Prophecy 125 - Satans Elite Will Use Blood Red Moon
Prophecy 125 - Satans Elite Will Use Blood Red Moon
When the blood moon happens tonight—I hear—"great spiritually
attack." But ABBA YAH in the Name of YAHUSHUA, we are covered in the
Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA. We stand on Psalm 91. We are hidden under the
shelter of YOUR Wings. I had a dream that my husband was to be covering
the windows, and when we took this to prayer, I heard "Make sure that
the windows are covered with a covering. Make sure they are closed." And
I speak only to the Holy, because the unHoly—those who aren't following
after YAHUSHUA, this won't help you—but for those who truly follow
after YAHUSHUA, WHO some call JESUS CHRIST and your in obedience to HIM,
make sure you anoint those windows, because I heard "great spiritual
When this happens with the moon and the eclipse and it looks
like it's red, we must pray. I’m hearing after this, "man’s inhumanity
to man will rise up" in new ways...