
Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed
Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed Amightywind Ministries 58 意见 • 2 月 前

⁣Fake Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit revealed

⁣For the cause of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the Truth we are battling a network of satanists disguised as Christians on YouTube. In the Anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit we expose, rebuke and reprove the enemies of GOD who have targeted AmightyWind Ministry and our Pastor Elisabeth Elijah for harassment, character assassination and defamation. In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name we battle the bride of satan who are planted in the midst of the Christian community to sow lies, confuse and deceive the people. They are mainly targeting lukewarm Christians and new converts for recruitment, teaching them by example to twist the Word of GOD and use it as a weapon against AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah who is "yahsladynred on YouTube and to provoke GOD Almighty through blaspheming what they don't even understand. Please visit our main channels; yahsladynred, YAHSLittleOne, ablewaterwalker, YAHSservant777, yahsservant007, jarofclay9, YAHSsheep777, TrustYAH777, YAHsHolyMinistry, Lawkeeper101, WeepingLambofYAH, YAHUSHUASFIRE, DaughterofYAH27, EFESIOSSEISDIEZ, Reuven0725, YTforYAHUSHUA, native0083, he4rtofflesh, atyahushuasfeet7, Abbasbeeloved, superprayer777, chos3n23, VictoryinYAHUSHUA777, 4theTruth100, Daughterofdestiny100, yahschild144,vinnyhb2, seekYAHUSHUA and more to be blessed with the Truth, Testimonies for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Glory and the Prophecies that were spoken by ABBA YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (yahsladynred).
The following YouTube usernames are enemies of all that is good and Holy, and consist of satanists, occultists, witches and character assassins posing as Christians that have targeted AmightyWind Ministry with senseless assaults, horrendous propaganda, hate campaigns, slanderous lies and harassment: Pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq, Bruce Brickner, tjbrook88 aka Karen aka Connie, DRusseII aka Darlene Russell, savedbyjesusblood aka jesuslovesroger, Nephtali1981 aka taliforgod, MLove4Christ aka Molly Love, violetkitty411, pothead ThickShades, marijuana addict ThickShadesResponse, satanist ThickShadesRaw, stalker ThickShades0, troll ThickShadescom, harasser ThickShades1 aka dohmightywind aka lomightywind aka lolmightywind aka duhmightywind, shockofchrist, lostandfoundher, KECOG, lacybunny, TheKathleenBean aka wisdomhunter93, donny71954, crosswayokc, troll mimicaxresurrected, stalker mimicabastardos, harasser ytguiltyconscience, gluteusilluminatus aka theglutesofwrath aka theglutesoflove, inventorgorilla, Ashley Dakota... these are all enemies of YAH. Please do not visit their channels or watch their videos for your own spiritual wellbeing as these people are demonized and driven by satan to attack AmightyWind/AlmightyWind Ministry.

Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion
Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion Amightywind Ministries 145 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion

⁣Oh but America, you who are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who
trample the little ones underneath your feet, the rich and the powerful
that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to
these. What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will
work? You think you've been protected from that which you've done? You
think you're going to kill the masses of the poor, and MY wrath will not
touch you? Oh, you foolish scientists. Oh, you foolish physicians, I
will confound you. For those who are truly of ME, YAHUVEH for those who
truly put MY Son YAHUSHUA as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those
who love US and obey and strive to be holy each day. I have put what is a
true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there and
it will be as the children of Israel and these plagues did not come nigh

And now I speak to all the nations of the world, satan
seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments
far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have
but I make the same promises to you. Pray a blessing over that water
each time you drink say, "This represents the Living Water of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH and nothing can harm me." Don't purposely drink that which
you know is tainted. When I give you no other way that is when it is
going to take faith.

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not.
Remember, satan wants to counterfeit everything I
created. He does it through the name of science. But pray over that
food, believe ME, believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put
life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell
you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create
just as he can create, eat my food its better. I can create a chicken
that will not have the bird flu. "

Why you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know
that it is you that manufactured that disease?
It did not come from ME. When they say "You must be
vaccinated, Oh, there's a deadly, deadly virus here. We must round you
up and put you in a stadium if you will not obey. We cannot have you
contaminate the rest."

Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA,
and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your
faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest.
Jam the capitol's lines say, "You will not take away our
provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you
will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies."
Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not
warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the
minority but now you believe the illusions lies.

Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers
Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers Amightywind Ministries 156 意见 • 3 月 前

⁣Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers

⁣Prophecy Extract: The plants are what the satanists call them. An
occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of
these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH,
am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new
eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands
to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the
arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH
so it shall happen again.

This year some evil pastors, the
plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock
ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the
Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil,
No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan
and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are
evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus
Christ, it is a different 'Savior' they are leading them to, to the feet
of the antichrist!!!

The people then start to worship the leader
and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and
seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and
only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great "I AM!" But instead worry about
offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion,
hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits
and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had.

When they fall
under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at
YAHUSHUA's feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don't even
understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them
finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and
slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are
offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but
it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in
all main line churches.

But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the
only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To
chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it.