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Amightywind Welcomes You

169 意见 • 09 十一月 2024
Amightywind Ministries

⁣Amightywind Welcomes You

⁣Welcome To The Aleph & Tav Almightywind HOLY GHOST Wildfire Last
Chance Ministry Site. We are a Messianic Jewish Pentacostal ministry
reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles.

This is a ministry anointed by the RUACH HA KODESH (Holy Spirit) with an
anointing to reach all in America, Jerusalem (Israel), the Middle East and around the
world. No matter what religion you practice--Catholicism (following the
Pope), Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower
Society), Hinduism--we bring the message of salvation to both the Jew
and the Gentile, the only way to Life Everlasting.

We bring you good tiddings in the Sacred Names of our Creator, Almighty YAHUVEH and
His Son, our Savior, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [known to most as Jesus

We speak the truth about the horrors of abortion, cloning , gold dust fever ,
and speak about the reality of fallen angels, Satan (the devil), Hell (hades, shoal),
and the need more than ever for YAHUVEH'S people to walk in obedience
(which is greater than sacrifice), particularly in keeping the Sabbath (Shabbat)
and getting out of Sunday churches . If you want to learn more about angels, the Ark
of the Covenant, miracles, and the Torah.

The enemy has infiltrated the church, and many TV preachers and evangelists are now
teaching false doctrine. Wolves such as Angie Ray(deceased), Benny Hinn,
Oprah Winfrey, Juanita Bynum. Also those who claim to be Christian but
are hard-core and extremely evil, reprobate satanists or false
prophets... Linda Newkirk, Tari DeMario, Zeph Daniel, Frank Kime, Jr.,
and the Rev. Moon. They are the forerunners of the antichrist
(antimessiah) who is being anticipated, especially by those who follow
the teaching of the Kabala , aka Cabala or Kaballah.

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