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The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati
與我們一起慶祝聖靈全能風事工在互聯網上30年以及以莉莎法. 以利亞呼的生日,2024,第二部分! 如果你希望今天接受亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克作為你的主和救主,請點擊下面的鏈接跟我(以莉莎法)一起閱讀並祈禱這個救贖禱告。如果你確實選擇把你的生命獻給亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克並接受祂進入你的心,請給我發信息讓我知道,這樣我們就能跟你一起歡喜快樂。完整的亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士戰歌,“沒有罪,沒有任何妥協,亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士” -請觀看這個影片學習誰是亞呼贖阿的踐踏惡魔勇士以及這首歌背後的故事。你也可以在rumble觀看這個影片,請點擊這裡,也同時在這個影片下面透過點擊那個加號而給我留下一個rumble。你也可以在那裡觀看我的那些未刪減的影片,所以過來加入我們並且在亞的叢林裡一起轟轟!
A.I. as Judge and in Courtrooms
Stop Aborcji! Powstrzymajmy zabójstwa polskich dzieci!
The Truth Behind The New Radical Abortion Laws
Profeti 127 - Dødehavsovergang for Amightywind Menight!
Elon Musk - The False Saviour
As in the days of Noah....So shall it be Again
New Brain Implant Begins Human Trials
Vier AmightyWind Bediening se 30 Jaar Aanlyn en Elisheva Eliyahu's Verjaarsdag - Deel 2 Gelukkige 30ste Herdenking AmightyWind Bediening en Gelukkige Verjaarsdag dierbare Mamma Elisheva Eliyahu!!! Geniet Deel 2 vir die Lof Eer en Glorie van ABBA YAHUVEH (GOD), YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS DIE MESSIAS) EN DIE KOSBARE RUACH HA KODESH (HEILIGE GEES)!! Mag ons aanhou om standvastig en getrou aan die Hemel te bly en aan te hou om siele na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH te lei en om die Goeie Nuus van Verlossing oor die hele wêreld te versprei!
Human Cannibalism
WEF Orders To Strip Parents of All Rights: 'Children Belong to the State' The globalist war on children opened a new front this week as California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded to longstanding globalist pressure by signing AB1955, a bill which threatens to allow the state to take away your children for the crime of being an interested and concerned mother or father. The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and seize ownership of children, and now they are making their move.
My testimony for the Glory of YAHUSHUA
Celebrating 19 Years for YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers!! Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the faithfulness of such prayer warriors!! Happy 19th Anniversary YDS!! If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.
AmightyWind YAHUSHUA S demon Stompers Original Short Version
The Corrupt Media - Fear Sells!
Zombie Drugs are Spreading all over the World
Genocide & Human Experiments
Sodom & Gomorrah and Mount Sodom
Profecía 131 - Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Donald Trump Muchas gracias por este video y que nuestro Señor YAHUVEH les bendiga con las bendiciones en Deut 28 en el Nombre de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Amen