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Celebrating 19 Years for YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers!! Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the faithfulness of such prayer warriors!! Happy 19th Anniversary YDS!! If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.
WEF Orders To Strip Parents of All Rights: 'Children Belong to the State' The globalist war on children opened a new front this week as California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded to longstanding globalist pressure by signing AB1955, a bill which threatens to allow the state to take away your children for the crime of being an interested and concerned mother or father. The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and seize ownership of children, and now they are making their move.
AmightyWind 信仰聲明 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站:http://www.amightywind.com 預言中文網站:http://www.amightywind.asia 電子郵箱:amightywindasianbranch@tutanota.com 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Profecía 131 - Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Donald Trump Muchas gracias por este video y que nuestro Señor YAHUVEH les bendiga con las bendiciones en Deut 28 en el Nombre de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Amen
As in the days of Noah....So shall it be Again
Vaccines and 5G
Human Cannibalism
Sodom & Gomorrah and Mount Sodom
The Great Awakening The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening in America and beyond. Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as it unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.
The Corrupt Media - Fear Sells!
Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing This Prophetic Word applies not only to a certain woman mentioned in this Prophecy, but to all wolves in sheep's clothing. Explanation by Elisabeth (Elisheva): Woe be unto the wolves in sheep's clothing! Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Although this prophecy was given to another who deceived me as a site manager, she named her ministry after this one. Yet that ministry leads others astray to materialism, and some false doctrine. The Engle's named their ministry Holy Ghost Fire, copying what God gave me and is Holy. I am to share this prophecy for it is meant to encourage other ministers and ministries where the wolves are devouring or biting you with their fangs. As God protects me he is no respecter of persons and will cause your enemies to run in seven different directions! This woman who calls herself a pastor was my web manager for one night and led people to Amway not to YAHUSHUA! I have no choice but to leave her name on it as she has not changed the name of her ministry. She made a profit off this PROPHET for one night! What is the price of a soul I ask her and all those that do these things? Ministers beware all who take the tax exempt status and are bribed by Government to not warn the people against what is being done in this country. The RUACH ha KODESH told me truly that tax exempt status will be your only reward! Shortly there will be no reward from Government, what will you do then? This minister who is mentioned in the prophecy below I would rather remove her name but I am NOT allowed to for this is a word of God and warning to all others who do the same. Remember YAHUSHUA and how he tore up the money changers' temples! This prophecy is just a small example of how he felt. I forgive her and only pray she ceases serving the God of Materialism. I removed this prophecy for the longest of time until I kept getting requests for it. I don't like having to speak curses of God YAHUVEH and not blessings. God is a God of Balance in all things. Read Deut. 28 the curses of God to those that disobey and Blessings of God to those that Obey! Some famous Wolves in sheep's clothing: Oprah Winfrey, Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard and Lindsey Roberts, Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Kim Clement.
Mein Zeugnis - Amightywind
Adrenochrome - The Elite's Secret Super Drug!
Testimony of how my life changed This is my testimony of how my life changed after I watched a Prophecy given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. How Amightywind Ministries have helped me get back to my first love and that is YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH. Thank you ABBA YAHUVEH of giving me another chance! Thank you Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for your boldness and obedience in releasing these Holy Prophecies.
Hollywood oder [Hölle]wood? Was passiert hinter den Kulissen? Gebet um Rettung: YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube, dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha. DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten. Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden. Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst! Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangen gibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel, zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen. Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde. Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen, ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer 3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU unser RETTER genannt. Amen.
Prophetic Dream - Governments Will Shut Down All Forms Of Communication The dream starts out that the Goverments of the world told all hospitals and doctors that anyone who came in to be treated, for even minor treatments no matter how small, were to be reported to the Government. Get ready to see YAHUVEH knock the dominoes down! Then I saw on TV and the internet and heard on the radio of an alien invasion, and ufo's were seen everywhere all over the world and people were communicating with each other trying to figure out how to resist the aliens and protect themselves. The people were scared and angry and demanding to know what the Government was doing to protect them from this invasion. The Government said they were going to take away all forms of communication to protect the people because an alien invasion was upon earth and the Government did not want the people fighting the aliens. The Governments of the world said they would handle it with the alien leader. People wanted to know what was going on and the Government said, you will know when we turn the communications back on. The governments then started to disable and shut down all forms of communication including satellites which affected T.V., telephones, radios, internet and all other forms of communication that people normally have available. They started to shut down everything in Europe first but this was also going to happen all over the world after Europe does it. The Military was everywhere and they were going in peoples homes and taking over their houses and holding them hostage to make sure they would not retaliate against the aliens. The military was extremely evil and cruel and they were raping woman and shooting anyone who resisted and were shooting anyone they wanted too for no apparent reason. I called associate Minister Kathrynyah on a satellite phone and an operator came on the phone and she said, "How is this call going through, this should not be possible because the satellite should have been disabled in your area, but you might be last on the list, but your satellite already should have been shut off. There will be no more communication using satellites until the Governments determine otherwise." The operator then cut off our phone call.
Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming This is a Prophetic End Time Warning Dream given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah: October 3, 2011. I've been having many prophetic dreams lately. (...) I firmly believe, from everything I've heard of people who've had to be martyred because they love YAHUSHUA, the one called JESUS CHRIST and I believe with all my heart that they don't suffer, from the testimonies I have heard, that the devil will not have the satisfaction. I believe with all my heart and I want to encourage people. This dream... and they were back to back and they were similar and yet you'll hear, it was about martyrdom. It's so close now people. If you're afraid to stand up now and defend YAHUSHUA and defend Holiness and defend others who are preaching Holiness and you're afraid of just having a bad word spoken about you or on YouTube to have a sub or a friend, that you'll never see, drop you, what are going to do? I'm talking about those calling themselves "born again" Christians. What are you going to do when they're going to come to you, the governments of this world, and they're going to say, "This is your new god. I demand and the law demands that you worship this new god, this leader of the world, or we're going to chop your head off or we're going to chop your body parts off or we're going to make you suffer untold agony; you're not going to have any food anymore; you're going to do when you see your family starve, your children starve if you don't worship the one that we call god and give up the one you worship, the one you call 'YAHUSHUA', the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have a new god now and if you don't accept him and you don't carry the mark and if you don't gather together and worship on a mandatory Sunday, this is what's going to happen to you." What are you going to do people? You're cowards now, ok? And the Bible says in the book of Revelations thatcowards are not going to go to Heaven. [Rev. 21:8] Do you know why? Because they're going to sell YAHUSHUA out!
Prophetic Dream - The UFO S and Aliens Are Coming "I have never believed in UFOs or evil aliens from other planets until I had a dream sometime in March 2005, Since then I have had revelations of what this is and worst of all, it is real. This is the Dream MOMMA WISDOM spoke of in PROPHECY 89. Here is what SHE said, "I gave you the dream when the flying saucers come truly they are satan's army but they have a right to those who will cry out in the wrong name (Jesus) because he (son of satan) will claim "Here I am." Who will you cry out to when this happens?
Profetie 120 - Geef Niet Op! Stop Niet! Oh hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang heb IK gewacht om MIJN Bruid te kunnen omhelzen! Maar het zal niet veel langer zijn! Het zal niet veel langer zijn! Jullie zullen in MIJN armen zijn! Jullie zullen MIJN stem horen! Geef gewoon niet op! Stop niet! Want je bent zo ver gekomen! Geef niet op! Stop niet! Sluit geen compromissen met de leugens van de wereld! Hoe meer dat de wereld jou vertelt dat je onheilig bent, weet dat je Heilig bent! Hoe meer dat zij bespotten en lachen omdat je de Tora Wetten volgt, weet dat je van MIJ bent! Hoe meer je de Sabbat verdedigt, de Shabbat, en zegt, 'Het is niet een Zondag', weet gewoon dat je van MIJ bent! Geef niet op. Stop niet. Hoewel de vervolging zo zwaar is en hoewel het zwaarder zal worden, herinner voor wiens Naam je vervolgd wordt! Herinner om wie je gehaat wordt! Oh zij zullen jouw naam gebruiken en jouw naam zullen zij ontheiligen en allerlei soorten kwaad ertegen spreken, maar het is niet echt jouw naam die zij haten. Het is wie je vertegenwoordigt. Het is wie je bent in MIJ. Het zijn de Boodschappen die je geeft die rechtstreeks vanuit de Hemel komen. Dus geef niet op jij! Stop niet jij! Want IK zal wraak gaan nemen op deze vijanden! En zij zullen bidden voor de bergen om hen te verbergen— van HIJ die op de Troon zit! (Open.6:15-17) En het Heilige LAM dat geslacht, gekruisigd was en wederom opstond! YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is MIJN Naam! En IK vertel je geef niet op! En stop niet want IK BEN met jou! Bereik MIJN mensen. Bereik MIJN mensen. IK spreek niet alleen tot de mensen in Israël maar IK spreek tot de mensen van de wereld. Bereik MIJN mensen. Ga door met MIJN Schapen en Lammeren te voeden. Ga door met niet beschaamd te zijn voor jouw getuigenis want jouw getuigenis is niet wie jij bent, jouw getuigenis is wie IK BEN -- in jou! Dat is wat de duivel haat! Dat is wat jouw vijanden haten! Maar datzelfde getuigenis bewijst wie IK BEN -- want IK verander levens! En groot, groot, groot, groot, groot, groot, groot zijn de beloningen in de Hemel voor degenen die bereid zijn geweest, bereid om hun reputaties neer te leggen, hun namen neer te leggen, bereid zijn geweest om vervolgd te worden omwille van MIJN Naam!
异象:citizen in Hell 一个地狱里公民的歌 一个地狱里的公民!!! 异像结束 而现在神给我看到一个新的异像。 有数百万人! 哈利路亚!谢谢祢亚呼赎阿。 神知道,祂不能用其他方法传开,除非通过这首歌。 用恐惧战惊, 谦卑屈膝并说:“亚呼赎阿,救救我!” 我接受祢成为我的主和救主。 我接受祢在各各他山为我流下的宝血。 我知道祢已经为我的罪付出了赎价。 帮助我服从祢,为祢而活。 帮助我去警告我的家人、朋友和陌生人。 即便是我最糟糕的仇敌, 我也不愿他到地狱去。 圣灵, 使用我, 为了基督/玛西阿克的荣耀 原谅我的罪, 我绝不想成为一个地狱里的公民。 但通过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的宝血, 我现在凭信心相信并说: 我是一个天国里的居民!!! 并且我不再恐惧死亡, 因为离开身体, 就是与主在一起(林后5:8)。 我不会担心圣经所说的地狱。 那只是属于地狱里的公民, 蠕虫为床毯, 蛆虫为被子。 相反的, 我有美丽的白袍, 有最精美的食物, 和我自己的豪宅(约14:2)。 在那里每一道门上都有钻石的门把! 巨大的珍珠门上,有极多的宝石。 到处都闪闪发光! 那里到处都闪闪发光! 闪闪发光的宝石! 那是可想像得到的各种宝石! 在我的神面前跳舞的街道是精金的。 完美的健康、完美的幸福、快乐和欢笑, 没有眼泪、没有悲伤、没有邪恶。 因为我永远不再有折磨和恐惧, 只有对神敬虔的团契, 最重要的是天父亚哈威, 赐下祂的独生子 亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克在这里! 祂们在这里! 这是你最后的机会。 到目前为止, 上帝对你是仁慈的, 但是天父的愤怒和诅咒即将重重降下。 祂非常爱你, 祂说:“给他们这首歌。” 你会用它做什么? 你是否会唱"一个地狱的公民"这首歌? 或你会与天国的公民一起祈祷? 今天就是拯救的日子。 你确定明天不会太晚了吗? 借着什么都不做, 你就已经做了一些事。 最严重的罪, 就像地狱里的公民所说的, 就是拒绝了亚呼赎阿。 死亡之后, 就不会再饶恕那个罪了。 你确定你会活另一个一分钟吗? 你确定你会活另一个一小时? 或另一天? 你确定你有另一天说: “神,等等我,直到我下定决心” 神,等等,直到我完成有趣的犯罪? 因罪开始是为了乐趣, 但这不会以此为终。你有另一分钟吗?你有另一小时吗? 你有另一天吗? 去拒绝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克? 你会吗? 这是你的选择。 亚哈威神说: 这首歌正在被送给有最后机会的人。 今天,很可能是你的最后机会。 你还在等什么? 你真的想在地狱里二重唱...... 与这个地狱的公民一起? 这是你的选择。 这首歌是由一位在红色里的女士唱给你的 (红色代表亚呼赎阿的宝血) 非常重要:阅读以下的讯息。 在1987年,当以莉莎法收到这首歌时, 她当时知道她的救主名字叫耶稣基督。 这名被用在这首歌里 然而我们救主真正原本的希伯来文圣名 是亚呼赎阿יהושוע 或亚赎阿。 这个名字的意思是“亚拯救”。 (亚是神的圣名亚哈威的简称) 亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的圣名, 被用在新约的最初手抄本中, 是用希伯来语写的, 而圣经是直接从希伯来文或亚兰文翻译, 对原文不作任何修改。 亚呼赎阿说: 我是奉我父的名来的...(约5:43) 因为祂父亲的圣名"亚"在祂的圣名里面。 圣名亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿见证亚拯救。 耶稣Jesus这个名字, 在希伯来语是没有意义的, 是后期出现希腊新约翻译里, 这世界大部分人都称祂这个名字, 包括虔诚的信徒们。 在马太福音24:21预言过的大灾难期间, 单单只奉靠 亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的名祷告并呼求, 这将对你是绝对必要的。 将在那时前来的敌基督, 会利用耶稣之名欺骗数十亿人, 耶稣这名字已经在世界的大部分被假冒了, 特别在拉丁美洲。 敌基督只会以 一个更大的程度重复之前所做过的。 不要误解我们正在说的话。 现在耶稣基督这个名字仍然还有 医治、拯救、复活的权柄, 但这将不会在大灾难里有用,因为 敌基督将篡夺这个名字来欺骗数十亿人。 当人在大灾难里, 奉耶稣的名呼求祈祷时, 敌基督将会前来对他们说: “我在这里,告诉我你想要什么,敬拜我, 接受我的印记,我将答覆你的祷告。” 但如果你奉亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的圣名祈求, 敌基督就不会来到你这里。 敌基督不想假冒那个名字。 因为这是神的圣名“亚”在那名里面。 没有人必须接受敌基督的印记, 也称为兽的印记, 那些接受兽印的会得到 启示录14:9-11是永恒诅咒。 启示录14:9-11 又有第三位天使接着他们, 大声说:“若有人拜兽和兽像,在额上或在手上受了印记, 这人也必喝神亚哈威大怒的酒; 此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中纯一不杂。 他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺之中受痛苦。 他受痛苦的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。 那些拜兽和兽像,受牠名之印记的,昼夜不得安宁。 与此同时, 你会知道没有一个宗教机构能拯救你。 将会拯救你的是一个 与祂有爱, 顺服和悔改的关系。 逃离所有不宣扬反对罪的教会。 因为罪是诅咒的根源, 罗6:23: “罪的工价乃是死。(死亡意味着诅咒)” 教会不传讲反对罪是不负责任的, 这样不能拯救任何人。 他们是巴比伦的教会。 特别是,要远离天主教, 他们教导追随者向普通男人们, 向马利亚,向天使(被造物)祈祷。 这就是拜偶像, 这在创造主眼里是罪, 所有的罪都将被惩罚。 只可以向神圣三位一体真神创造主祈祷, 而不是向被造物。 祈祷是一种敬拜的行为。 每一个敬拜的行为只能向创造者。 阅读罗马书1:22-25 凡崇拜被造物的都是拜偶像的行为。 天使在启示录22:9 说:“敬拜神,祂是独一的。” 牧师不能赦免任何人的罪, 如天主教所主张和教导的。 它根本没有圣经依据, 这是撒但的一个谎言。 饶恕罪是来自创造主亚哈威, 而不是来自人。 只有亚呼赎阿在 各各他流下的宝血才能涂抹罪, 决不是一个尘土造的凡人所说的话。 逃离每一个与圣经教义相矛盾的 巴比伦教会和谎言的教导, 来到亚呼赎阿的脚边。 祂是唯一的好牧人(约10:11-12)。 要知道是你的救主给了你生命。 因为亚呼赎阿如此说: “我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们, 他们也跟着我(约10:27)。” 很多人去教堂,然而甚至不认识祂。 但是,你是祂羊群里的一只绵羊。 你们是重价买来的, 不要作人的奴仆(林前7:23)。 因为只有一位是你们的尊师, 就是亚呼赎阿你的弥赛亚(太23:10)。 我就是道路、真理和生命,若不借着我, 没有人能到我父那里去(约14:6) 阿们! 阿列夫和塔夫 圣灵全能风野火最后机会事工