be before reprobate
8:21 The way Tatiana Harvey Williams used to be before reprobate
10:35 Tatiana Harvey Williams shapeshifting (snake on face)
11:06 Don’t open your third eye!
11:45 Erez Yotam’s coven worship at least 22 “gods”!
15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting!
15:30 Rickey Williams’ third eye manifesting!
18:56 Rickey Williams and Tatiana Williams kissed Erez Yotam’s wedding ring to be “purified”
27:25 Tatiana blackmails Erez Yotam
31:25 Tatiana Harvey Williams escort service photos still online!
39:05 Rickey Williams threatens Elisheva w/ death
42:10 Rickey calls Elisheva a jezebel & for her removal.
42:27 Rickey calls Erez Yotam a Grand MASTER (mason)
42:49 Rickey Williams makes Erez equal with YAHUSHUA.
43:35 Rickey calls Erez ancient (of days)
43:47 Rickey claims Erez is omnipresent
44:25 Rickey claims Erez is the saviour
44:46 Rickey claims Erez has a testimony like unto YAHUSHUA (GOD)
45:04 Rickey is a New Ager - "holy vibrations"
45:27 Rickey believes he is a God
45:51 Rickey claims to be a God and Elisheva had to be removed
48:26 Rickey worships the false goddess of urine
50:00 Rickey threatens Elisheva with a cold, lonely death - with destruction.

Tatiana Harvey Williams

54:13 Tatiana falsely prophesied 3 Days of Darkness Passover 2019
54:39 Tatiana says it would be better if people hadn't been born if they don't believe her false prophecy
56:15 Tatiana claims God tells them to do calf raises to stay awake
58:43 Tatiana calls Elisheva great whore of babylon Threatens w/ death
1:01:10 Tatiana calls Elisheva voodoo queen
1:01:24 Tatiana puts thigh over Erez Yotam
1:04:04 Tatiana in midst of Passover week guaranteed 3 days darkness
1:04:32 Tatiana claims Elisheva has the blood on her hands for warning people about their false prophecy
1:04:02 Tatiana claims Elisheva has to "repent" before Erez
1:10:02 Tatiana says Elisheva & all of us will die
1:12:29 Tatiana guarantees the 3 days of darkness
1:12:04 Tatiana's voodoo dance
1:12:00 Tatiana claims they "leave their minds on the shelf"
1:12:02 Tatiana predicted we would all die
1:12:03 Tatiana claims YAHUVEH has special whip for Elisheva
1:22:35 Tatiana threatens Elisheva's tongue will be torn out.
1:22:41 Tatiana's false goddess of urine guaranteeing 3 days of darkness

光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告
光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣光明節快樂預言,歡唱跳舞,看以莉莎法. 以利亞呼進行三個祝福禱告

以莉莎法:光明節快樂!喔呼!這是一個慶祝節日快樂(Hag Sameach哈格-撒麥赫,節日快樂的希伯來文)的時刻!噢,噢,親愛的會眾們!我非常興奮!這是光明節!如果你不知道那是什麼節日,這是慶祝的時刻 ——不只是慶祝〔如何〕在公元前2世紀的時候,當時耶路撒冷的聖殿被玷污了;那時只有一支由五個兄弟組成的隊伍去抵抗邪惡的安提阿古,安提阿古宣稱自己是

實際上,他不但監禁了而且還折磨並殺害了那些拒絕停止信仰唯一神聖創造主的猶太人,〔在那時候,他們知道那是阿爸亞哈威〕,所以,當我們點 燃這些蠟燭的時候,我們也承認馬加比的神蹟。你們可以在《馬加比書》裡面讀到有關馬加比的奇蹟,那是你們在英王欽定版聖經(中文和合本聖經)裡找不到的內 容,所以,你們必須到網絡上去查找這本書,在我們的光明節網頁上〔AmightyWind.com〕有這本書。我告訴你們,在那本書裡確切地記載了住棚節 和光明節合在一起慶祝,他們在那個時候不能慶祝住棚節,因為聖殿被褻瀆了,於是他們不得不一直等到光明節/修殿節。他們一直等到了光明節/修殿節。

要想了解更多關於那事〔譯註:關於如阿克.哈.古德西〕的,請閱讀被賜給我的第89和90篇預言,而猶太人知道〔如阿克.哈.古德西/聖靈 是女性本質〕確實是真的。我想告訴每一個人:這是一個充滿奇蹟的時刻!你所需要做的全部就是悔改(太4:17;3:8;徒3:19,20:21[2])!請求亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克赦免你的罪!承認那些罪並告訴祂:你很抱歉(約一3:19[3])。祂在各各他山為你付出了代價!祂為了〔你犯的〕那些罪而被釘了十字架!祂說:「這血是為你而流的!」那就是為什麼〔在影片〕的結尾我要加上那個被賜給我的救贖禱告以及那個《差一分鐘就到午夜》的故事,那是一幅無價的油畫——你們將會看到我所得到的有關天國和亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的開放異象。


亞呼贖阿說:“我親愛的以莉莎法.以利亞呼,作為聖靈全能風事工的頭/總領導,我正賜給妳新的指示,我想要妳去告訴會眾:看吶,我亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克命令妳,我親愛 的以莉莎法.以利亞呼去和神聖的三位一體真神的事工——聖靈全能風事工一起做一件新事;在光明節,我想要這個住棚節的慶祝繼續下去。我想要光明節成為一個慶典,就像你們在棚屋節(住棚節)期間搭建了住棚來慶祝那樣,在光明節期間,也要搭建住棚去〔這樣慶祝〕。因為這是你們的彌賽亞被如阿克.哈.古德西美麗的手——那隱形的手——放進我的生母米利暗(馬利亞)的子宮裡的時候。難道你們不應該慶祝那事嗎?你們要慶祝我的誕生。現在我要求你們以同樣的方式〔搭建住棚〕慶祝光明節的時刻,慶祝這八天。因為我是永恆的指引明燈(約3:19, 8:12[13]);我就是光明節被取名為燈台節的原因!搭建住棚是被給出的指示(利23[14]),預示了我在伯利恆一個「馬棚(stable)」裡的誕生(路2:1-20)。

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Purim Celebration The Book of Esther
Purim Celebration The Book of Esther Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Purim Celebration The Book of Esther

⁣Esther obeyed YAHS orders spoken through Mordechai. The weapon formed
against Esther & all Jews did not succeed! Instead because of
Esther's obedience, her 3 day fast combined with her prayers she was
able to approach the King without permission. The King sign of
permission to speak to him, he had a royal scepter he held out to the
person who wanted to ask a request.

The kings heart felt love he recognized Esther he favored her because of her beauty &
personality. The King held out the Jeweled Royal scepter so she could
speak. Esther set a trap for Haman & caused the King to demand
Haman, his wife, Sons all be publicly hung strangled with a noose on
highest gallows.

All who Worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Jews
even if not biological you were adopted grafted into YAHUSHUA symbolized
as a olive vine. YAHUSHUA calls us HIS Branch grafted in to be part of
the only Vine it does not matter whether biological Jew or not! HIS
Command is if the Branch does not produce good fruit, HE will cut off
the Branch and burn with Hells fire!

You must confess you are a sinner & confess with sorrow the sins to HIM,
ask HIM to forgive your sins, to have your sins remembered no more.
You must humble yourself ask HIM become LORD means ruler of your life.
You must desire to obey HIM & hate sin, turn away from sins accept the only way,
to Heaven & live for HIM is to say please come into my soul and
fill me with the RUACH ha KODESH HOLY SPIRIT to live inside of me
teaching me how to be obedient & pleasing to YAH.

ABBA YAH is HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation with no beginning or end. YAHUVEH is CREATOR
of TIME! YAHUSHUA is only name anyone can be saved. In Hebrew name
means YAH Saves. Psalm 91 says there is protection from disease,
pestilences, to those who call upon YAHS Name ! The scepter is
YAHUSHUA! No prayers are answered before the FATHER of Creation without
praying in the Name & sins washed in the Perfect blood of YAHUSHUA
the only MESSIAH!

Ask forgiveness when you sin, run back into YAHUSHUA loving arms again!
Do not give up! The way we prove our love for YAHUSHUA is obeying HIM!
YAHUSHUA said “Why do you call HIM LORD & not obey HIM?
HE knows no one is perfect just continue to not give up & do not purposely
sin ask HIM to help you to defeat the sin where you are weak!

Humble yourself do not become like the unrepented Haman, wife, 10
sons even the youngest son so he could not become another Haman.
The King wanted to introduce at his banquet his beautiful wife, but she refused to come.
Vashti the king’s disobedient rebellious wife was cast out of his kingdom!
Vashti are selfish narcissists who refuse with great sorrow & tears they are called
repented sinners, no fear of YAH or YAHUSHUA Judgement of hell &
lake of fire! Jeremiah 6: 27-30 full of rebellion & say they will
live their lives with no respect for 10 commandments!

Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates!

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the
toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you
survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper
of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive,
you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the
spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any
carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than
you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to
escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the
man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were
YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly,
truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the
social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it.
You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have
lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think
that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a
demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing
more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year
ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a
plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and
not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is
destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself
to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all
the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to
defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines!
These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for.
The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you.
They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same
mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through
the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection
and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those
who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME
is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought
of disobeying ME, and when you do,you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell
ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away
this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020.
But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are
wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in
arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your
CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

Wyzwanie Eliasza na Górze Karmel; Misja AmightyWind vs wrogowie
Wyzwanie Eliasza na Górze Karmel; Misja AmightyWind vs wrogowie Amightywind Polska 145 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Wyzwanie Eliasza na Górze Karmel; Misja AmightyWind vs wrogowie

⁣Modlitwa Prorok Eliszewy Elijahu o osądzenie przez BOGA pomiędzy nią i
Misją AmightyWind, a wrogami szukającymi jej zniszczenia, przyrównana do
wyzwania, jakie prorokom baala w dawnych czasach rzucił Prorok Eliasz.

Pierwotnie, w czasie nagrywania tego filmu, Misja AmightyWind znajdowała się pod
zmasowanymi atakami sług szatana podszywających się pod chrześcijan na
YouTube. Prorok Eliszewa modliła się: 'BOŻE, obroń i wstaw się za tym,
który prawdziwie służy TOBIE i prowadzi dusze do JAHUSZUA MESJASZA
(JEZUSA CHRYSTUSA), a zniszcz tego, kto jest zwodzicielem i służy
szatanowi, czy to jestem ja czy oni.' Do wyzwania dołączyło wielu innych
misjonarzy i przyjaciół Misji z całego świata, także modląc się
publicznie o osądzenie pomiędzy Misją AmightyWind a jej zaciekłymi
wrogami. BÓG słyszał i odpowiedział. Na dzień dzisiejszy znaczna
większość atakujących w tamtym czasie wrogów Prorok Eliszewy i Misji
Amightywind zniknęła z YouTube oraz życia samej Prorok już dawno, sama
Misja zaś jest błogosławiona jak nigdy dotąd i rozwinęłą się
wielokrotnie w porównaniu do owego czasu, a Prorok chodzi w co raz
większym Namaszczeniu.
Rezultat jest zatem jasny: BÓG wstawia się za Misją AmightyWind oraz Prorokiem Eliszewą Elijahu oraz potwierdza ich prawdziwość.

Showing 9 out of 10